Status: Closed
Resolution: Done
Fix Version/s: Sprint 4.1.2
HD-Enabler:Synch - Tundra
Tested GE(s):Synchronization GE
- FiLab Cloud machines
Machine ID: 3534a649-878e-4773-afc6-26601197e0f6
Region: Spain
Test user: ulpgc-test-web-ui
Image name: Ubuntu Server 14.04.1 (x64)
Tundra server installed:
Machine ID: b8358a60-dd9a-464e-9840-c41da3b40e40
Region: Spain
Test user: ulpgc-test-web-ui
Image name: Ubuntu12.04-server-x86_64
Tundra server installed:
When following the Unit Test Plan section we cannot run the server due to
several errors appearing. In this case, we try to run the 4th unit test and
the server displays as error having already used the port 2346, although
this port appears to be free when we kill the server process, and not being
able to load the scene properly. The whole output from the server can be
found below.
The error was replicated in different servers deployed in FiLab cloud.
These servers are Ubuntu Server 14.04.1 (x64) with Tundra server 64 bits,
Ubuntu Server 14.04.1 (x86_64) with Tundra Server 64 bits.
Console output:
test@test-synchronization:/opt/realxtend-tundra$ xvfb-run ./Tundra
--headless --file scenes\Avatar\scene.txml --server --httpport 2346
--config tundra.json --config tundra-addons.json
Starting up realXtend Tundra 2.5.2
- Installation directory : /opt/realxtend-tundra/
- Working directory : /opt/realxtend-tundra/
- User data directory : /home/test/.Tundra/
- Config directory : /home/test/.Tundra/configuration/
- Asset cache directory : /home/test/.Tundra/assetcache/
ALSA lib confmisc.c:768:(parse_card) cannot find card '0'
ALSA lib conf.c:4248_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_card_driver
returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib confmisc.c:392:(snd_func_concat) error evaluating strings
ALSA lib conf.c:4248_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_concat
returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib confmisc.c:1251:(snd_func_refer) error evaluating name
ALSA lib conf.c:4248_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer
returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib conf.c:4727:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such file or
ALSA lib pcm.c:2239:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM default
AL lib: alsa_open_playback: Could not open playback device 'default': No
such file or directory
Warning: Could not open OpenAL playback device
--file 'scenesAvatarscene.txml'
--httpport '2346'
--plugin 'OgreRenderingModule'
--jsplugin 'cameraapplication.js'
--fpsLimit '60'
--plugin 'BrowserUiPlugin'
--jsplugin 'AddonsMenuBar.js'
--plugin 'BrowserUiPlugin'
--jsplugin 'AddonsMenuBar.js'
Loading plugin OgreRenderingModule
Loading plugin OpenAssetImport
Loading plugin SceneInteract
Loading plugin EnvironmentModule
Loading plugin PhysicsModule
Loading plugin TundraProtocolModule
Loading plugin ECEditorModule
Loading plugin JavascriptModule
Loading plugin AssetModule
Loading plugin ArchivePlugin
Loading plugin AvatarModule
Loading plugin SkyXHydrax
Loading plugin OgreAssetEditorModule
Loading plugin DebugStatsModule
Loading plugin SceneWidgetComponents
Loading plugin MumblePlugin
Error: Failed to load plugin from file
"/opt/realxtend-tundra/plugins/": Error
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory!
Loading plugin CanvasPlugin
Loading plugin WebSocketServerModule
Warning: Cannot load plugin
"/opt/realxtend-tundra/plugins/" as the file does not
Warning: Cannot load plugin
"/opt/realxtend-tundra/plugins/" as the file does not
Warning: Cannot load plugin "/opt/realxtend-tundra/plugins/"
as the file does not exist.
Loading plugin HttpServerModule
Loading plugin VlcPlugin
Error: Failed to load plugin from file
"/opt/realxtend-tundra/plugins/": Error cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory!
Warning: Cannot load plugin
"/opt/realxtend-tundra/plugins/" as the file does not
Warning: Cannot load plugin
"/opt/realxtend-tundra/plugins/" as the file does not
Warning: Cannot load plugin
"/opt/realxtend-tundra/plugins/" as the file does not
Warning: Cannot load plugin "/opt/realxtend-tundra/plugins/"
as the file does not exist.
Loading plugin HttpServerModule
Loading plugin VlcPlugin
Error: Failed to load plugin from file
"/opt/realxtend-tundra/plugins/": Error cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory!
Warning: Cannot load plugin
"/opt/realxtend-tundra/plugins/" as the file does not
Renderer: Initializing Ogre-
- OGRE Initialising
- Version 1.9.0unstable (Ghadamon)
libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast
Renderer: Using 'OpenGL Rendering Subsystem'
Javascript: Loading startup scripts from /jsmodules/startup
Javascript: ** cameraapplication.js
Javascript: ** FirstPersonMouseLook.js
Javascript: ** MenuBar.js
Javascript: ** RendererSettings.js
Javascript: ** SoundSettings.js
Javascript: ** InterestManagerSettings.js
Javascript: ** LoadingScreen.js
Javascript: ** SceneInstructions.js
Javascript: ** AddonsMenuBar.js
Javascript: ** AddonsMenuBar.js
LocalAssetStorage: Recursively adding all files from ./data/assets to a
watch list. This may take a while...
LocalAssetStorage: Recursively adding all files from ./jsmodules to a watch
list. This may take a while...
LocalAssetStorage: Recursively adding all files from ./media to a watch
list. This may take a while...
LocalAssetStorage: Recursively adding all files from /opt/realxtend-tundra
to a watch list. This may take a while...
Set asset storage "Scene" as the default storage
[WebSocketServer]: Started to port 2345 with 1 listeners threads in main
thread 140627559667648
HttpServer started on port 2346
Error: bind: Address already in use
Error: Framework::RegisterDynamicObject: Dynamic object with name
"httpserver" already registered.
0.000: Network::OpenListenSocket: Created listenSocket 0x 20.
0.024957, 7fe667bd57c0: Created a new NetworkWorkerThread. There are now 1
worker threads.
0.025226, 7fe57cbba700: NetworkWorkerThread starting main loop.
0.025394, 7fe667bd57c0: Server up (:0 (UDP server, connected=true,
readOpen: true, writeOpen: true, maxSendSize=1400, sock:,
peer:, socket: 32, this: 0xef2d90)). Waiting for client to connect.
Server started
- Port : 2345
- Protocol : UDP
- Headless : true
Loading startup scene from scenesAvatarscene.txml ...
Error: Failed to open file scenesAvatarscene.txml when loading scene xml.
Loading of startup scene finished. 0 entities created in 0.181 msecs.
Fiware-tech-help mailing list
Dear Lasse,
Thank you very much for updating the documentation and explaining the changes made. We can confirm that the solution worked for us and we could successfully replicate the whole Unit Test 4.
You will be able to see below the console outputs with the results we got from our machine.
Best regards,
Server output:
test@test-VirtualBox:/opt/realxtend-tundra$ xvfb-run ./Tundra --headless --file scenes/Avatar/scene.txml --server --httpport 2346 --config tundra.json
Xlib: extension "RANDR" missing on display ":99".
Starting up realXtend Tundra 2.5.2
--file 'scenes/Avatar/scene.txml'
--httpport '2346'
--plugin 'OgreRenderingModule'
Server started
Loading startup scene from scenes/Avatar/scene.txml ...
Warning: EC_EnvironmentLight::DeserializeFrom: Could not find attribute "Sunlight diffuse color" specified in the XML element.
Assumption "Unable to render embedded object: File (EqualAbs(scale.x, 0)" failed) not found. in file /home/cadaver/dev/tundra/src/Core/Math/Math/float3x4.cpp, line 1593!
Assumption "Unable to render embedded object: File (EqualAbs(scale.y, 0)" failed) not found. in file /home/cadaver/dev/tundra/src/Core/Math/Math/float3x4.cpp, line 1594!
Assumption "Unable to render embedded object: File (EqualAbs(scale.z, 0)" failed) not found. in file /home/cadaver/dev/tundra/src/Core/Math/Math/float3x4.cpp, line 1595!
Assumption "r.IsFinite()" failed! in file /home/cadaver/dev/tundra/src/Core/Math/Math/float3x4.cpp, line 739!
Assumption "float3x4::FromTRS(translate, rotate, scale).Equals(*this, 0.1f)" failed! in file /home/cadaver/dev/tundra/src/Core/Math/Math/float3x4.cpp, line 1601!
Assumption "m.IsColOrthogonal()" failed! in file /home/cadaver/dev/tundra/src/Core/Math/Math/Quat.cpp, line 395!
Assumption "m.HasUnitaryScale()" failed! in file /home/cadaver/dev/tundra/src/Core/Math/Math/Quat.cpp, line 396!
Assumption "IsFinite()" failed! in file /home/cadaver/dev/tundra/src/Core/Math/Math/float3x3.cpp, line 690!
Assumption "oldLength > 0.f" failed! in file /home/cadaver/dev/tundra/src/Core/Math/Math/Quat.cpp, line 389!
Assumption "q.IsNormalized()" failed! in file /home/cadaver/dev/tundra/src/Core/Math/Math/Matrix.inl, line 854!
Assumption "float3x4::FromTRS(translate, rotate, scale).Equals(*this, 0.1f)" failed! in file /home/cadaver/dev/tundra/src/Core/Math/Math/float3x4.cpp, line 1581!
Assumption "Unable to render embedded object: File (EqualAbs(scale.x, 0)" failed) not found. in file /home/cadaver/dev/tundra/src/Core/Math/Math/float3x4.cpp, line 1593!
Assumption "Unable to render embedded object: File (EqualAbs(scale.y, 0)" failed) not found. in file /home/cadaver/dev/tundra/src/Core/Math/Math/float3x4.cpp, line 1594!
Assumption "Unable to render embedded object: File (EqualAbs(scale.z, 0)" failed) not found. in file /home/cadaver/dev/tundra/src/Core/Math/Math/float3x4.cpp, line 1595!
Assumption "r.IsFinite()" failed! in file /home/cadaver/dev/tundra/src/Core/Math/Math/float3x4.cpp, line 739!
Assumption "float3x4::FromTRS(translate, rotate, scale).Equals(*this, 0.1f)" failed! in file /home/cadaver/dev/tundra/src/Core/Math/Math/float3x4.cpp, line 1601!
Assumption "m.IsColOrthogonal()" failed! in file /home/cadaver/dev/tundra/src/Core/Math/Math/Quat.cpp, line 395!
Assumption "m.HasUnitaryScale()" failed! in file /home/cadaver/dev/tundra/src/Core/Math/Math/Quat.cpp, line 396!
Assumption "IsFinite()" failed! in file /home/cadaver/dev/tundra/src/Core/Math/Math/float3x3.cpp, line 690!
Assumption "oldLength > 0.f" failed! in file /home/cadaver/dev/tundra/src/Core/Math/Math/Quat.cpp, line 389!
Assumption "q.IsNormalized()" failed! in file /home/cadaver/dev/tundra/src/Core/Math/Math/Matrix.inl, line 854!
Assumption "float3x4::FromTRS(translate, rotate, scale).Equals(*this, 0.1f)" failed! in file /home/cadaver/dev/tundra/src/Core/Math/Math/float3x4.cpp, line 1581!
Loading of startup scene finished. 7 entities created in 27.138 msecs.
Warning: Physics: Overflow in AABB, object removed from simulation
Warning: Physics: If you can reproduce this, please email
Warning: Physics: Please include above information, your Platform, version of OS.
Warning: Physics: Thanks.
Assumption "Unable to render embedded object: File (EqualAbs(scale.x, 0)" failed) not found. in file /home/cadaver/dev/tundra/src/Core/Math/Math/float3x4.cpp, line 1593!
Assumption "Unable to render embedded object: File (EqualAbs(scale.y, 0)" failed) not found. in file /home/cadaver/dev/tundra/src/Core/Math/Math/float3x4.cpp, line 1594!
Assumption "Unable to render embedded object: File (EqualAbs(scale.z, 0)" failed) not found. in file /home/cadaver/dev/tundra/src/Core/Math/Math/float3x4.cpp, line 1595!
Assumption "r.IsFinite()" failed! in file /home/cadaver/dev/tundra/src/Core/Math/Math/float3x4.cpp, line 739!
Assumption "float3x4::FromTRS(translate, rotate, scale).Equals(*this, 0.1f)" failed! in file /home/cadaver/dev/tundra/src/Core/Math/Math/float3x4.cpp, line 1601!
Assumption "m.IsColOrthogonal()" failed! in file /home/cadaver/dev/tundra/src/Core/Math/Math/Quat.cpp, line 395!
Assumption "m.HasUnitaryScale()" failed! in file /home/cadaver/dev/tundra/src/Core/Math/Math/Quat.cpp, line 396!
Assumption "IsFinite()" failed! in file /home/cadaver/dev/tundra/src/Core/Math/Math/float3x3.cpp, line 690!
Assumption "oldLength > 0.f" failed! in file /home/cadaver/dev/tundra/src/Core/Math/Math/Quat.cpp, line 389!
Assumption "q.IsNormalized()" failed! in file /home/cadaver/dev/tundra/src/Core/Math/Math/Matrix.inl, line 854!
Assumption "float3x4::FromTRS(translate, rotate, scale).Equals(*this, 0.1f)" failed! in file /home/cadaver/dev/tundra/src/Core/Math/Math/float3x4.cpp, line 1581!
Tests output:
test@test-VirtualBox:/opt/realxtend-tundra$ curl http://localhost:2346/entities/5
<!DOCTYPE Entity>
<entity temporary="false" id="5" sync="true">
<component temporary="false" typeId="26" type="Name" sync="true">
<attribute value="Instructions" type="string" id="name" name="Name"/>
<attribute value="" type="string" id="description" name="Description"/>
<attribute value="" type="string" id="group" name="Group"/>
<component temporary="false" typeId="5" type="Script" sync="true">
<attribute value="instructions.js" type="AssetReferenceList" id="scriptRef" name="Script ref"/>
<attribute value="true" type="bool" id="runOnLoad" name="Run on load"/>
<attribute value="0" type="int" id="runMode" name="Run mode"/>
<attribute value="" type="string" id="applicationName" name="Script application name"/>
<attribute value="" type="string" id="className" name="Script class name"/>
test@test-VirtualBox:/opt/realxtend-tundra$ curl -X PUT http://localhost:2346/entities/3/placeable?transform=1,10,5,0,0,0,1,1,1
<!DOCTYPE Component>
<component temporary="false" typeId="20" type="Placeable" sync="true">
<attribute value="1,100000,5,000000,0,000000,1,100000,1,000000,0,000000,0,000000,0,000000,0,000000" type="Transform" id="transform" name="Transform"/>
<attribute value="false" type="bool" id="drawDebug" name="Show bounding box"/>
<attribute value="true" type="bool" id="visible" name="Visible"/>
<attribute value="1" type="int" id="selectionLayer" name="Selection layer"/>
<attribute value="" type="EntityReference" id="parentRef" name="Parent entity ref"/>
<attribute value="" type="string" id="parentBone" name="Parent bone name"/>
test@test-VirtualBox:/opt/realxtend-tundra$ curl -X POST http://localhost:2346/entities
<!DOCTYPE Entity>
<entity temporary="false" id="8" sync="true"/>
test@test-VirtualBox:/opt/realxtend-tundra$ curl -X DELETE http://localhost:2346/entities/5