Status: Closed
Resolution: Done
Fix Version/s: 2021
Sender Email:
Dear sir, madam,
We are exploring if fiware can be used for our goals and in preparation to this we have read the available information on We have some questions we hope you can answer.
Fiware has implemented several General Enablers (GE). What we like to know is, what was the motivation or what were the criteria that resulted the set of GE? Our concern is continuity and support. Correct us if we're
wrong but it seems GE are chosen because they where donated to the fiware programm rather than chosen as a
result to preset criteria. Can you please comment?
The suppliers of GE-software mostly are organisations who are not a system integrator, nor software providers
but often departments within a university or telecom organisations. Our concern is, in which way is long term
support for GE-software guaranteed? Does Fiware have serie level agreements on the GE-software? What is the role of Fiware regarding support and continuity of the GE-software?
The GE-software are open source which implies that we can modify the code. However, what are the consequences of modifying code on support and bugfixes on parts not modified? On the other hand, we might not want to change the source code ourself and instead issue a change to the supplier of the GE-software. Is this route viable? What is the change a supplier of the GE-software is willing to fix an issued bug?
Kind regards,
Met vriendelijke groeten,
Harm Verschuren M.Sc.
Solution architect
Ringwade 1
3439 LM Nieuwegein
M +31 (0)6 1082 9029
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Fiware-general-help mailing list
[Created via e-mail received from: "Verschuren, Harm" <>]
Dear Harm,
We apologise for not answering before, we had some problems in managing our ticketing system, however better answer now than never.
Answering to your questions, these GE are functionalities provided by the different original partners in the project FIWARE and how this ecosystem was born. Each organization has its own interest in extending or offering certain functionalities/services and this is why these are provided. There were not really “donate” these are “part” of FIWARE instead.
The best approach is to go to the catalogue ( and see our current offer (I’m sure you already had a look at it, but just in case). The catalogue shows all information of available GEs including the manuals, open specs, terms of use, software, etc.
If you want to contribute to FIWARE, the answer is different. About modifying the code to each GE, I guess you need to create a change request for the particular GE (requesting directly that to each GE owner). And also, we intend to open it up to a future open source community but this will happen soon, when we create governance rules etc. This is now under internal discussion but it is a formal commitment for the FIWARE partners so it will be done this year.
Also, there’s no SLA as this is not really a contract, we are offering FIWARE for free, and Open source….so is not a contract, each GE has its own Terms and Conditions (that merely offer information on licenses).
Please, let us know if you need additional information.
Thanks again, and best regards,
Dear sir, madam,
We are exploring if fiware can be used for