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  1. Help-Coaches-Desk
  2. HELC-766

FIWARE.Request.Coach.FICHe.Request of Fi-Lab account


    • Type: extRequest
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Done
    • Component/s: FICHe
    • Labels:



      We are trying to request a Fi-Lab community account and we don't have
      access to it. How can we access our community cloud account?

      The first attempt was with pmoreno@magicbox.es account and today we have
      tried with dcastro@magicbox.es. Both of them are yet trial accounts and no
      community accounts. What can we do now?

      These are our company information:
      Company name: Magicbox interactive
      Main contact: Daniel Castro, dcastro@magicbox.es
      Are you already registered in FIWARE Lab?: Yes
      Accelerator program: FICHe
      Project name: CESIS : Care Ehealth SmartTV and Internet Solution
      Number of developers: 3
      Object storage: 40 GB

      Thanks in advance. Regards,

      Carolina García Vázquez


      Project Manager

      Telf. +34 606 938 612

      Magicbox Television and Interactive Services

      Calle Arboleda, 14. 28031 Madrid Spain


      Este mensaj <http://www.magicbox.es/>e, y en su caso, cualquier fichero
      anexo al mismo, puede contener información confidencial, siendo para uso
      exclusivo del destinatario, quedando prohibida su divulgación copia o
      distribución a terceros sin la autorización expresa del remitente. Si Vd.
      ha recibido este mensaje erróneamente, se ruega lo notifique al remitente y
      proceda a su borrado.

      Gracias por su colaboración.

      This message (including any attachments) may contain confidential
      information. It is intended for use by the recipient only. Any
      dissemination, copying or distribution to third parties without the express
      consent of the sender is strictly prohibited. If you have received this
      message in error, please delete it immediately and notify the sender.

      Thank you for your collaboration.

      Fiware-fiche-coaching mailing list

      [Created via e-mail received from: Carolina Garcia Vazquez <cgarcia@magicbox.es>]


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          • Assignee:
            flegall Franck Le Gall
            fw.ext.user FW External User
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