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  1. Help-Desk
  2. HELP-15402

FIWARE.Request.Lab.Mexico.FIWARE Lab Assistance


    • Type: extRequest
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Done
    • Fix Version/s: 2021
    • Component/s: FIWARE-LAB-HELP
    • Labels:
    • HD-Node:



      I have a community account and recently I discovered that for my project I need to use a different instance that requires a larger flavor (I need to use orion-docker) but I don't have enough resources to use, Is it possible to request more resources for my community account?

      Thanks in advance, regards.

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      Fiware-lab-help mailing list

      [Created via e-mail received from: Damian Gabino <dgabino@semtech.com>]


        internetdelfuturo Mexico Node Support added a comment -

        Dear user,

        We haven't received an answer from you to this request.

        This ticket is going to be closed.

        Best regards,
        Mexico Node Support

        internetdelfuturo Mexico Node Support added a comment - Dear user, We haven't received an answer from you to this request. This ticket is going to be closed. Best regards, Mexico Node Support
        internetdelfuturo Mexico Node Support added a comment -

        Dear user,

        We are still waiting for your response in order to evalute if it is possible to provide more resources to your account.

        Best regards,
        Mexico Node Support

        internetdelfuturo Mexico Node Support added a comment - Dear user, We are still waiting for your response in order to evalute if it is possible to provide more resources to your account. Best regards, Mexico Node Support
        internetdelfuturo Mexico Node Support added a comment -

        Dear user,

        Yes, it is possible to request more resources. We need more information.

        This is the description of your project:

        _At the LoRa lab in semtech Mexico we want to integrate a series of LoRaWAN nodes and applications with fiware. The goal of this
        integration is to provide a demostration to INFOTEC (a large mexican investigation center) that their fiware powered apps can be used with
        LoRaWAN so that they begin to develop IoT projects using both technologies._

        Could you provide some evidence about the progress of your project?

        Then, we will evaluate if it is possible to provide more resources to your account.

        Best regards,
        Mexico Node Support

        internetdelfuturo Mexico Node Support added a comment - Dear user, Yes, it is possible to request more resources. We need more information. This is the description of your project: _At the LoRa lab in semtech Mexico we want to integrate a series of LoRaWAN nodes and applications with fiware. The goal of this integration is to provide a demostration to INFOTEC (a large mexican investigation center) that their fiware powered apps can be used with LoRaWAN so that they begin to develop IoT projects using both technologies._ Could you provide some evidence about the progress of your project? Then, we will evaluate if it is possible to provide more resources to your account. Best regards, Mexico Node Support


          • Assignee:
            internetdelfuturo Mexico Node Support
            fw.ext.user FW External User
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