Status: Answered
Resolution: Unresolved
Fix Version/s: None
Dear Team,
I'm working in NEC Technologies India Pvt Ltd. We have a huge team size who are working on FIWARE technologies and also we are a community contributors for various FIWARE components.
We are interested to setup and running a FIWARE-iHub. So in order to achieve the same We are planning to apply for incubated membership for FIWARE-iHub in this month.
I request you to please share the all available materials for FIWARE topics. It would be very helpful for us.
Thanks & Regards,
Chandradeep Kumar
NEC Technologies India Pvt Ltd.
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[Created via e-mail received from: Chandradeep Kumar <>]
Dear Junajo,
Thank you for your support.
Decision on going for FIWARE-iHub has been pending from higher management in our organization.
That's why the this activity has been put on hold as of now.
From: Juanjo Hierro <>
Sent: 02 August 2021 09:58
To: Chandradeep Kumar <>;
Cc: Aneel Kumar <>
Subject: Re: [Fiware-collaboration-req] Request to share presentation material on FIWARE topics
Dear Chandradeep,
I would like to follow-up on this matter.
Did you finally go for creating a FIWARE iHub?
Juanjo Hierro
Chief Technology Officer<<>
Twitter: @fiware<> @JuanjoHierro<>
On 17/7/20 09:56, Chandradeep Kumar wrote:
Dear Juanjo, Angeles,
In additional to request of iHub materials" we would like to confirm about the company associated with "New Delhi" iHub as you informed in yesterday's Webinar. Could you please confirm whether it is NEC?
From: Chandradeep Kumar
Sent: 17 July 2020 12:24
To: 'Juanjo Hierro' <><
Cc: Angeles Tejado <><
Subject: RE: [Fiware-collaboration-req] Request to share presentation material on FIWARE topics
Dear Junajo,
Thank you for your response.
We had a meeting in last month i.e. on 1st June with you and my senior team member. We had a good discussion on setup of FIWARE-iHub.
In the meeting, you informed that we can get the materials which are already created by other established FIWARE-iHub.
I with other team member Aneel Kumar, Jagat Jot Singh had also attended yesterday's Webinar on "How to Successfully Create and Run a FIWARE iHub".
I appreciate the effort of FIWARE team to held this webinar. It was really helpful to know about story of other iHub team and their work.
From: Juanjo Hierro
Sent: 17 July 2020 12:09
To: Chandradeep Kumar <<
Cc: Angeles Tejado <<
Subject: Re: [Fiware-collaboration-req] Request to share presentation material on FIWARE topics
Dear Chandradeep,
Thanks for the information. These are very good news!
If you are referring to info about the FIWARE iHubs, you can check info available on the FIWARE iHubs page<> on the FIWARE website.
Angeles Tejado, in copy, may send to you the latest versions of the FIWARE Validation Center Agreement and the FIWARE Winning Members Agreement. She can also provide to you with additional information you may request. In this respect ... may you be a bit more specific what materials for FIWARE topics you are looking for?
On 17/07/2020 07:08, Chandradeep Kumar wrote:
Dear Team,
I'm working in NEC Technologies India Pvt Ltd. We have a huge team size who are working on FIWARE technologies and also we are a community contributors for various FIWARE components.
We are interested to setup and running a FIWARE-iHub. So in order to achieve the same We are planning to apply for incubated membership for FIWARE-iHub in this month.
I request you to please share the all available materials for FIWARE topics. It would be very helpful for us.
Thanks & Regards,
Chandradeep Kumar
NEC Technologies India Pvt Ltd.