Type: extRequest
Status: Closed
Priority: Major
Resolution: Done
Fix Version/s: 2021
We would like to secure out ContextBroker so POSTS are allowed, but a
DELETE isn't. We've asked you about this and you've said we should do the
- You can configure as many PEPs as you want. You have only to modify the
> listening port.
> * You can configure an AuthZForce in
> You only need to configure the URL in which it is listening
> * To configure PEP to work with AuthZForce you have to use the Level 2 of
> security. Here you will find tutorials about this:
We've tried this, but we've had the following problems:
- If we pull the docker image of
fiware/authzforce-ce-server:release-5.4.0 or release-5.3.0a, the image
starts, but shuts down after a few seconds after which the logs state that
tomcat 7 can't be started. - When we run fiware/authzforce-ce-server:release-4.4.1b, we get a
tomcat with no webapp in the webapps directory other than the default
stuff. - Performing a manual installation using this guide
have the same result.
In your previous mail, it is stated that we need AuthZForce. However,
Keypass seems to do something similar. Can you explain the difference?
Can you help us with this?
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are really struggling to secure the ContextBroker to prevent DELETE
calls. So much that this has become an impediment to successfully finish
our sprint. As Scrum master of this team I would like to ask you kindly to
respond to the e-mail below. An indication of when we can expect a response
would also really be helpful.
We look forward to your response.