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  1. Help-Desk
  2. HELP-5667

FIWARE.Request.Tech.Data.CKAN.Ckan information


    • Type: extRequest
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Done
    • Fix Version/s: 2021
    • Component/s: FIWARE-TECH-HELP
    • Labels:
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    • HD-Enabler:



      We are trying to integrate Cygnus connector through this official repository configuration<https://github.com/telefonicaid/fiware-cygnus/blob/master/doc/installation_and_administration_guide/configuration.md> with the Global CKAN instance that is deployed on the Fiware Environment.
      We couldn’t figure out what is the CKAN IP/PORT and CKAN API KEY.

      Could you please help us on this topic?

      PS: Do we need to do another configuration step in the CKAN side for the integration?

      Kind regards
      Omer Ozdemir

      Research & Innovation

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        ckan-fiware-okfn OKFN CKAN team added a comment -

        Hi Omar,

        Yes, that’s the key you need. If you have further issues with permissions, you will need to speak to the Cygnus devs, or the lab maintainers. But any other CKAN issues, please raise another help ticket.



        ckan-fiware-okfn OKFN CKAN team added a comment - Hi Omar, Yes, that’s the key you need. If you have further issues with permissions, you will need to speak to the Cygnus devs, or the lab maintainers. But any other CKAN issues, please raise another help ticket. Best, Jo
        oozdemir Ozdemir, Omer added a comment - - edited

        Hello Jo,

        I have already an acouunt in the Fiware environment, I can sign into the global Ckan(https://data.lab.fiware.org/) aswell.
        When i browse the dashboard section in Ckan I see that I have an API key provate to me, I guess I'll be using this one.
        What about the permissions that you mentioned in your message? Do we need specific permissions for my user?

        Thanks kr

        oozdemir Ozdemir, Omer added a comment - - edited Hello Jo, I have already an acouunt in the Fiware environment, I can sign into the global Ckan( https://data.lab.fiware.org/ ) aswell. When i browse the dashboard section in Ckan I see that I have an API key provate to me, I guess I'll be using this one. What about the permissions that you mentioned in your message? Do we need specific permissions for my user? Thanks kr Omer
        ckan-fiware-okfn OKFN CKAN team added a comment -

        Hi Omer,

        The host and port will be those of the CKAN instance you wish to use as the data store. You will need a user on the CKAN instance that can create datasets and resources. This new user will have an API key that Cygnus will use when making requests to the CKAN instance. You will need to talk with the sys admins for the Global fiware CKAN instance who will create this user with appropriate permissions and give you the API key for that user.

        Many thanks ,


        ckan-fiware-okfn OKFN CKAN team added a comment - Hi Omer, The host and port will be those of the CKAN instance you wish to use as the data store. You will need a user on the CKAN instance that can create datasets and resources. This new user will have an API key that Cygnus will use when making requests to the CKAN instance. You will need to talk with the sys admins for the Global fiware CKAN instance who will create this user with appropriate permissions and give you the API key for that user. Many thanks , Jo
        ckan-fiware-okfn OKFN CKAN team added a comment -

        The host and port will be those of the CKAN instance you wish to use as the data store. You will need a user on the CKAN instance that can create datasets and resources. This new user will have an API key that Cygnus will use when making requests to the CKAN instance. You will need to talk with the sys admins for the Global fiware CKAN instance who will create this user with appropriate permissions and give you the API key for that user.

        ckan-fiware-okfn OKFN CKAN team added a comment - The host and port will be those of the CKAN instance you wish to use as the data store. You will need a user on the CKAN instance that can create datasets and resources. This new user will have an API key that Cygnus will use when making requests to the CKAN instance. You will need to talk with the sys admins for the Global fiware CKAN instance who will create this user with appropriate permissions and give you the API key for that user.


          • Assignee:
            ckan-fiware-okfn OKFN CKAN team
            oozdemir Ozdemir, Omer
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            0 Vote for this issue
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