Status: Closed
Resolution: Done
Fix Version/s: Sprint 4.1.3
Sender Email:
Dear all, good morning,
I need to install different enablers in the same Virtual Machine of Fi-Lab
(because I only have a public IP address to access from my application) and
I don't know how I can do it.
I create a blueprint template and I add a tier with software, but I don't
find Orion Context Broker in the catalogue to install in the template
Other solution that I do is to create a Virtual Machine with Orion Context
Broker, but I don't know how to install in this machine Complex Event
Processing enabler and KeyRock Identity Manager.
I know that all this is really easy, but I don't find the correct way to do
Please, help me to use Fi-Ware!
Thank in advance and excuses for the inconveniences
Jesús Martinez
Centro de Desarrollo Empresarial - Edificio 9B
Universitat Politècnica de València
Camino de Vera s/n - 46022 Valencia - (Valencia) - SPAIN
(Email) <>
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[Created via e-mail received from: Jesus martinez <>]
Issue Links
- relates to
HELP-1585 FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.PaaSManager.ExceededQuota
- Closed
Dear Jesús,
As far as I know the Keyrock IDM does not have self-deployment facilities yet and you have to install it by hand.
As regards the other questions, I will send the internal ticket to the 2nd level of support and they will get in touch with you.
Best regards,
El 03/12/2014 10:10, Jesus martinez escribió:
Dear all, good morning,
I need to install different enablers in the same Virtual Machine of Fi-Lab (because I only have a public IP address to access from my application) and I don't know how I can do it.
I create a blueprint template and I add a tier with software, but I don't find Orion Context Broker in the catalogue to install in the template
Other solution that I do is to create a Virtual Machine with Orion Context Broker, but I don't know how to install in this machine Complex Event Processing enabler and KeyRock Identity Manager.
I know that all this is really easy, but I don't find the correct way to do it
Please, help me to use Fi-Ware!
Thank in advance and excuses for the inconveniences
Jesús Martinez
Centro de Desarrollo Empresarial - Edificio 9B
Universitat Politècnica de València
Camino de Vera s/n - 46022 Valencia - (Valencia) - SPAIN
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