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FIWARE.Question.Tech.Cloud.ObjectStorage.Setting up S3QL with FIWARE Object Storage GE (Openstack Swift)



      Created in FIWARE Q/A platform on 29-06-2015 at 07:06
      Answer this issue at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31108109/setting-up-s3ql-with-fiware-object-storage-ge-openstack-swift

      Setting up S3QL with FIWARE Object Storage GE (Openstack Swift)
      I am trying to setup S3QL with Object Storage GE and there seems to be only one piece of information missing.

      I successfully installed S3QL thanks to this pretty good tutorial: https://dmsimard.com/2014/09/29/s3ql-a-filesystem-over-http-with-swift/

      Now I am stuck when trying to mount an object-container 'test' that I created in region 'Lannion2'.

      The URL-syntax requires a 'region' to be defined (swiftks://<hostname>[:<port>]/<region>:<container>) but I have no clue how this maps to the fiware-stack. When trying the following command, s3ql seems to succeed in connecting and authenticating with Keystone but cannot find the region.

      mkfs.s3ql swiftks://cloud.lab.fiware.org:4730/Lannion2:test --backend-options no-ssl
      Enter backend login:
      Enter backend passphrase:

      Results in:

      No accessible object storage service found in region Lannion2 (available regions: )

      Unfortunately no available regions are listed in the response. Authentication works correctly as mistyping login or passphrase results in an authentication-error.

      Is there any documentation about the naming of regions in keystone/fiware cloud?


        meth Kalman Meth added a comment -

        Authenticate to keystone via:
        Post http://cloud.lab.fi-ware.org:4730/v2.0/tokens with Content-type application/json and Body: {"auth": {"passwordCredentials":

        {"username": "***", "password": "***"}

        , "tenantId":"***"}}

        In the response, you should receive a list of endpoints, including a swift endpoint. There should be an entry there that looks like:

        {"adminURL": "http://api2.xifi.imaginlab.fr:8080/v1", "region": "Lannion2", "internalURL": "http://api2.xifi.imaginlab.fr:8080/v1/AUTH_***", "id": "***", "publicURL": "http://api2.xifi.imaginlab.fr:8080/v1/AUTH_***"}


        meth Kalman Meth added a comment - Authenticate to keystone via: Post http://cloud.lab.fi-ware.org:4730/v2.0/tokens with Content-type application/json and Body: {"auth": {"passwordCredentials": {"username": "***", "password": "***"} , "tenantId":"***"}} In the response, you should receive a list of endpoints, including a swift endpoint. There should be an entry there that looks like: {"adminURL": "http://api2.xifi.imaginlab.fr:8080/v1", "region": "Lannion2", "internalURL": "http://api2.xifi.imaginlab.fr:8080/v1/AUTH_***", "id": "***", "publicURL": "http://api2.xifi.imaginlab.fr:8080/v1/AUTH_***"} ,


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            meth Kalman Meth
            backlogmanager Backlog Manager
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