|  | HELP-972 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Volos.NITOS-UTH Cloud: No available networks | Volos Node Helpdesk | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1607 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Can't reach Cosmos from Orion. | José Ignacio Carretero Guarde | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1651 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.FI-Lab Assistance. | Jesus Movilla | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1706 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.cannot access instances in testbed | Henar Muñoz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-3715 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.IoT.IDAS.IoTAgentMQTTSegmentationFault | Carlos Ralli Ucendo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-7 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Re: Sobre cloud.lab.fi-ware.org. | Fernando Lopez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-198 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.FI-Lab Assistance | Fernando Lopez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-356 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Berlin.cloud portal not acccessible | Berlin Node Helpdesk | Closed |
 |  | HELP-415 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Ubuntu repositories | Henar Muñoz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-430 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Data.CEP.Unit Test 7, Case 2 - Export to external repository | Fabiana Fournier | Closed |
 |  | HELP-518 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Data.CEP.Unit Test 7, Case 1, Step 5 | Fabiana Fournier | Closed |
 |  | HELP-572 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.Store.WidgetRenderingTimeProblem | Francisco de la Vega | Closed |
 |  | HELP-579 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.ClarifyWhatWidgetAreNotRated | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-580 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.WidgetAcquiredButNotListedInMyResources | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-792 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.WebUI.RealVirtualInteraction.Binary_missing_RVI_guide | J-P Viuhkola | Closed |
 |  | HELP-794 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.WebUI.RealVirtualInteraction.Fix_documentation | J-P Viuhkola | Closed |
 |  | HELP-820 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.MarketplaceSearchesAreNotWorking | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-829 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.ClarifyUserNeedToWireWidgets | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-830 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.ErrorLoadingWiringView | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-832 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.DashboardDevelopment.WiringSeemsOkButNotWorking | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-833 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.WidgetNotFoundWarning | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-836 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.UselessMulticonnector | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-867 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.Template.WSGI_Issue | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-898 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.WeatherWidgetExampleThrowsException | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-903 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.SupportEditingWorkspaceSettingsFromWiringView | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-915 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.Software.BrowserIssues | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-922 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.SupportAddingWidgetsDinamically | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-923 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.CannotProgramaticallyHideOrResizeWidget | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-926 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.HowToUseWidgetsAndMashupWithoutWirecloud | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-927 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.MissingLinkToFullDocumentation | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-953 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.DocumentationMissingSomeStartingHints | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1061 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.IssueBindingStoreResourcesUploadedFromWirecloud | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1094 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.WebUI.RealVirtualInteraction.Cannot_install_due_dependency_problems | J-P Viuhkola | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1110 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.WebUI.CloudRendering.Catalogue.Availability | Cvetan Stefanovski | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1157 | FIWARE.Request.Mundus.Re: Hub in Germany | Stefano De Panfilis | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1176 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.BadRequestInEclipsePlugin | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1180 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Data.BigData-Analysis.VerySlowSharkConnection | Francisco Romero | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1329 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Security.AuthorizationPDP.WrongPathInUnitTest7 | Cyril Dangerville | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1344 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Problems with the launch of eidas-sbc-img. | José Ignacio Carretero Guarde | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1345 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Stockholm.Attach volume 500 Error. Stockholm Region | Roland Elverljung | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1350 | FIWARE.Request.Mundus. Ensuring that joining the federation requests are correctly being handed over to XIFI, as long as XIFI is still around | Stefano De Panfilis | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1358 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.SSH access to instance. | José Ignacio Carretero Guarde | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1363 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.PaaSManager.BlueprintInformation | Henar Muñoz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1425 | FIWARE.Request.Mundus.Re: Ireland | Stefano De Panfilis | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1429 | FIWARE.Request.Ops. Request for Ops Fiware | Federico Michele Facca | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1439 | FIWARE.Request.Ops. fiware ops member | Federico Michele Facca | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1443 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Budapest.Some question about fi-ware development.. | Sándor Laki | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1470 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Data.BigData-Analysis.SharkConnectionTimeout | Francisco Romero | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1491 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.IoT.BackendIoTBroker.MissingRepo | Stefan Gessler | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1506 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Re: R: Re: FINESCE Review. | José Ignacio Carretero Guarde | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1514 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.HowAccessWirecloudFromCloudImage | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1539 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Data.BigData-Analysis.SharkConnectionTimeout4 | Francisco Romero | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1540 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Data.OrionContextBroker.MultipleInstances | Fermín Galán | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1546 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Problemas con fi-ware. | Jose Maria Peribañez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1549 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Data.CEP.REST API | Fabiana Fournier | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1551 | FIWARE.Request.General. question | Miguel Carrillo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1552 | FIWARE.Request.General. FIWARE compatible design | Miguel Carrillo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1553 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Data.BigData-Analysis.R: COSMOS : Execution Error, return code -101 from shark.execution.SparkTask. | Daniele Santoro | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1554 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Virtual Machine remote connection. | Florian Schreiner | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1555 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain. (a wirecloud instance) not reachable from (ENG's branch in Sicily) | Henar Muñoz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1556 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Re: Help Multiple Orion Instances on FiLab. | Daniele Santoro | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1565 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.VM esom in FI-LAB. | Guillermo Jimenez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1566 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.FI-LAB Assistance. | Guillermo Jimenez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1577 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Problem on Cloud. | Guillermo Jimenez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1578 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Attaching volume to instance. | Jesus Perez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1579 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Cosmos is down | José Ignacio Carretero Guarde | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1580 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.FI-Lab Assistance | Henar Muñoz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1581 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.PaaSManager.Information | Jesus Movilla | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1582 | FIWARE.Request.General.FIWARE.Request.Lab.Inquiry FIWARE LAB. | Miguel Carrillo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1583 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Data.BigData-Analysis.SharkConnectionTimeout2 | Francisco Romero | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1585 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.PaaSManager.ExceededQuota | Jesus Movilla | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1586 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.No more floating ips in pool net8300. | Guillermo Jimenez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1591 | FIWARE.Request.General.FIWARE.Request.Lab.Ubuntu 12 image. | Miguel Carrillo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1592 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.my virtual machin dont run. | Jose Maria Peribañez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1595 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Floating IP. | Guillermo Jimenez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1596 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Problem with test FIWARE instance. | Jose Maria Peribañez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1597 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Re: Floating IP | Henar Muñoz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1603 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Problem with fiware vm instance. | José Ignacio Carretero Guarde | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1604 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Can't create volume. | Guillermo Jimenez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1608 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.COSMOS server down. | José Ignacio Carretero Guarde | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1609 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.FI-Lab Assistance. | José Ignacio Carretero Guarde | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1611 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Terminating instances. | Jesus Perez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1612 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Instances stuck on SHUTOFF/deleting. | Jesus Movilla | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1613 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Data.BigData-Analysis.CosmosAccessNotAvailable | Francisco Romero | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1615 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Maintenance activity on FI-Lab VMs?. | José Ignacio Carretero Guarde | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1616 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.FI-Lab Assistance. | Jesus Perez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1617 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.FI-Lab Assistance | Henar Muñoz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1626 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.problems creating instances on new account and questions re images/flavors. | Jesus Perez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1629 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Endless process terminating an instance | Henar Muñoz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1630 | FIWARE.Request.General.FIWARE.Request.Tech.Technical information about FIWARE. | Miguel Carrillo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1632 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.FI-Lab Assistance. | Jesus Perez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1633 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Terminating and creating instances. | José Ignacio Carretero Guarde | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1634 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.No conecto al servidor: "Server refused key" | Henar Muñoz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1635 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.VM errors. | Jesus Movilla | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1636 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.problem with server spain. | Jesus Perez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1637 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.problemas con instancia | Henar Muñoz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1638 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Error servidor en estado rebooting. | Jose Maria Peribañez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1644 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Regarding deleting of instances | Henar Muñoz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1645 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.CRITICAL: data.lab.fi-ware.org VM down | José Ignacio Carretero Guarde | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1646 | FIWARE.Request.General. How to contact the Responsible for FI-WARE Big Data Enabler | Miguel Carrillo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1647 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Help recovering machine. | Jesus Movilla | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1648 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Re: problem with server spain | Jesus Movilla | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1649 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.VPS rebooting since sunday morning (it's monday). | Jose Maria Peribañez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1650 | FIWARE.Request.General.FIWARE.Request.Tech.Questions concerning FIWARE platfom. | Federico Michele Facca | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1652 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.PaaSManager.VMNoRegistered | Jesus Movilla | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1653 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Server down (URGENT!) | Henar Muñoz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1654 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.503 Error when launching an instance. | Guillermo Jimenez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1655 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Server down (URGENT!) | Henar Muñoz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1656 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.PaaSManager.VMNoRegistered | Jesus Movilla | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1657 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Server down (URGENT!) | Henar Muñoz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1658 | FIWARE.Request.General. FABulous Proposal | Miguel Carrillo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1659 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.problemas con instancia | Henar Muñoz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1660 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Regarding deleting of instances | Henar Muñoz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1661 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.SwDeployConfig.RecipesFailing | Jesus Movilla | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1662 | FIWARE.Request.General. Semantic Application Support | Miguel Carrillo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1663 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Connection problems. | Jose Maria Peribañez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1665 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.FI-Lab Assistance | Henar Muñoz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1666 | FIWARE.Request.SmartCities. Application - startup from Munich | Sergio Garcia Gomez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1670 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Re: FI-LAB Assistance. | Jose Maria Peribañez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1673 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Re: about FI-LAB Assistance. | Jesus Movilla | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1674 | FIWARE.Request.General.FIWARE.Request.Lab.Consultation. | Miguel Carrillo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1675 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.Documentation.HowToUseContextBrokerFromComponents | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1676 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.FI-Lab Assistance (Region Spain). | Jose Maria Peribañez | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1683 | FIWARE.Request.Ops. Info ! | Federico Michele Facca | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1692 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.FI-Lab Assistance. | José Ignacio Carretero Guarde | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1694 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Spain resources. | José Ignacio Carretero Guarde | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1695 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Can't login on instance using SSH client. | José Ignacio Carretero Guarde | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1700 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Data.OrionContextBroker.FIWAR.Tech.ssistance3 | Fermín Galán | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1703 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Status = ERROR when launching a VM. | José Ignacio Carretero Guarde | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1710 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Urgent: fiware VM not working | Henar Muñoz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1712 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.FI-Lab Assitance. | Uwe Herzog | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1713 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Urgent: Deleting instance and error state. | Uwe Herzog | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1718 | FIWARE.Request.General. http://www.fi-ware.org/consortium-collaboration-agreement/ | Miguel Carrillo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1719 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.VM in shut off status | Henar Muñoz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1720 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.FI-Lab Assistance. | Federico Michele Facca | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1721 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Re: Terminating and creating instances | Spain Node Support Team | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1722 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Problems with the launch of eidas-sbc-img | Spain Node Support Team | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1726 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.photo cutout service. | Spain Node Support Team | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1736 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Urgent: connection to the cloud. | Marco Cipriani | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1737 | [Fiware-lab-help] Cloud portal looks down | Federico Michele Facca | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1738 | [Fiware-lab-help] Urgent: connection to the cloud | Marco Cipriani | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1740 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Sensors data for Santander Sound Level Meters old. | Marco Cipriani | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1741 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.Context Broker is not working. | José Ignacio Carretero Guarde | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1743 | FIWARE.Request.SmartCities. FIWARE Smart Cities mailing list | Miguel Carrillo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1744 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.FI-Lab Assistance. | Federico Michele Facca | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1746 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.FI-Lab Assistance. | Marco Cipriani | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1748 | FIWARE.Request.General. Can a sports-web-project apply for FIWARE ACCELERATOR PROGRAMME? | Miguel Carrillo | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1749 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.problem in creating instances | Henar Muñoz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1750 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Budapest.Developing a mobile app using your cloud service. | Sándor Laki | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1756 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.FI-Lab Assistance. | Jesus Movilla | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1766 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Lannion.Pb to associate IP to instance. | Lannion Node Helpdesk | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1768 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Budapest.problem with my instance. | Budapest Node Helpdesk | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1769 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.problem with instance. | Daniele Santoro | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1770 | FIWARE.Request.General.Generic Enablers question | Jesus Movilla | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1771 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.FI-Lab technical problems.. | Jesus Movilla | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1782 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.FI-Lab Assistance. | Jesus Movilla | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1795 | FIWARE.Request.General. trouble obtaining a PIC | Pablo Honrubia | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1811 | FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.another ip address. | Jesus Movilla | Closed |
 |  | HELP-902 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Apps.ApplicationMashup.DashboardDevelopment.HardToDetectErrorsAboutDataTypeMismatch | Álvaro Arranz | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1471 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.IoT.BackendIoTBroker.Guides | Stefan Gessler | Closed |
 |  | HELP-1432 | FIWARE.Request.Tech.Security.AuthorizationPDP.XMLNsWronglyAssumedBrokenLink | Cyril Dangerville | Closed |