Hi again Laura,
We are managing this internally. Let me come back to you on this if possible tomorrow. We will do our best to support this case.
Best regards, Nuria
From: Laura Kohler laura.kohler@etventure.com
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2014 5:21 PM
To: De Lama Sanchez, Nuria
Cc: fiware-speakers-req@lists.fi-ware.org; Winkler, Thomas
Subject: Re: [Fiware-speakers-request] EuropenPioneers: FIWARE evaluator needed for proposal evaluation
Dear Nuria,
yes, we are looking for someone to evaluate our proposals. We have a questionnaire of 34 questions - 3 of them are related to FIWARE. So this answers the question whether the proposals do focus more on the technology or on the business perspective - it's more the business perspective.
But as we think it is important to have a good understanding of FIWARE before entering our accelerator we asked our applicants to have an accurate look at the enablers, to understand how they could use them and which one they think they might use and to tell us why they would use them and how their businesses would benefit from using them. This is my expectation to their proposals. And this is also what I would ask the evaluator to assess.
I hope this helps?
Thanks a lot for your support!
Best regards,
Laura Kohler
Unit Head Innovation & Entrepreneurship
EuropeanPioneers FIWARE Accelerator
etventure GmbH
Büro Ackerhöfe, Berlin
Ackerstraße 14-15 · 10115 Berlin · Germany
+49 163 6405317<file:///\\localhost\tel\::+49%20163%206405%20317>
Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/etventure<http://www.twitter.com/etventure>
Find us on Facebook: facebook.com/etventure<http://www.facebook.com/etventure>
Sitz: Ackerstraße 14-15, D-10115 Berlin · Amtsgericht Berlin HRB 138987 B
Geschäftsführer: Philipp Depiereux, Philipp Herrmann, Dr. Christian Lüdtke
Am 03.11.2014 um 11:34 schrieb De Lama Sanchez, Nuria <nuria.delama@atos.net<nuria.delama@atos.net
Dear Laura,
So, I understand that you are not looking for a FIWARE speaker but someone with knowledge that can act as evaluator of your proposals.
I have followed the process of some accelerators and I am not sure to which degree your proposals cover FIWARE technologies in detail. Let me explain this: I have seen that some proposals make more emphasis now on the business idea itself and do not cover so much the technical details of the implementation, which makes quite difficult the assessment of the use of FIWARE technologies (for example with respect to the technical questionnaire provided by FIWARE on its portal). This depends very much on the way of running the calls by the different accelerators.
As I do not know your particular case, could you please advise on the aspects that could be more relevant for the evaluation of your proposals? (i.e. very deep knowledge on FIWARE technologies, more generic knowledge on FIWARE technologies but somehow business knowledge to assess the app...etc). I have seen that you want the evaluator to go through all the proposals for the technical criteria, but still this clarification would be useful.
Tell me something as soon as possible and I will forward the request to the FIWARE coaches and technical leaders.
Thanks in advance, Nuria
From: fiware-speakers-req-bounces@lists.fi-ware.org<fiware-speakers-req-bounces@lists.fi-ware.org
> fiware-speakers-req-bounces@lists.fi-ware.org
On Behalf Of Laura Kohler
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2014 9:43 AM
To: fiware-speakers-req@lists.fi-ware.org<fiware-speakers-req@lists.fi-ware.org
Subject: [Fiware-speakers-request] EuropenPioneers: FIWARE evaluator needed for proposal evaluation
Importance: High
Dear FIWARE experts,
I hope this email finds you well!
I do contact this list on suggestion of Stefano, because we do urgently need an evaluator for the evaluation of the FIWARE part of 265 applications that came in on Friday for our acceleration programme EuropeanPioneers.
This is what we would need the evaluator for:
1. Evaluation of the three relevant FIWARE questions of all proposals submitted to our call
Timing: Today until November 9th
Face-to-Face evaluation of start-ups invited to the Pitch day in Berlin (You should be able to travel to Berlin - we can cover the costs)
Timing: November, 19th (whole day)
Please let me know ASAP if you are available and if not who I could ask else wise.
Thank you very much!
Best regards,
Laura Kohler
Unit Head Innovation & Entrepreneurship
EuropeanPioneers FIWARE Accelerator
etventure GmbH
Büro Ackerhöfe, Berlin
Ackerstraße 14-15 · 10115 Berlin · Germany
+49 163 6405317<file:///\\localhost\tel\::+49%20163%206405%20317>
Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/etventure<http://www.twitter.com/etventure>
Find us on Facebook: facebook.com/etventure<http://www.facebook.com/etventure>
Sitz: Ackerstraße 14-15, D-10115 Berlin · Amtsgericht Berlin HRB 138987 B
Geschäftsführer: Philipp Depiereux, Philipp Herrmann, Dr. Christian Lüdtke
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Dear Laura,
So, I understand that you are not looking for a FIWARE speaker but someone with knowledge that can act as evaluator of your proposals.
I have followed the process of some accelerators and I am not sure to which degree your proposals cover FIWARE technologies in detail. Let me explain this: I have seen that some proposals make more emphasis now on the business idea itself and do not cover so much the technical details of the implementation, which makes quite difficult the assessment of the use of FIWARE technologies (for example with respect to the technical questionnaire provided by FIWARE on its portal). This depends very much on the way of running the calls by the different accelerators.
As I do not know your particular case, could you please advise on the aspects that could be more relevant for the evaluation of your proposals? (i.e. very deep knowledge on FIWARE technologies, more generic knowledge on FIWARE technologies but somehow business knowledge to assess the app...etc). I have seen that you want the evaluator to go through all the proposals for the technical criteria, but still this clarification would be useful.
Tell me something as soon as possible and I will forward the request to the FIWARE coaches and technical leaders.
Thanks in advance, Nuria
From: fiware-speakers-req-bounces@lists.fi-ware.org fiware-speakers-req-bounces@lists.fi-ware.org
On Behalf Of Laura Kohler
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2014 9:43 AM
To: fiware-speakers-req@lists.fi-ware.org
Subject: [Fiware-speakers-request] EuropenPioneers: FIWARE evaluator needed for proposal evaluation
Importance: High
Dear FIWARE experts,
I hope this email finds you well!
I do contact this list on suggestion of Stefano, because we do urgently need an evaluator for the evaluation of the FIWARE part of 265 applications that came in on Friday for our acceleration programme EuropeanPioneers.
This is what we would need the evaluator for:
1. Evaluation of the three relevant FIWARE questions of all proposals submitted to our call
Timing: Today until November 9th
Face-to-Face evaluation of start-ups invited to the Pitch day in Berlin (You should be able to travel to Berlin - we can cover the costs)
Timing: November, 19th (whole day)
Please let me know ASAP if you are available and if not who I could ask else wise.
Thank you very much!
Best regards,
Laura Kohler
Unit Head Innovation & Entrepreneurship
EuropeanPioneers FIWARE Accelerator
etventure GmbH
Büro Ackerhöfe, Berlin
Ackerstraße 14-15 · 10115 Berlin · Germany
+49 163 6405317<file:///\\localhost\tel\::+49%20163%206405%20317>
Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/etventure<http://www.twitter.com/etventure>
Find us on Facebook: facebook.com/etventure<http://www.facebook.com/etventure>
Sitz: Ackerstraße 14-15, D-10115 Berlin · Amtsgericht Berlin HRB 138987 B
Geschäftsführer: Philipp Depiereux, Philipp Herrmann, Dr. Christian Lüdtke
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