Status: Closed
Resolution: Done
Fix Version/s: 2021
Component/s: FIWARE-LAB-HELP
Dear sirs.
I'm noticing that the resources in my account have dissappeared.
Please let me know how to recover them.
I supposed (see email attached below) that the deadline for asking to keep
the instances provisioned is 4th November.
Follows the explanation why we ask to keep the account and the resources.
Our company uses this account to keep project alive.
We use this environment as a laboratory for data engineers and AI
specialists that work with us, as a proof of concept of the software and
technologies involved.
We have developed other R&D projects based on the same technologies and
architectural principles.
So, we kindly ask for the maintenance of the infrastructure, running on top of FIWARE is an interesting reference for us and
our collaborators.
Thank you very much in advance.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: <>
Date: Thu, Oct 4, 2018 at 5:01 PM
Subject: Cloud account expired in Spain2 Node in FIWARE Lab
To: <>
[image: FIWARE-Lab]
Dear FIWARE Lab user,
You Community account has expired in region Spain2. This implies that your
cloud account will be removed, all resources created in any of the FIWARE
Cloud Portal Lab nodes associated with your authorized organization will be
deleted and you will not be able to use the FIWARE Lab resources anymore.
The deletion of the resources would not be instantaneous but from that day
(Thursday, November 4th 2018) we cannot guarantee their consistency.
If you want to continue using your resources, we encourage you to write an
email explaining your reasons to keep your account to
Nevertheless, if you decide to back up all your work in those resources, we
encourage you to take all the actions to do it before Thursday, November
4th 2018.
Best Regards,
You are receiving this message because you are a registered FIWARE Lab
cloud user <>.
2018 (c) FIWARE <>.
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[Created via e-mail received from: Agroanalytics IECISA <>]
I'm sorry to inform you that those resources were deleted because they were co-owned by a trial user who was warned that those resources would expire on 10th October and no action was taken on his side. There is no possiblility to recover those resoures.
Sorry for the inconveniences,
José Ignacio