Status: Closed
Resolution: Dismissed
Fix Version/s: 2021
MENA renewable markets project procurement – free webinar
Dear reader,
IRENA reported that new CSP plants LCOE fell by 26% in 2018, but where in design, development and deployment are CSP stakeholders reducing costs, and where can efforts be focused to continue this promising trend? Dubai’s Noor Energy 1 project symbolises the culmination of a decade of concerted CSP development, housing the world’s most advanced CSP technologies, executing innovative business practices, novel financing arrangements and enhanced systems and components.In a two-series whitepaper, New Energy Update speaks with project stakeholders and broader industry experts to examine:How the project is providing a platform from which some of CSP’s most enduring challenges are being reconciled
How game-changing innovations are being unlocked
How a new frontier of opportunities are being propagated
Click here to read your copy of Series 1: FinancingDiscussion and insight from industry experts including:Paddy Padmanathan, CEO and President, ACWA Power
Jeroen Van Schijndel, Chief Sales & Marketing Officer, Rioglass
Svante Bundgaard, CEO, Aalborg CSP
Ana Cristina Gonzalez de Una, Director of Business Development, Energy, Abengoa
Xavier Lara, Independent Senior Consultant, Empressarios Agrupado
Tom Wray, Vice President Business Development, BrightSource Energy
Laura Wolak, CSP Global Lead, The Dow Chemical Company
Stayed tuned for Series 2: Technology to be released week commencing 17th June.Please don’t hesitate to provide feedback.Best Regards,RhysRhys Watt
Project Director
New Energy Update
FCBI Energy
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