Status: Closed
Resolution: Done
Fix Version/s: 2021
Component/s: FIWARE-LAB-HELP
Sender Email:
Dear Jose Ignacio
I have tried this morning a lot of times, just now again.
I get "Invalid credentials" message
Best Regards
----Mensaje original----
De: jicg
Enviado el: lunes, 9 de octubre de 2017 12:06
Para: Ignacio Lázaro <>;
Asunto: Re: [Fiware-lab-help] RV: FIWARE Lab Maintenance
Dear Ignacio,
Try login
Best regards,
José Ignacio
El lun, 09-10-2017 a las 09:28 +0000, Ignacio Lázaro escribió:
> Dear Fiware Lab help
> I have problems to Access to the cloud portal.
> I can login inside the account. but I
> cannot login
> This morning I had problems to access and I requested a change in the
> password
> What can I do now to Access?
> I wil wait for your help
> Best Regards
> Nacho
> De: [mailto:no-reply@account.lab.fiwa
>] Enviado el: viernes, 15 de septiembre de 2017 13:23
> Asunto: FIWARE Lab Maintenance
> Dear FIWARE Lab user, we are going to upgrade Cloud and Security
> GEs instances running in FIWARE Lab to a new release. Due to this
> upgrade, the way in which Trial and Community users use the Cloud
> Portal of FIWARE Lab will change. You can find details about the new
> environment below. The maintenance slot time is scheduled to Thursday
> 5th October, from 8 AM to 2 PM CEST. Consequently, during this time
> period FIWARE Lab could be unavailable. We are sorry for the
> inconvenience this could cause to you. Sincerely, FIWARE Lab Team.
> — New environment details: As a result of the new release of Cloud
> Portal, and trying to improve its usability, the way in which you
> access to this portal has changed. This upgrade also affects the way
> in which Wilma PEP Proxy GE validates OAuth2 tokens with the FIWARE
> Identity Management. IMPORTANT: the following instructions only apply
> to users of Cloud Portal and Wilma GEs. If you are not using these
> components you can safely ignore the rest of the message.
> Cloud Portal GE: After the upgrade, Cloud Portal users will have a
> specific account to login in this portal. Of course, you could
> continue logining using the same username (email) and password that
> you are currently using. But if you do changes in this account (e.g.
> changing the password) these changes will only apply to the Cloud
> Portal account and not to the FIWARE Lab Account Portal one. On the
> other hand, we are going to change the web interface of the Cloud
> Portal, using a Openstack Horizon based interface. We hope this
> improves the usability of this portal.
> PEP Proxy GE: With the new deployment, PEP Proxies will have to
> validate tokens with Identity Manager server. You will have just to
> change the validation address in your PEP Proxy's configuration file.
> In the parameter "config.keystone_host" you will have to set the
> address ""
> If you have any doubts regarding these changes, you can contact
> FIWARE Lab team as always in -
> –
> You are receiving this message because you are a registered FIWARE Lab
> user. Should you wish to remove your account, you need to follow four
> simple steps:
> Log on FIWARE Lab user
> Click on the dropdown menu next to your user name (upper right
> corner)
> Select "Settings"
> Click on "Cancel account" and confirm.
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[Created via e-mail received from: =?utf-8?B?SWduYWNpbyBMw6F6YXJv?= <>]
Dear Ignacio, we have reset your password. I will send you the new one via email. You will have to update it when you login again.