Status: Closed
Resolution: Done
Fix Version/s: 2021
Component/s: FIWARE-LAB-HELP
External Participants:
Dear Sir:
Testerday i receive am email advising me that my Community account has
expired (region Spain2). I have to explain the reason to keep my account.
In this account is hosted the Tool developed under the Interreg MED
Project "Remedio".
REMEDIO addresses the challenge of the high-density areas surrounding
the city centres with commercial and directional roads often suffering
from traffic jam to the point of becoming wounds in the connectivity of
the wide spread city and elements of additional economic crisis and even
social exclusion. REMEDIO will develop an Integrated Modelling Tool
(under Fiware lab) to support a transition for a low carbon mobility
solution in the Mediterranean region.
Remedio project is now in the last step and the tool is almost finished,
so the final user are now starting to use it. Thats why we ask for a
extension of my community acount.
Best Regards
Dr. José Antonio Becerra Villanueva
Profesor Titular de Universidad
Dept. de Ingeniería Energética
Universidad de Sevilla
Skype ID: jabvillanueva
Tlf: 954487249
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[Created via e-mail received from: =?UTF-8?Q?Jos=c3=a9_Antonio_Becerra_VIllanueva?= <>]
Dear Sir:
I come back to you because i did not receive any answer about my requirement to extend my Comunnity account.
Can you please informe me about the status?
Best Regards
José Antonio
Dr. José Antonio Becerra Villanueva
Profesor Titular de Universidad
Dept. de Ingeniería Energética
Universidad de Sevilla
Skype ID: jabvillanueva
Tlf: 954487249