Status: Closed
Resolution: Done
Fix Version/s: 2021
Component/s: FIWARE-LAB-HELP
External Participants:
My name is Lucian Calugar and I received an e-mail that my FIWARE account will expire.
I am part of a team that works on a research project called FISMEP, where we are trying to create a standardized software platform based on FIWARE technology, supporting innovative solutions using information delivered by smart meters and PMUs, as key enablers of transforming the energy sector through a service-oriented architecture.
The project ends in October 2020, so we will use FIWARE platform at least until then.
For this project, at this moment we are 3 persons that have accounts on FIWARE Lab, and the accounts are:
At this moment we are still in the first stage of the project and we are making tests at equipment level so we did not use our accounts too much. More, we don't have all the data needed to fill in the information needed for community account.
Please tell me how we can proceed in order to keep our accounts and we don't lose our work until now.
Lucian Calugar
SCADA Manager
RO 400221 Cluj-Napoca, Parcul Industrial Tetarom I
Str. Taietura Turcului nr. 47/11
Tel: 40 264 207 510, fax: 40 264 207 555
Mobil: +40 729 994 079
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2018 7:19 PM
To: CALUGAR Lucian-Ioan <>
Subject: Your Trial account in FIWARE Lab Cloud has expired
Dear FIWARE Lab user,
You Trial account has expired. This implies that your cloud account will be removed, all resources created in any of the FIWARE Cloud Portal Lab nodes associated with your authorized organization will be deleted and you will not be able to use the FIWARE Lab resources anymore.
The deletion of the resources would not be instantaneous but from that day (Thursday, April 26th 2018) we cannot guarantee their consistency.
If you want to continue using your resources, we encourage you to follow the steps to upgrade to Community Account ( You can also write an email explaining your reasons to keep your account to<>
Nevertheless, if you decide to back up all your work in those resources, we encourage you to take all the actions to do it before Thursday, April 26th 2018.
Best Regards,
You are receiving this message because you are a registered FIWARE Lab cloud user<>.
2018 (c) FIWARE<>.
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V? rug?m s? ave?i ?n vedere impactul asupra mediului ?nconjur?tor ?nainte de imprimarea acestui mesaj. Please consider the impact on the environment before printing this e-mail.
Acest mesaj se adreseaz? numai persoanelor fizice sau juridice men?ionate ca destinatar. Informa?iile sau fi?ierele ata?ate sunt confiden?iale ?i sunt proprietatea exclusiv? a EnergoBit. Dac? nu sunte?i destinatarul de drept al acestui mesaj v? rug?m s? notifica?i expeditorul ?n cel mai scurt timp ?i apoi s? ?terge?i mesajul ?i orice ata?ament al acestuia. Orice dezv?luire, copiere, distribuire sau alte ac?iuni ?ntreprinse cu inten?ie sau prin omisiune sunt strict interzise ?i pot fi ilegale.
C?nd sunt adresate clien?ilor no?tri, orice opinii, sfaturi sau op?iuni cuprinse ?n acest mesaj sunt supuse termenilor ?i condi?iilor din contractul cu EnergoBit.
Energobit este o corpora?ie ?nregistrat? ?n Romania.
Aceast? not? de subsol confirm? faptul c? acest mesaj a fost verificat cu un program Antivirus.
This e-mail is intended only for the above named addressee/s. The information in this e-mail and any attached files are confidential and may be legally privileged and are classified as EnergoBit's Confidential and Proprietary Information. If you are not the intended recipient, please, notify the sender immediately and then delete the e-mail, and any attachments. Any disclosure, copy, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful.
When addressed to our clients any opinions, options or advice contained in this e-mail are subject to the terms and conditions expressed in the governing EnergoBit contract.
EnergoBit is a corporation registered in Romania.
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You can get more information about our cookies and privacy policies on the following links:
Fiware-lab-help mailing list
[Created via e-mail received from: CALUGAR Lucian-Ioan <>]
The issue has been emailed:
HELP-14005) [Fiware-lab-help] FW: Your Trial account in FIWARE Lab Cloud has expired *Dear Lucian,
It is a important sector for us and we will provide you extended resources. Additionally, you can contact with us if you want some clarification about the use of the components and alignment in terms of datamodels and standardization activities.
Best regards,
FIWARE Lab team.
From FIWARE JIRA - Main Help Desk ----
Issue id:
My name is Lucian Calugar and I received an e-mail that my FIWARE account will expire.
I am part of a team that works on a research project called FISMEP, where we are trying to create a standardized software platform based on FIWARE technology, supporting innovative solutions using information delivered by smart meters and PMUs, as key enablers of transforming the energy sector through a service-oriented architecture.
The project ends in October 2020, so we will use FIWARE platform at least until then.
For this project, at this moment we are 3 persons that have accounts on FIWARE Lab, and the accounts are:
At this moment we are still in the first stage of the project and we are making tests at equipment level so we did not use our accounts too much. More, we don't have all the data needed to fill in the information needed for community account.
Please tell me how we can proceed in order to keep our accounts and we don't lose our work until now.
Lucian Calugar
SCADA Manager
RO 400221 Cluj-Napoca, Parcul Industrial Tetarom I
Str. Taietura Turcului nr. 47/11
Tel: 40 264 207 510, fax: 40 264 207 555
Mobil: +40 729 994 079
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2018 7:19 PM
To: CALUGAR Lucian-Ioan <>
Subject: Your Trial account in FIWARE Lab Cloud has expired
Dear FIWARE Lab user,
You Trial account has expired. This implies that your cloud account will be removed, all resources created in any of the FIWARE Cloud Portal Lab nodes associated with your authorized organization will be deleted and you will not be able to use the FIWARE Lab resources anymore.
The deletion of the resources would not be instantaneous but from that day (Thursday, April 26th 2018) we cannot guarantee their consistency.
If you want to continue using your resources, we encourage you to follow the steps to upgrade to Community Account ( You can also write an email explaining your reasons to keep your account to<
Nevertheless, if you decide to back up all your work in those resources, we encourage you to take all the actions to do it before Thursday, April 26th 2018.
Best Regards,
You are receiving this message because you are a registered FIWARE Lab cloud user<>.
2018 (c) FIWARE<>.
This email was scanned by Bitdefender
V? rug?m s? ave?i ?n vedere impactul asupra mediului ?nconjur?tor ?nainte de imprimarea acestui mesaj. Please consider the impact on the environment before printing this e-mail.
Acest mesaj se adreseaz? numai persoanelor fizice sau juridice men?ionate ca destinatar. Informa?iile sau fi?ierele ata?ate sunt confiden?iale ?i sunt proprietatea exclusiv? a EnergoBit. Dac? nu sunte?i destinatarul de drept al acestui mesaj v? rug?m s? notifica?i expeditorul ?n cel mai scurt timp ?i apoi s? ?terge?i mesajul ?i orice ata?ament al acestuia. Orice dezv?luire, copiere, distribuire sau alte ac?iuni ?ntreprinse cu inten?ie sau prin omisiune sunt strict interzise ?i pot fi ilegale.
C?nd sunt adresate clien?ilor no?tri, orice opinii, sfaturi sau op?iuni cuprinse ?n acest mesaj sunt supuse termenilor ?i condi?iilor din contractul cu EnergoBit.
Energobit este o corpora?ie ?nregistrat? ?n Romania.
Aceast? not? de subsol confirm? faptul c? acest mesaj a fost verificat cu un program Antivirus.
This e-mail is intended only for the above named addressee/s. The information in this e-mail and any attached files are confidential and may be legally privileged and are classified as EnergoBit's Confidential and Proprietary Information. If you are not the intended recipient, please, notify the sender immediately and then delete the e-mail, and any attachments. Any disclosure, copy, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful.
When addressed to our clients any opinions, options or advice contained in this e-mail are subject to the terms and conditions expressed in the governing EnergoBit contract.
EnergoBit is a corporation registered in Romania.
This footnote also confirms that this e-mail message has been swept by Antivirus.
You can get more information about our cookies and privacy policies on the following links:
Fiware-lab-help mailing list
[Created via e-mail received from: CALUGAR Lucian-Ioan <>]
FIWARE Chapter:
Status: Open
This email was generated by FIWARE JIRA following an email received into the Main Help Desk.