|  | HELP-808 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Tools.registration. | Davide Dalle Carbonare | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1424 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.VM Problems. | Pablo Rodríguez Archilla | Closed |
 |  | HELP-20 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.HowToSubscribeToOrion | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-85 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.Store.BusinessFrameworkIntegration | Francisco de la Vega | Closed |
 |  | HELP-195 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Imposible acceder por ssh a las instancias del cloud de fiware lab | Jesus Movilla | Closed |
 |  | HELP-300 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Serious problems identified by developers using the FIWARE Lab Cloud (reported by CreateFI FIWARE accelerator project) | Henar Muñoz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-388 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Catalogue image names | Henar Muñoz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-403 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Data.CEP.Error running sample | Fabiana Fournier | Closed |
 |  | HELP-421 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Data.CEP.Unit Test 1 | Fabiana Fournier | Closed |
 |  | HELP-457 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.Store.PortalUpgrade | Francisco de la Vega | Closed |
 |  | HELP-483 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Data.CKAN.Problems with Data portal | Sergio Garcia Gomez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-499 | Finodex infodays in Santiago de Compostela and Bilbao (Spain) | Nuria de Lama Sanchez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-520 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.HelpForBuildingAnArchitectureUsingWirecloud | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-532 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Security.AuthorizationPDP.InstallGuideMissingLdaputilsPackage | Cyril Dangerville | Closed |
 |  | HELP-538 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.Store.PurchasePaidCKANDatasetWithoutPaying | Francisco de la Vega | Closed |
 |  | HELP-592 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Security.AuthorizationPDP.ServerCertificateSetupGuideUselessStep | Cyril Dangerville | Closed |
 |  | HELP-594 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Security.AuthorizationPDP.ApplicationSetupDocSetupConfusing | Cyril Dangerville | Closed |
 |  | HELP-596 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Security.AuthorizationPDP.ServerPreliminarySetupSettingJavaHome | Cyril Dangerville | Closed |
 |  | HELP-604 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.IoT.IDAS.SpecifyUserMustExecute | Carlos Ralli Ucendo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-607 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.IoT.IDAS.MissingMongodbInstallStep | Carlos Ralli Ucendo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-611 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.IoT.IDAS.FixFormattingCodeExamples | Carlos Ralli Ucendo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-612 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.IoT.IDAS.ExplainVariables | Carlos Ralli Ucendo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-615 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.IoT.IDAS.FixMethodLoadEnvironmentVariables | Carlos Ralli Ucendo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-616 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.IoT.IDAS.FixErrorsNeoidas-monitbd | Carlos Ralli Ucendo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-617 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.IoT.IDAS.FixErrorsNeoidas | Carlos Ralli Ucendo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-618 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.IoT.IDAS.Notifyinitwithtelinit | Carlos Ralli Ucendo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-620 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.IoT.IDAS.RedundantMonitInstallInformation | Carlos Ralli Ucendo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-621 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.IoT.IDAS.InconsistentMonitMethods | Carlos Ralli Ucendo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-622 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.IoT.IDAS.MissingInfoMonit | Carlos Ralli Ucendo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-623 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.IoT.IDAS.MissingDownloadJava | Carlos Ralli Ucendo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-624 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.IoT.IDAS.MissingDownloadTomcat7 | Carlos Ralli Ucendo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-625 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.IoT.IDAS.ExecutionTomcat | Carlos Ralli Ucendo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-626 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.IoT.IDAS.FixIoTAgent | Carlos Ralli Ucendo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-627 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.IoT.IDAS.MissingentityPatterns | Carlos Ralli Ucendo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-628 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.IoT.IDAS.PlatformArchitecture | Carlos Ralli Ucendo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-629 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.IoT.IDAS.DonotuseInittab | Carlos Ralli Ucendo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-630 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.IoT.IDAS.InstallfromSource | Carlos Ralli Ucendo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-658 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.IoT.IDAS.ListPackageDependenciesNeoidas | Carlos Ralli Ucendo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-697 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Trento.Not disk space available. | Trento Node Team | Closed |
 |  | HELP-701 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.SwDeployConfig.Cloud image Chef recipe fails | Jesus Perez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-703 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Data.OrionContextBroker.InstallationUbuntu | Fermín Galán | Closed |
 |  | HELP-712 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Security.IDM-KeyRock.Runninglocally | Alvaro Alonso | Closed |
 |  | HELP-716 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Security.IDM-KeyRock.Incomplete/obsoleteCapistrano | Alvaro Alonso | Closed |
 |  | HELP-721 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.How I get Login Credentials for Instance | Jesus Movilla | Closed |
 |  | HELP-723 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.PaaSManager.Hosting of FIWARE GEs, scalability, architecture | Henar Muñoz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-757 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Data.Stream-oriented.Trying_to_install_some_applications | NaevaTeC Development Team | Closed |
 |  | HELP-775 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.Store.OldVersionVideoTutorial | Francisco de la Vega | Closed |
 |  | HELP-780 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.Store.LackOfLegalInformation | Francisco de la Vega | Closed |
 |  | HELP-782 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.Store.LackOfLegalInformation | Francisco de la Vega | Closed |
 |  | HELP-784 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.MashupMissingDependencies | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-785 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.WebUI.InterfaceDesigner.InstanceDeployment | Cvetan Stefanovski | Closed |
 |  | HELP-788 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.WebUI.InterfaceDesigner.EduResourceNotWorking | Cvetan Stefanovski | Closed |
 |  | HELP-789 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.WebUI.InterfaceDesigner.MissingChildElements | Cvetan Stefanovski | Closed |
 |  | HELP-793 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.WebUI.RealVirtualInteraction.Fix_installation_guide | J-P Viuhkola | Closed |
 |  | HELP-795 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Data.OrionContextBroker.TypoInPath | Fermín Galán | Closed |
 |  | HELP-796 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Data.OrionContextBroker.TypoInCode | Fermín Galán | Closed |
 |  | HELP-797 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Data.OrionContextBroker.WrongSentence | Fermín Galán | Closed |
 |  | HELP-801 | [Fiware-feedback] GE Catalogue down | Davide Dalle Carbonare | Closed |
 |  | HELP-802 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.WebUI.RealVirtualInteraction.E2E_test_fails | J-P Viuhkola | Closed |
 |  | HELP-809 | FIWARE.Request.General.FIWARE.Request.Tech.Is the Fi-Ware a PaaS platform?. | Miguel Carrillo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-812 | FIWARE.Request.General.Re: Fi-Ware guide? | Nuria de Lama Sanchez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-813 | FIWARE.Request.General.FIWARE.Request.Lab.FI-Lab Assistance. | Miguel Carrillo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-821 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Security.IDM-KeyRock.Purchasedbutton | Alvaro Alonso | Closed |
 |  | HELP-825 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.IoT.IoTDiscovery.BrokenLinks | Tarek Elsaleh | Closed |
 |  | HELP-838 | FIWARE.Request.Speaker. Safe Cities Event 2014 | Nuria de Lama Sanchez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-845 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.CloudPortal.Overallinterface | Alvaro Alonso | Closed |
 |  | HELP-847 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Security.IDM-KeyRock.installationguide | Alvaro Alonso | Closed |
 |  | HELP-848 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.CloudPortal.loadingdata | Alvaro Alonso | Closed |
 |  | HELP-849 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.CloudPortal.elementsofCreateTier | Alvaro Alonso | Closed |
 |  | HELP-851 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.CloudPortal.modifyVM | Alvaro Alonso | Closed |
 |  | HELP-852 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.CloudPortal.Keypairsonlycanbedownloadedjustaftercreateit | Alvaro Alonso | Closed |
 |  | HELP-854 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.It is difficult to allocate an IP | Pablo Rodríguez Archilla | Closed |
 |  | HELP-855 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Deploying an instance takes too long | Jesus Movilla | Closed |
 |  | HELP-856 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Keypairs and security groups aren’t shared between regions | Henar Muñoz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-857 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Cannot see IPs associated to another region | Henar Muñoz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-861 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.CEP image hasn’t installed CEP | Jesus Movilla | Closed |
 |  | HELP-862 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Can not connect to CentOS-6.3-x86_64 instance via ssh port 22 | Henar Muñoz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-863 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Cannot connect to eidas-sbc-img instance via ssh port 22 | Guillermo Jimenez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-864 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.SwDeployConfig.RecipesFailing | Henar Muñoz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-865 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.SwDeployConfig.RecipesFailing | Jesus Perez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-869 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Cannot connect to augmented-reality-img instance via ssh port 22 | Pablo Rodríguez Archilla | Closed |
 |  | HELP-870 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Cannot connect to access-control-gei-tha-3.3.3-1 instance via ssh with associated keypair | Guillermo Jimenez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-871 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Problems faced by external partners in connecting to a VM in FI-LAB | José Ignacio Carretero Guarde | Closed |
 |  | HELP-872 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.CloudPortal.Nothelptext | Alvaro Alonso | Closed |
 |  | HELP-873 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.CloudPortal.fullinstancename | Alvaro Alonso | Closed |
 |  | HELP-874 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.CloudPortal.Errormessages | Alvaro Alonso | Closed |
 |  | HELP-875 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.CloudPortal.Notvisibleelements | Alvaro Alonso | Closed |
 |  | HELP-877 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.PaaSManager.LackOfINformation | Jesus Perez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-880 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.NotWorkingOperatorErrorDialog | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-881 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.CloudPortal.showingblueprint | Alvaro Alonso | Closed |
 |  | HELP-882 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.CloudPortal.VMsresources | Alvaro Alonso | Closed |
 |  | HELP-883 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.SwDeployConfig.Cloud.PaaSManager.VmsNoDeleted | Jesus Movilla | Closed |
 |  | HELP-884 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.CloudPortal.GoogleChromegetsfrozen | Alvaro Alonso | Closed |
 |  | HELP-888 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Prague.Cannot allocate IP in Prague region | Prague Node Helpdesk | Closed |
 |  | HELP-891 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.Store.CreateEditAndDeleteButtonsReview | Francisco de la Vega | Closed |
 |  | HELP-892 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.Store.ResourcesHeaderWithoutContent | Francisco de la Vega | Closed |
 |  | HELP-895 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.NoDifferenceBetweenAllStoresAndStore | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-899 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.Software.ConfirmTabDeletion | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-901 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.NegativeCellHeightAndWidth | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-904 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.TabPreferencesIssues | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-905 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.AddResetButtonToPreferenceDialogs | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-909 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.TabPreferecesAllowsNegativeSizes | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-912 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.FI-Lab Assistance. | Guillermo Jimenez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-916 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Security.IDM-KeyRock.ApplicationCreation | Alvaro Alonso | Closed |
 |  | HELP-917 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Security.IDM-KeyRock.Removecollaborator | Alvaro Alonso | Closed |
 |  | HELP-918 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Security.IDM-KeyRock.Sessionswitch | Alvaro Alonso | Closed |
 |  | HELP-919 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.EmptyWidgetDocumentation | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-928 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Problems faced by external partners in connecting to a VM in FI-LAB. | José Ignacio Carretero Guarde | Closed |
 |  | HELP-929 | [Fiware-ops-help] Website links | Federico Michele Facca | Closed |
 |  | HELP-931 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.CloudPortal.Webinterface | Alvaro Alonso | Closed |
 |  | HELP-933 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Security.AuthorizationPDP.ObsoleteLinkToREST_API_Doc | Cyril Dangerville | Closed |
 |  | HELP-934 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.CloudPortal.Securitygrouprules | Alvaro Alonso | Closed |
 |  | HELP-935 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Slow network | José Ignacio Carretero Guarde | Closed |
 |  | HELP-936 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.PiraeusN.Athens-Neuropublic Cloud: number of IPs. | PiraeusN Node Helpdesk | Closed |
 |  | HELP-937 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Fwd: R: R: Re: Problems faced by external partners in connecting to a VM in FI-LAB. | José Ignacio Carretero Guarde | Closed |
 |  | HELP-938 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.CloudPortal.UIglitches | Alvaro Alonso | Closed |
 |  | HELP-940 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.WebUI.GISDataProvider.GIS_Data_Provider_running | Cyber Lightning | Closed |
 |  | HELP-941 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Data.Stream-oriented.Problem_trying_to_deploy_test_application | NaevaTeC Development Team | Closed |
 |  | HELP-943 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Data.Stream-oriented.The_service_of_kurento_doesn't_allow_the_status | NaevaTeC Development Team | Closed |
 |  | HELP-944 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Data.Stream-oriented.Wrong_link_in_Kurento_examples | NaevaTeC Development Team | Closed |
 |  | HELP-945 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.FI-Lab Assistance. | Uwe Herzog | Closed |
 |  | HELP-946 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Problem with server. | Pablo Rodríguez Archilla | Closed |
 |  | HELP-947 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.account.lab.fi-ware.org is down. | José Ignacio Carretero Guarde | Closed |
 |  | HELP-948 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Security.IDM-KeyRock.Pagenotworking | Alvaro Alonso | Closed |
 |  | HELP-951 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.MissingIntialWidgetDevelopmentDocumentation | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-957 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.HomepageLinkNotWorking | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-958 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.DocBrokenVideoLink | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-959 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.Documentation.BadVideoTutorialQuality | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-960 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.DocSpellingError | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-961 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Data.CEP.Proton Development Web UI | Fabiana Fournier | Closed |
 |  | HELP-962 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Data.Stream-oriented.Uncorrected_video_guide | NaevaTeC Development Team | Closed |
 |  | HELP-964 | FIWARE.Request.General.FIWARE.Request.Lab.Question. | Miguel Carrillo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-966 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.SwDeployConfig.NoParseableDate | Jesus Movilla | Closed |
 |  | HELP-969 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Connection to VM instances | Guillermo Jimenez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-970 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.CloudPortal.ImportKeypair | Alvaro Alonso | Closed |
 |  | HELP-971 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Data.OrionContextBroker.SensorsData | Fermín Galán | Closed |
 |  | HELP-973 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.FI-Lab Assistance. | Jesus Movilla | Closed |
 |  | HELP-978 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.PiraeusU.Athens-UPRC Cloud: Security groups port mapping | PiraeusU Node Helpdesk | Closed |
 |  | HELP-980 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.CloudPortal.Fastclicking | Alvaro Alonso | Closed |
 |  | HELP-983 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.Store.OfferingsNotDeleted | Francisco de la Vega | Closed |
 |  | HELP-986 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.CloudPortal.DeleteInstanceSnapshot | Alvaro Alonso | Closed |
 |  | HELP-989 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.CloudPortal.ContainersLargeFileUpload | Alvaro Alonso | Closed |
 |  | HELP-990 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.CloudPortal.UIFileUpload | Alvaro Alonso | Closed |
 |  | HELP-991 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Cloud.PaaSManager.ExceededQuota | Guillermo Jimenez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-993 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.CloudPortal.Documentation | Alvaro Alonso | Closed |
 |  | HELP-994 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Cloud: Instance Password | José Ignacio Carretero Guarde | Closed |
 |  | HELP-995 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.CloudPortal.ImportKeypair | Alvaro Alonso | Closed |
 |  | HELP-996 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Data.Stream-oriented.There_isn't_much_information_about_chef_recipes | NaevaTeC Development Team | Closed |
 |  | HELP-997 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Data.Stream-oriented.Lab_image_Chef_Recipes | NaevaTeC Development Team | Closed |
 |  | HELP-999 | [Fiware-speakers-request] Finodex infodays in Santiago de Compostela and Bilbao (Spain) | Nuria de Lama Sanchez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1002 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.WebUI.XML3D.TestResourcesFromGuideNotAvailable | Torsten Spieldenner | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1003 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.WebUI.XML3D.LoadingJsonResourcesFails | Torsten Spieldenner | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1005 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.PiraeusU.Athens-UPRC Cloud: Volume attached but not present | PiraeusU Node Helpdesk | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1006 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.PaaSManager.FI-Lab Assistance | Jesus Movilla | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1007 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.WebUI.Synchronization.Incomplete data model documentation | Lasse Öörni | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1008 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.WebUI.Synchronization.Unfinished sentence in scene explanation | Lasse Öörni | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1009 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.WebUI.Synchronization.Unit test 4 fails for a precompiled server deployed on a FiLab machine with Ubuntu Server | Lasse Öörni | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1011 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.WebUI.Synchronization.Binary installation fails for virtualized Ubuntu Desktop | Lasse Öörni | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1013 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.WebUI.POIDataProvider.POI_Data_Provider_end_to_end_testing_fails | Ari Okkonen | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1014 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.WebUI.POIDataProvider.Typo_in_Installing_POI_Data_Provider_section_of_installation_guide | Ari Okkonen | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1016 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.IoT.IDAS.CloudImage | Carlos Ralli Ucendo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1021 | FIWARE.Request.General.Question about enablers | Miguel Carrillo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1035 | FIWARE.Request.General.Doubts | Miguel Carrillo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1036 | FIWARE.Request.General.FIWARE.Request.Lab.Unsubscribe | Miguel Carrillo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1046 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.ErrorPublishingWidget | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1047 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.Store.NonClickableCheckboxSelectingResource | Francisco de la Vega | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1049 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.CloudPortal.CreatingSecurityGroup | Alvaro Alonso | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1050 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.HideDocAndHomepageButtonsIfNotProvided | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1051 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.Store.SettingNotificationDefaultURL | Francisco de la Vega | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1054 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.CloudPortal.AddingnewSecurityGroup | Alvaro Alonso | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1056 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.CloudPortal.CSStexterror | Alvaro Alonso | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1058 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Security.IDM-KeyRock.Externalapplication | Alvaro Alonso | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1059 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.CloudPortal.externalapplications | Alvaro Alonso | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1060 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.Store.DeletionErrorInNonPublishedOffering | Francisco de la Vega | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1062 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.IoT.IoTDiscovery.Broken links | Tarek Elsaleh | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1063 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.IoT.IDAS.ExportFolder | Carlos Ralli Ucendo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1064 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.IoT.IDAS.UserAdd Error | Carlos Ralli Ucendo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1066 | FIWARE.Request.General.FIWARE.Request.Lab.FI-Lab Assistance | Miguel Carrillo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1067 | FIWARE.Request.General.FIWARE.Request.Lab.Access to FIWARE lab | Miguel Carrillo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1068 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.PaaSManager.PortalError | Henar Muñoz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1069 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.CloudPortal.ChangePasswordofImage | Alvaro Alonso | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1073 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.CloudPortal.DetachVolume | Alvaro Alonso | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1093 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.WebUI.RealVirtualInteraction.Missing_from_catalogue | J-P Viuhkola | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1095 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.WebUI.RealVirtualInteraction.Unable_configure_cross-origin_requests | J-P Viuhkola | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1096 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.IoT.IDAS.neoidasDocumentation | Carlos Ralli Ucendo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1115 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Budapest.Instance lost | Sándor Laki | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1117 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Network problems | Daniele Santoro | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1118 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.WebUI.RealVirtualInteraction.GIS_Data_Provider-404 | J-P Viuhkola | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1131 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.E-Mail confirmation not received | Daniele Santoro | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1143 | FIWARE.Request.General.FIWARE.Request.Lab.Password negata. | Stefano De Panfilis | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1144 | FIWARE.Request.General.FABulous - without Fiware? | Stefano De Panfilis | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1154 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.FI-Lab Assistance | Daniele Santoro | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1156 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Cannot connect to CentOS-6.3-x86_64 instance with keypair | Henar Muñoz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1162 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.FI-Lab Assistance | Daniele Santoro | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1164 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Connection | Daniele Santoro | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1165 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.FI-Lab Assistance | Daniele Santoro | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1166 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Problemas Maquina virtual | Guillermo Jimenez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1167 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Tools.Italian/English mixed message when closing window of SCORM based webminar course | Davide Dalle Carbonare | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1172 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.FI Lab private networks. | Jesus Perez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1175 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Data.OrionContextBroker.InstallOrion | Fermín Galán | Closed |