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  1. Help-Desk
  2. HELP-1771

FIWARE.Request.Lab.Spain.FI-Lab technical problems..


    • Type: extRequest
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Done
    • Fix Version/s: Sprint 4.1.3
    • Component/s: FIWARE-LAB-HELP
    • Labels:



      I'm Tony Barrera, CEO of Libercar, we've applied for Finodex accelerate program and we're going to apply in the next weeks to frontierCities and SOUL-Fi. We're having a lot of problems creating virtual machines at FI-Lab, when we try to create some VM it returns different errors... We've tried to make this at different nodes (in different cities) and it doesn't work. Please, could you tell us if there is some general problem or if we're doing something wrong? Our account in FI-Lab is associated to this email and to the email "tonybarreragarcia@gmail.com".

      Thank you,Kind Regards

      Tony Barrera

      Libercar es una empresa registrada en España con CIF número B93341154 y domicilio en C/ Steve Jobs, 2 Málaga 29590. La información contenida en este email es estrictamente confidencial y para uso exclusivo de su destinatario. Si ha recibido este email por error, tenga en cuenta que cualquier distribución, copia o uso de esta comunicación o la información que contiene está prohibida. Le rogamos que nos notifique de esta circunstancia al siguiente email: info@libercar.com
      Libercar is a limited company registered in Spain under VAT number ES-B93341154 with its registered office at Steve Jobs St, 2 Málaga Spain 29590.This email is confidential and is intended for the addressee only. If you have received it in error, you are on notice of its status. Pleasedelete this message from your system anddo not copy it or use it for any purpose or disclose its content to any other person. We kindly ask you to notify us to this effect via email: info@libercar.com

      Fiware-tech-help mailing list

      [Created via e-mail received from: Tony Barrera <info@libercar.com>]


        jesus.movilla Jesus Movilla (Inactive) added a comment -

        Budapest is working now and I have sent an email to Tony Barrera to let him know that he can use FIWARE in Budapest Region

        jesus.movilla Jesus Movilla (Inactive) added a comment - Budapest is working now and I have sent an email to Tony Barrera to let him know that he can use FIWARE in Budapest Region
        jesus.movilla Jesus Movilla (Inactive) added a comment -

        This was the answer
        "Dear User,

        Currently the Spain Region is out of scope of resources. We are working in order to resolve this issue and increase the capacity of that region as soon as posible but so far this Region can not be used. We can try to use other regions but all of them are under configuration and testing.

        I will try to identify a región where you can do your work
        Sorry for the inconvenience.
        Best Regards "

        jesus.movilla Jesus Movilla (Inactive) added a comment - This was the answer "Dear User, Currently the Spain Region is out of scope of resources. We are working in order to resolve this issue and increase the capacity of that region as soon as posible but so far this Region can not be used. We can try to use other regions but all of them are under configuration and testing. I will try to identify a región where you can do your work Sorry for the inconvenience. Best Regards "


          • Assignee:
            jesus.movilla Jesus Movilla (Inactive)
            fw.ext.user FW External User
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