Status: Answered
Resolution: Unresolved
Fix Version/s: None
Dear Team,
I'm working in NEC Technologies India Pvt Ltd. We have a huge team size who are working on FIWARE technologies and also we are a community contributors for various FIWARE components.
We are interested to setup and running a FIWARE-iHub. So in order to achieve the same We are planning to apply for incubated membership for FIWARE-iHub in this month.
I request you to please share the all available materials for FIWARE topics. It would be very helpful for us.
Thanks & Regards,
Chandradeep Kumar
NEC Technologies India Pvt Ltd.
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[Created via e-mail received from: Chandradeep Kumar <>]
Dear Chandradeep,
Thanks for the information. These are very good news!
If you are referring to info about the FIWARE iHubs, you can check
info available on the FIWARE iHubs page
<> on the FIWARE website.
Angeles Tejado, in copy, may send to you the latest versions of the
FIWARE Validation Center Agreement and the FIWARE Winning Members
Agreement. She can also provide to you with additional information you
may request. In this respect ... may you be a bit more specific what
materials for FIWARE topics you are looking for?
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