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  1. Help-Coaches-Desk
  2. HELC-790

FIWARE.Request.Coach.FICHe.PoCpreparation: Deviation on FIWARE plan


    • Type: extRequest
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Done
    • Component/s: FICHe
    • Labels:


      Dear Dave

      So to make it clear, we should expect to see in your PoC in July:

      · Cosmos Big Data (part of)

      · 3D-UI-XML-3D

      · Orion

      · FISTAR Mediation

      Which is fine.

      Kind regards

      Our original FiWARE generic enabler plan “Use of FIWARE in Phase 2 Project “ submitted in February 28 was the 4 below:

      • Cosmos Big Data
      • Object Storage
      • 2D-UI
      • 3D-UI-XML3D

      We also stated that additional enablers would be used in Phase 3 “Additional FIWARE and FI-STAR enablers will be considered for Phase 3 when we would have need for EMR/EHR and HL7 integration.”

      Current Status:

      We are using more enablers in Phase 2 (Orion, FI-STAR Mediation) than planned but have also found that we have no immediate need for 2 of the generic enablers.

      Additional enablers used in Phase 2:

      1) We are using Orion Context Broker as the means to collect IOT events and propagate them to the Hadoop cluster. We would perform more integration in phase 3 with specific devices/networks but for phase 2 we have tested the enabled with sensor data.

      2) We are using WSO2 middleware component for mediation of services. Although in phase 2 we are not integrating with any EMR/EHR systems we have tested the deployment of our services with the WSO2 ESB component from FI-STAR Mediation Service.

      Enablers not needed:

      1) We have no need for object storage in phase 2. Is possible to use in phase 3 (for video data) but presently we use the Cosmos and Orion enablers for data upload using HttpFS API rather than Swift API. Our servers have provisioned block storage (through FIWARE Lab) rather than object storage. We are looking at using some video files in phase 2 test to verify the solution.

      2) We have no need to use the 2D UI enabler as we meet the functionality of customer with the 3D-UI-XML-3D generic enabler.

      Also, as had been discussed before in Riga and emails/webinar we have a hybrid Cosmos solution where we augment Cosmos with some Apache Hadoop capabilities. These can be removed in future when there is upgrade to Cosmos GE. We presently do all the storage, ETL and batch process on Cosmos.



        fw.ext.user FW External User added a comment -

        Thanks for the clarification. We working towards this plan although
        the final 3D implementation test is depending on some surgery video
        files from customer. This may have to be resided on private network and
        not in the FIWARE lab.

        On 02/06/2015 21:14, Franck Le Gall wrote:

        Dear Dave
        > So to make it clear, we should expect to see in your PoC
        in July:
        > · Cosmos Big Data (part of)
        > · 3D-UI-XML-3D
        > ·
        > · FISTAR Mediation
        > Which is fine.
        > Kind regards

        > Franck
        > DE : dave.watson@trendalyze.com
        > ENVOY : lundi 1 juin 2015 15:44
        : Franck Le Gall; oscar@deh-fundmanagement.eu;
        > CC : fiche@digitalezorg.nl
        > OBJET :
        Deviation on FIWARE plan
        > Hello Franck, Oscar and Myriam:
        > Our
        original FiWARE generic enabler plan "Use of FIWARE in Phase 2 Project "
        submitted in February 28 was the 4 below:
        > * Cosmos Big Data
        > *
        Object Storage
        > * 2D-UI
        > * 3D-UI-XML3D
        > We also stated that
        additional enablers would be used in Phase 3 "Additional FIWARE and
        FI-STAR enablers will be considered for Phase 3 when we would have need
        for EMR/EHR and HL7 integration."
        > Current Status:
        > We are
        using more enablers in Phase 2 (Orion, FI-STAR Mediation) than planned
        but have also found that we have no immediate need for 2 of the generic
        > Additional enablers used in Phase 2:
        > 1) We are
        using Orion Context Broker as the means to collect IOT events and
        propagate them to the Hadoop cluster. We would perform more integration
        in phase 3 with specific devices/networks but for phase 2 we have tested
        the enabled with sensor data.
        > 2) We are using WSO2 middleware
        component for mediation of services. Although in phase 2 we are not
        integrating with any EMR/EHR systems we have tested the deployment of
        our services with the WSO2 ESB component from FI-STAR Mediation Service.

        > Enablers not needed:
        > 1) We have no need for object storage
        in phase 2. Is possible to use in phase 3 (for video data) but presently
        we use the Cosmos and Orion enablers for data upload using HttpFS API
        rather than Swift API. Our servers have provisioned block storage
        (through FIWARE Lab) rather than object storage. We are looking at using
        some video files in phase 2 test to verify the solution.
        > 2) We
        have no need to use the 2D UI enabler as we meet the functionality of
        customer with the 3D-UI-XML-3D generic enabler.
        > Also, as had been
        discussed before in Riga and emails/webinar we have a hybrid Cosmos
        solution where we augment Cosmos with some Apache Hadoop capabilities.
        These can be removed in future when there is upgrade to Cosmos GE. We
        presently do all the storage, ETL and batch process on Cosmos.

        Fiware-fiche-coaching mailing list

        fw.ext.user FW External User added a comment - Thanks for the clarification. We working towards this plan although the final 3D implementation test is depending on some surgery video files from customer. This may have to be resided on private network and not in the FIWARE lab. On 02/06/2015 21:14, Franck Le Gall wrote: > Dear Dave > > So to make it clear, we should expect to see in your PoC in July: > > · Cosmos Big Data (part of) > > · 3D-UI-XML-3D > > · Orion > > · FISTAR Mediation > > Which is fine. > > Kind regards > > Franck > > DE : dave.watson@trendalyze.com dave.watson@trendalyze.com > ENVOY : lundi 1 juin 2015 15:44 > : Franck Le Gall; oscar@deh-fundmanagement.eu; myriam.martin@ticbiomed.net > CC : fiche@digitalezorg.nl > OBJET : Deviation on FIWARE plan > > Hello Franck, Oscar and Myriam: > > Our original FiWARE generic enabler plan "Use of FIWARE in Phase 2 Project " submitted in February 28 was the 4 below: > > * Cosmos Big Data > * Object Storage > * 2D-UI > * 3D-UI-XML3D > > We also stated that additional enablers would be used in Phase 3 "Additional FIWARE and FI-STAR enablers will be considered for Phase 3 when we would have need for EMR/EHR and HL7 integration." > > Current Status: > > We are using more enablers in Phase 2 (Orion, FI-STAR Mediation) than planned but have also found that we have no immediate need for 2 of the generic enablers. > > Additional enablers used in Phase 2: > > 1) We are using Orion Context Broker as the means to collect IOT events and propagate them to the Hadoop cluster. We would perform more integration in phase 3 with specific devices/networks but for phase 2 we have tested the enabled with sensor data. > > 2) We are using WSO2 middleware component for mediation of services. Although in phase 2 we are not integrating with any EMR/EHR systems we have tested the deployment of our services with the WSO2 ESB component from FI-STAR Mediation Service. > > Enablers not needed: > > 1) We have no need for object storage in phase 2. Is possible to use in phase 3 (for video data) but presently we use the Cosmos and Orion enablers for data upload using HttpFS API rather than Swift API. Our servers have provisioned block storage (through FIWARE Lab) rather than object storage. We are looking at using some video files in phase 2 test to verify the solution. > > 2) We have no need to use the 2D UI enabler as we meet the functionality of customer with the 3D-UI-XML-3D generic enabler. > > Also, as had been discussed before in Riga and emails/webinar we have a hybrid Cosmos solution where we augment Cosmos with some Apache Hadoop capabilities. These can be removed in future when there is upgrade to Cosmos GE. We presently do all the storage, ETL and batch process on Cosmos. > > Dave _______________________________________________ Fiware-fiche-coaching mailing list Fiware-fiche-coaching@lists.fi-ware.org https://lists.fi-ware.org/listinfo/fiware-fiche-coaching


          • Assignee:
            flegall Franck Le Gall
            fw.ext.user FW External User
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