Status: Closed
Resolution: Done
Fix Version/s: Sprint 4.1.3
Sender Email:
Thank for your response!!
I followed your suggestions and I have this error:
*Success: *Blueprint Instance PyroMachineBlueprint status.
Description: Create environment PyroMachineBlueprint
Status: ERROR
Error: Infrastructure error Error creating server: {"overLimit":
{"message": "Quota exceeded: code=InstanceLimitExceeded", "code": 413,
"retryAfter": 0}}
I only need to use Keyrock to manage different users and roles. If the
enabler give me the rol and the information about an user, it is ok for me.
Could you help me with this error?
2014-12-03 14:46 GMT+01:00 e.cloud13 <>:
Good morning Dear Jesús
> I suggest to Clone the ORION blueprint template available in the Catalog
> (Option Open Catalog) and afterwards enter into de blueprint cloned and add
> the software cep. The Keyrock Identity Manager is not available as a
> software to be installed in FIWARE. Why do you need it?
> If you have any further doubt do not hesitate to contact again
> Regards
> ------------------------------
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Jesús Martinez
Centro de Desarrollo Empresarial - Edificio 9B
Universitat Politècnica de València
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Centro de Desarrollo Empresarial - Edificio 9B
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HELP-1581 FIWARE.Request.Tech.Cloud.PaaSManager.Information
- Closed
I have been trying for 3 days to launch a Virtual Machine to develop an
application, and I haven' t been able to. For a developer, this is really
frustrating "
Jesús Martinez
Centro de Desarrollo Empresarial - Edificio 9B
Universitat Politècnica de València
Camino de Vera s/n - 46022 Valencia - (Valencia) - SPAIN
(Email) <>
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