Status: Closed
Resolution: Done
Fix Version/s: 2021
Component/s: FIWARE-LAB-HELP
Sender Email:
Dear Mr/Mrs,
my name is Thomai Giotopoulou and i am currently working under mermix
project, that has been funded from Fractals Consortium.
mermix's account on Fi Lab, includes 3 virtual machine instances, but for
the projects' needs its necessary to have 2 more instances in order to
complete it successfully.
Could you please advise us on how we can have 5 vm instances into our
Thank you in advance.
mermix team
26, Agias Paraskevis str,
PS 35100, Lamia, GREECE
t. +30 22310 54040
[image: Lobo_300x81]
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Fiware-lab-help mailing list
[Created via e-mail received from: mermix Access Nearby Tools <>]
Dear Team,
Could you please help us with the extra 2 VM creation?
Thanks kr
Dear all,
we have completed the migration process of the project VMs in collaboration with PiraeusN node. We have authorized the user to use PiraeusU node, and we have informed the user with the below email.
User do not send some particular problem. The current ticket could be considered as closed. In case there is some additional problem please raise a new ticket.
Best Regards,
PiraeusU node team
_Dear user,
with this email we would like to inform you that your VMs have been migrated from PiraeusN node to PiraeusU node and there are available as private image snapshots in the image list, that you can directly launch them and have back your VM instance.
Please follow the guidelines in the attached file and of course feel free to contact us for any further clarification and/or help.
Best Regards,
Dimitris Kelaidonis, on behalf of PiraeusU Openstack node team_