Status: Closed
Resolution: Done
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: 2021
Created question in FIWARE Q/A platform on 23-05-2018 at 13:05
Please, ANSWER this question AT
Can't verify fiware-idm user Account
I'm using fiware idm leatest version building from sources
First I sing up the user
And this is logs of idm
skip: /img/keyrock01.png nothing to do
[sass] skip: /fonts/neotechstd/neotechstd-regular.woff nothing to do
GET /img/keyrock01.png 304 1.480 ms - -
GET /fonts/neotechstd/neotechstd-regular.woff 304 1.200 ms - -
Executing (default): SELECT `id`, `username`, `description`, `website`, `imag
e`, `gravatar`, `email`, `password`, `date_password`, `enabled`, `admin`, `st
arters_tour_ended`, `extra`, `scope` FROM `user` AS `User` WHERE `User`.`emai
l` = '' LIMIT 1;
Executing (default): SELECT `id`, `username`, `description`, `website`, `imag
e`, `gravatar`, `email`, `password`, `date_password`, `enabled`, `admin`, `st
arters_tour_ended`, `extra`, `scope` FROM `user` AS `User` WHERE `User`.`emai
l` = '' LIMIT 1;
Executing (default): INSERT INTO `user` (`id`,`username`,`image`,`gravatar`,`
email`,`password`,`date_password`,`enabled`,`admin`,`starters_tour_ended`) VA
LUES ('aeb5a8fc-3ee7-48af-a0eb-7b9cf849cf8f','Test','default',false,'test@tes','e9f7c64ec2895eec281f8fd36e588d1bc762bcca','2018-05-23 10:54:09',false
Executing (437cc850-daa7-42ad-a04e-12094cad524c): START TRANSACTION;
Executing (437cc850-daa7-42ad-a04e-12094cad524c): SELECT `id`, `activation_ke
y`, `activation_expires`, `reset_key`, `reset_expires`, `verification_key`, `
verification_expires`, `user_email` FROM `user_registration_profile` AS `User
_Registration_Profile` WHERE `User_Registration_Profile`.`user_email` = 'test' LIMIT 1;
Executing (437cc850-daa7-42ad-a04e-12094cad524c): INSERT INTO `user_registrat
ion_profile` (`id`,`activation_key`,`activation_expires`,`user_email`) VALUES
(DEFAULT,'3qfo4sfc358','2018-05-24 10:54:09','');
Executing (437cc850-daa7-42ad-a04e-12094cad524c): COMMIT;
POST /sign_up/ 200 211.580 ms - 6803
[sass] skip: /javascripts/jquery-3.2.1.min.js nothing to do
GET /javascripts/jquery-3.2.1.min.js 304 0.876 ms - -
[sass] source: /home/ubuntu/fiware-idm/themes/default/jquery.Jcrop.scss
[sass] dest: /home/ubuntu/fiware-idm/public/stylesheets/jquery.Jcrop.css
[sass] read: /home/ubuntu/fiware-idm/themes/default/jquery.Jcrop.scss
I don't receive any confirmation mail so I click on confirmation not received
and this is the idm logs
> GET /fonts/neotechstd/neotechstd-regular.woff 304 1.080 ms - -
> Executing (default): SELECT `id`, `username`, `description`,
> `website`, `imag e`, `gravatar`, `email`, `password`, `date_password`,
> `enabled`, `admin`, `st arters_tour_ended`, `extra`, `scope` FROM
> `user` AS `User` WHERE `User`.`emai l` = '' LIMIT 1;
> Executing (default): UPDATE `user_registration_profile` SET
> `activation_key`= 'z0fv4m8l12k',`activation_expires`='2018-05-24
> 11:07:21' WHERE `user_email` = ''
> POST /confirmation 302 78.040 ms - 66
> [sass] skip: /auth/login nothing to do
> GET /auth/login 200 4.321 ms - 6786
For me to be able to verify user
I opened mysql database
SELECT idm database
Update user table using this
UPDATE user SET enabled = 1 where email= "";After this I'm able to access idm for this user correctly but in my cases I can't do this workaround solution
So I'm asking if there's away to sent confirmation mail successfully from idm to user Sig up mail with verification link and after clink the link the Account verified and user can access idm with this account any help
2018-05-23 15:05|CREATED monitor | # answers= 0, accepted answer= False