Status: Closed
Resolution: Done
Fix Version/s: 2021
Component/s: FIWARE-LAB-HELP
Dear fiware-lab-help,
My instance in FIWARE has JUST disappeared.
Again it looks like the Region is incorrectly assigned. This already happened in the past.
I was told my instance was granted until December... but it´s just gone...
I can´t even operate anything within my account. No images to instance available nor anything else...
Could you please check this?.
Here the info about the project info and credentials:
User name:
Tenant name: diazdaniel cloud
Tenant id: a50417b9046b4d8c9ee94bf8cc0434a8
Region: Budapest2
Authentication URL:
Best Regards.
Daniel Díaz Luengo
Valencia SmartCity Project Director | Telefónica | M2M Operations - Smart Cities
C/San Vicente, 148 Planta 6ª 46007. Valencia<> | Tel +34 608 79 98 73 | Tel +34 96 3872016
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Fiware-lab-help mailing list
[Created via e-mail received from: DANIEL DIAZ LUENGO <>]
Dear Daniel,
The solution is deleting the file /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules and rebooting your VM
The instance you are running is an old CentOS which has some problems and issues which have been solved in more recent versions. One othe problems it had is that the file '/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules' is created and if the MAC Address in that file and the MAC Address of the eth0 interface are not the same, the network won't have an IP address.
On 10th May we suffered a problem and a lot of ports (VMs network interfaces) were lost. We could assign back the original IP address to every VM in the system, but unfortunately, we couldn't keep the MAC Addresses the same. This is not a problem except for those instances built from old images. This is why you need to delete the file.
As the ports were lost, public IPs were desassignated. Anyway, I've assigned manually your IP to your VM
Hope this helps.
Best regards,
José Ignacio.