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  1. Help-Desk
  2. HELP-1131

FIWARE.Request.Lab.E-Mail confirmation not received


    • Type: extRequest
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Done
    • Fix Version/s: Sprint 4.1.2
    • Component/s: FIWARE-LAB-HELP
    • Labels:


      Dear Sir,
      Dear Madam,

      I've signed up a couple of minutes ago but I didn't receive the
      confirmation email.
      I've used the "Resend confirmation email instructions" twice without any

      Can you please send me the instructions?

      Kind regards,

      Johan Van Mensel

      IT Lead

      Email : johan.van.mensel@diplomaticcard.com
      Office : +31 (0)76 548 73 54
      Mob BE : +32 (0)479 87 47 24
      Mob NL : +31 (0)6 51 28 46 82


      Fiware-lab-help mailing list

      [Created via e-mail received from: Johan Van Mensel <johan.van.mensel@diplomaticcard.com>]

      1. signature.asc
        0.2 kB
        Daniele Santoro


        danieles Daniele Santoro added a comment -

        Since I’m helping you to solve an issue with network access I suppose you managed to register your account, therefore I will close this issue.


        Daniele Santoro,
        CREATE-NET Research Center
        ICT Area
        ITC/Research Engineer
        Via alla Cascata 56/D - 38100 Povo Trento (Italy)
        e-mail: daniele.santoro@create-net.org
        Tel: (+39) 0461 408400 - interno/extension 1318
        Fax: (+39) 0461 421157

        PGP/GPG-KEY-ID: 0x08E3E8D5

        The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited according to the Italian Law 196/2003 of the Legislature. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer.
        Le informazioni contenute in questo messaggio di posta elettronica e nei file allegati sono da considerarsi strettamente riservate. Il loro utilizzo e' consentito esclusivamente al destinatario del messaggio, per le finalità indicate nel messaggio stesso. Qualora riceveste questo messaggio senza esserne il destinatario, Vi preghiamo cortesemente di darcene notizia via e-mail e di procedere alla cancellazione del messaggio stesso dal Vostro sistema. Trattenere il messaggio stesso, divulgarlo anche in parte, distribuirlo ad altri soggetti, copiarlo, od utilizzarlo per finalità diverse, costituisce comportamento contrario ai principi dettati dal D. Lgs. 196/2003.

        Fiware-lab-help mailing list

        danieles Daniele Santoro added a comment - Since I’m helping you to solve an issue with network access I suppose you managed to register your account, therefore I will close this issue. Daniele – -------------------------------------------------------- Daniele Santoro, CREATE-NET Research Center ICT Area ITC/Research Engineer Via alla Cascata 56/D - 38100 Povo Trento (Italy) e-mail: daniele.santoro@create-net.org Tel: (+39) 0461 408400 - interno/extension 1318 Fax: (+39) 0461 421157 www.create-net.org PGP/GPG-KEY-ID: 0x08E3E8D5 http://keyserver1.pgp.com/vkd/DownloadKey.event?keyid=0xCA854D8608E3E8D5 -------------------------------------------------------- The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited according to the Italian Law 196/2003 of the Legislature. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer. Le informazioni contenute in questo messaggio di posta elettronica e nei file allegati sono da considerarsi strettamente riservate. Il loro utilizzo e' consentito esclusivamente al destinatario del messaggio, per le finalità indicate nel messaggio stesso. Qualora riceveste questo messaggio senza esserne il destinatario, Vi preghiamo cortesemente di darcene notizia via e-mail e di procedere alla cancellazione del messaggio stesso dal Vostro sistema. Trattenere il messaggio stesso, divulgarlo anche in parte, distribuirlo ad altri soggetti, copiarlo, od utilizzarlo per finalità diverse, costituisce comportamento contrario ai principi dettati dal D. Lgs. 196/2003. _______________________________________________ Fiware-lab-help mailing list Fiware-lab-help@lists.fi-ware.org https://lists.fi-ware.org/listinfo/fiware-lab-help
        jicg José Ignacio Carretero Guarde added a comment -

        Please, check tour spam folder. Unfortunatelly, the confirmation mails goes to the spam folder.

        Best regards,
        José Ignacio

        El 07/11/2014 16:37, Johan Van Mensel <johan.van.mensel@diplomaticcard.com> escribió:
        Dear Sir,
        Dear Madam,

        I've signed up a couple of minutes ago but I didn't receive the confirmation email.
        I've used the "Resend confirmation email instructions" twice without any luck.

        Can you please send me the instructions?

        Kind regards,


        Johan Van Mensel

        IT Lead

        Email : johan.van.mensel@diplomaticcard.com<johan.van.mensel@diplomaticcard.com>
        Office : +31 (0)76 548 73 54
        Mob BE : +32 (0)479 87 47 24
        Mob NL : +31 (0)6 51 28 46 82


        jicg José Ignacio Carretero Guarde added a comment - Please, check tour spam folder. Unfortunatelly, the confirmation mails goes to the spam folder. Best regards, José Ignacio El 07/11/2014 16:37, Johan Van Mensel <johan.van.mensel@diplomaticcard.com> escribió: Dear Sir, Dear Madam, I've signed up a couple of minutes ago but I didn't receive the confirmation email. I've used the "Resend confirmation email instructions" twice without any luck. Can you please send me the instructions? Kind regards, http://www.diplomaticcard.com/img/signature.png Johan Van Mensel IT Lead Email : johan.van.mensel@diplomaticcard.com< johan.van.mensel@diplomaticcard.com > Office : +31 (0)76 548 73 54 Mob BE : +32 (0)479 87 47 24 Mob NL : +31 (0)6 51 28 46 82 www.diplomaticcard.com< http://www.diplomaticcard.com >


          • Assignee:
            danieles Daniele Santoro
            fw.ext.user FW External User
          • Votes:
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue


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