Status: Closed
Resolution: Dismissed
Fix Version/s: 2021
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I wanted to let you know about a great opportunity for SMEs and startups which I believe will be of interest to the FIWARE Accelerator community.
BRE<> is running a smart tech challenge call in partnership with the Mayor of London<>. The competition is looking for innovative digital technology that will help the capital's major utility infrastructure providers gain a shared understanding of the location and state of their underground assets. Winners will earn the opportunity to pitch their innovations directly to organisations involved in providing key infrastructure across the capital, which could include UK Power Networks, National Grid and Thames Water. All entrants will be profiled on a pan European innovation database, run by Synoptica<>, where buyers of clean tech are actively looking for innovative solutions.
The closing date for the competition is Friday 29 April.
More information is available online here<> and I've also attached an information pack. Let me know if you would like further details.
It would be great if you could circulate this opportunity to anyone you think might be interested.
Many thanks,
Jackie Sharp
Senior Sustainability Advisor
BRE, Bucknalls Lane, Watford, Herts, WD25 9XX Sat Nav Postcode WD25 9NH
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Building Research Establishment Ltd, Registered under number 3319324 in England and Wales. VAT Registration No GB 689 9499 27<>
BRE Global Limited, Registered under number 8961297 in England and Wales.<>
Building Research Establishment and BRE Global are subsidiaries of the BRE Trust.
BRE Trust is a company limited by guarantee, Registered under number 3282856 in England and Wales, and registered as a charity in England (no. 1092193) and in Scotland (no. SC039320).<>
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