Status: Closed
Resolution: Done
Fix Version/s: 2021
Sender Email:
Dear Sir/Madam,
Our company, Szint�zis-Net Kft., together with one of its partner organizations, would like to participate in the next FInish Open Call. Our organization will be responsible for the development and technical implementation of IT components of the project.
The information we got about the development using FIWARE technology is somewhat ambiguous, therefore, we would like to ask you to clarify this information by answering the following questions:
1. If our project wins, how will the process of the implementation look like?
a. Do we get access to the FIWARE development environment? If yes, will most of the development process take place within our company (in our case in Gy?r, Hungary) or do we also have to go to Developer�s Week events if necessary? In that case, how many occasions shall we count with? Any suggestions?
b. Or, will the whole development process take place during Developer�s Week events together with other winner candidates? Is there a place in Hungary where the development process can take place or will these Developer�s Week events be held in different places?
2. Can travel, accommodation and daily expenses of our colleagues participating in this project be entirely accounted within the total cost of the project?
3. Are costs of the services used for the development free of charge during the project? If so, will they remain free of charge even after the project has been completed?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Yours faithfully,
Edina, Kuntner
Project Administrator
Synthesis-Net LLC.
H-9023 Gy�r, Vasv�ri P�l u.1.
Office Phone: +36-96-550-521
Office Fax: +36-96-550-522
Cell Phone: +36-30-226-89-93
Skype: kuntnere<skype:SKYPE_ACC?chat|call><>
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