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      Report user issue


      Tali Yatzkar Haham
      Event-based Middleware & Solutions
      IBM Haifa Research Lab, Israel 972-4-8296320

      ----- Forwarded by Tali Yatzkar-Haham/Haifa/IBM on 11/19/2014 01:12 PM

      From: "Liu, Zhiying" <>
      To: Tali Yatzkar-Haham/Haifa/IBM@IBMIL
      Date: 11/19/2014 11:57 AM
      Subject: Re: CEP usage

      Hello Tali,

      Many thanks for your reply! I will try it again.

      Best regards,
      Zhiying Liu

      Am 17.11.2014 um 15:31 schrieb Tali Yatzkar-Haham <>:

      Zhiying Liu,

      Thank you for using the CEP and Orion CB.

      Could you please send your question (and any future issue) to the
      fiware-tech-help as explained in the link? This will allow us better
      control on the requests and allow to involve the Orion people if needed.
      Please include the CEP definition file you are using (exported from the
      Web user interface).

      Meanwhile, as for your specific question, yes, the entity with all the
      required attribute should be already defined in the CB (note that this
      entity should be defined with all the attributes of the event, including
      the CEP build-in attributes).
      I would also suggest to add to the CEP consumer of type file with xml
      formatter. This way you will see the output event in the XML NGSI format
      in the file, and you could try to send it directly to the CB with REST.
      This might help to understand the problem.


      Tali Yatzkar Haham
      Event-based Middleware & Solutions
      IBM Haifa Research Lab, Israel 972-4-8296320

      From: "Liu, Zhiying" <>
      To: Tali Yatzkar-Haham/Haifa/IBM@IBMIL
      Date: 11/17/2014 01:07 PM
      Subject: CEP usage

      Dear Mr. Haham,

      I am trying to integrate CEP and Orion Context Broker to our system.

      I have defined my project from CEP Admin GUI, and with some input events I
      can get the expected output event written to a file, it is fine.

      However, there is problem when I define a consumer as REST type so that
      the derived events can be sent to orion context broker.
      1. I have defined the output event that is targeted to a context Broker
      with these required attributes:
      · entityId ? of type String
      · entityType ? of type String
      2. 2. Specified the URL of the context broker like this: http://<ip of
      the instance>:1026/v1/updateContext
      3. The context broker is started
      4. I can "http://<ip of the instance>:1026/v1/updateContext" by
      postman, and query my updated context as well.

      BUT, the context broker cannot receive any event generated from CEP.

      In the user guide, I read:
      "...a singleton entity of entity type CEPEventReporter and entity id
      CEPEventReporter was defined in the Context Broker".

      Should the entity be pre-defined in the context broker before accepting
      events from CEP? I tried both, e.g. predefined and not defined, it works
      from postman, but not through CEP.

      Could you help me in this problem?

      Thank you in advance!
      Zhiying Liu

      Telefon: 0221 6698 - 497
      Mobil: 0157 57986543

      Fiware-tech-help mailing list


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