Status: Closed
Resolution: Done
Fix Version/s: 2021
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Good afternoon,
My name is Alejandro Vigaray COO of llollo. We are a small start up that we
are about to launch a mobile app which is focused on using valet parking to
help people park. We are settled in Madrid, Spain, and like in many big
cities the traffic is a big problem. Not only for the quantity of cars, but
also due to the poor mobility programs that many cities apply.
Llollo focuses in various big problems. Time spent by an individual until he
or she parks his or her car, the cost of parking in many areas, the problems
that many business have to traction clients due to the parking problems,
pollution problems, etc. Therefore with llollo we plan to solve all these
Llollo is under development. We are planning to launch the Beta by May 2015,
and by June the app for Android and IOS. Both platforms at the same time. We
have raised money but of course we need more finance. I have got to your
page by a friend of mine but I still have some doubts. I have seen the
programs for smart cities and transport but there are many that could suit
us, or at least what I think. Therefore my doubts are:
� Which program will suit us better:
o Smart cities
o transport.
� Within each of these programs there are different sub programs. To
choose the best one how do we do it?
� As we are already developing the app, and we are in a prelaunch
stage can we still apply?
These are my first questions. Thank you very much and looking forward to you
your answers.
Kind regards
Alejandro Vigaray Plaza
COO <> <>
<> llollo
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MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO miguel.carrillopacheco at Mon Apr 27 11:59:27
Dear Alejandro,
Please direct your question to the mailbox dedicated to the acceleration programme. The team located there are the ones specialised in this.
They are referred from: