MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com Wed May 13 09:00:50 CEST 2015
dear Mervi,
Sorry if I am not getting it but my specific question is what place you mean by "FIWARE web". The FIWARE web as such (www.fiware.org<http://www.fiware.org>) does not have any registry process so I am sure that you refer to something different. You may mean FIWARE Lab and the the form to upgrade FIWARE LAb account or maybe the acceleration programme application, ... and more places we have
Each one has a different 2nd level support and I am trying to know whom to contact with your query.
El 13/05/2015 a las 5:21, Mervi Himanen escribió:
Dear Miguel,
Sorry about my first email with was a bit messy. I try again.
I have registered myself and Digital Living International Ltd at FIWARE web.
When I enter the submission tool, it asks first of all a team name, but it did not accept Digital Living International as a team. I made pirkka.frosti at digitalliving.fi<pirkka.frosti
at digitalliving.fi> instead, but I cannot now know if it is giving me the individual not the SME template. And in the end of the day, I need to make our possible application on Digital Living International Ltd. I also would like to know how to delete the username or team name pirkka.frosti at digitalliving.fi<pirkka.frosti
at digitalliving.fi>.
Best regards,
Lähettäjä: MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com
Lähetetty: 12. toukokuuta 2015 12:34
Vastaanottaja: Mervi Himanen; fiware-general-help at lists.fi-ware.org<fiware-general-help
at lists.fi-ware.org>
Aihe: Re: [Fiware-general-help] getting into the system
Dear Dr. Himanen,
I am not sure that I understand. I guess that "registered in FIWARE" means that you've created an account on FIWARE Lab.
But I am not sure of what you mean by "but when I enter the system of S6somethign and try to make the team it says that the name is occupied.".
Another possibility. If you refer to an application to the Acceleration Programme, the list of the people who deal with the Accelerators and can provide support with Acceleration Programme applications is under fiware-acceleration-help at lists.fi-ware.org<fiware-acceleration-help
at lists.fi-ware.org> as expressed in http://www.fiware.org/contact-us.
El 10/05/2015 a las 16:17, Mervi Himanen escribió:
Dear madam or sir,
This might now be a technical question, but if this is not the right place, please could you forward me further.
I have registered in FIWARE with my email mervi.himanen at digitalliving.fi<mervi.himanen
at digitalliving.fi>, but would like take it away, while I need to fill to our application for the Digital Living International Ltd, but when I enter the system of S6somethign and try to make the team it says that the name is occupied.
Thanking you in advance
Dr. Mervi Himanen (D.Sc. in tech)
Research Director
mervi.himanen at digitalliving.fi<mervi.himanen
at digitalliving.fi>, +358 40 8460306, skype mervi.himanen
Digital Living Finland Oy
www.digitalliving.fi<http://www.digitalliving.fi/>, Tekniikantie 12, FIN-20150 Espoo
MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com Wed May 13 09:00:50 CEST 2015
dear Mervi,
Sorry if I am not getting it but my specific question is what place you mean by "FIWARE web". The FIWARE web as such (www.fiware.org<http://www.fiware.org>) does not have any registry process so I am sure that you refer to something different. You may mean FIWARE Lab and the the form to upgrade FIWARE LAb account or maybe the acceleration programme application, ... and more places we have
Each one has a different 2nd level support and I am trying to know whom to contact with your query.
El 13/05/2015 a las 5:21, Mervi Himanen escribió:
Dear Miguel,
Sorry about my first email with was a bit messy. I try again.
at digitalliving.fi> instead, but I cannot now know if it is giving me the individual not the SME template. And in the end of the day, I need to make our possible application on Digital Living International Ltd. I also would like to know how to delete the username or team name pirkka.frosti at digitalliving.fi<pirkka.frosti
at digitalliving.fi>.
I have registered myself and Digital Living International Ltd at FIWARE web.
When I enter the submission tool, it asks first of all a team name, but it did not accept Digital Living International as a team. I made pirkka.frosti at digitalliving.fi<pirkka.frosti
Best regards,
Lähettäjä: MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com
at lists.fi-ware.org>
Lähetetty: 12. toukokuuta 2015 12:34
Vastaanottaja: Mervi Himanen; fiware-general-help at lists.fi-ware.org<fiware-general-help
Aihe: Re: [Fiware-general-help] getting into the system
Dear Dr. Himanen,
I am not sure that I understand. I guess that "registered in FIWARE" means that you've created an account on FIWARE Lab.
But I am not sure of what you mean by "but when I enter the system of S6somethign and try to make the team it says that the name is occupied.".
Another possibility. If you refer to an application to the Acceleration Programme, the list of the people who deal with the Accelerators and can provide support with Acceleration Programme applications is under fiware-acceleration-help at lists.fi-ware.org<fiware-acceleration-help
at lists.fi-ware.org> as expressed in http://www.fiware.org/contact-us.
El 10/05/2015 a las 16:17, Mervi Himanen escribió:
Dear madam or sir,
This might now be a technical question, but if this is not the right place, please could you forward me further.
I have registered in FIWARE with my email mervi.himanen at digitalliving.fi<mervi.himanen
at digitalliving.fi>, but would like take it away, while I need to fill to our application for the Digital Living International Ltd, but when I enter the system of S6somethign and try to make the team it says that the name is occupied.
Thanking you in advance
Dr. Mervi Himanen (D.Sc. in tech)
at digitalliving.fi>, +358 40 8460306, skype mervi.himanen
Research Director
mervi.himanen at digitalliving.fi<mervi.himanen
Digital Living Finland Oy
www.digitalliving.fi<http://www.digitalliving.fi/>, Tekniikantie 12, FIN-20150 Espoo