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  1. Help-Coaches-Desk
  2. HELC-746



    • Type: extRequest
    • Status: Closed
    • Resolution: Done
    • Component/s: SmartAgriFood2
    • Labels:


      Dear SmartAgriFood team,

      Just a reminder - Everyone who has a FIWARE Lab account needs to accept the new terms and conditions by tomorrow in order to not get locked out of FIWARE Lab.

      Please kindly forward this reminder to your internal team and your SMEs.

      Best regards,


      From: Sb@fi-ppp.eu<Sb@fi-ppp.eu> Sb@fi-ppp.eu On Behalf Of Juanjo Hierro
      Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 12:51 PM
      To: ab@fi-ppp.eu<ab@fi-ppp.eu>; SB@fi-ppp.eu<SB@fi-ppp.eu>
      Subject: [FI-PPP SB] URGENT and IMPORTANT message: reminder about new user account management policies and acceptance of new terms and conditions on the FIWARE Lab

      Dear all,

      Several weeks ago (probably more than one month already) we announced that new user account management policies will be in force, linked to new terms and conditions on the usage of the FIWARE Lab.

      These new policies were needed due to the success of the FIWARE Lab which rapidly lead to exhaustion of physical resources which in turn led to malfunctioning of the environment due to over-subscription. This gives the poor and misleading impression that "FIWARE doesn't work" when the fact is that the FIWARE Lab is not working properly due to the fact that resources got exhausted.

      The new user account management policies (see below the signature) are targeted to make sure that resources do not get exhausted and a proper service is provided.

      A message to all users of the FIWARE Lab was sent when we announced the migration and a reminder was also sent to them yesterday. Also a screen is showing up when a user logs in. Therefore, users should be probably aware.

      HOWEVER, I would like to inform you about this fact so that you can spread the message to users of the FIWARE Lab (see again below my signature) also through your regular communication channels of your own FI-PPP project.

      Please spread the message through your regular project communication channel and do it urgently.

      If you have any question, please do so by sending a message to Stefano de Panfilis <Stefano.DePanfilis@eng.it><Stefano.DePanfilis@eng.it>, Federico Facca <federico.facca@create-net.org><federico.facca@create-net.org> and me <juanjose.hierro@telefonica.com><juanjose.hierro@telefonica.com>


      – Juanjo

      === message to users of the FIWARE Lab:

      Dear FIWARE Lab user,

      This email is the last reminder for you to accept the new FIWARE Lab term and conditions. Should you not accept the new defined policies by April 15th 2015 19:00 CET, your account will be removed and your resources released. FIWARE Lab providers will not be responsible for creating a copy of the data you stored on FIWARE Lab.

      To accept the new term and conditions follow this link: http://terms.lab.fiware.org/accept. You will be asked to let the �Term and conditions� application to access your account data and to accept the new conditions.

      For your convenience, the main policies are summarized as follow:

      1. Users will be categorized in �Trial� and �Community� users. Trial users will include the users accessing the Lab for testing the FIWARE technologies during a limited period of time. Community users will include users who have formally requested a longer term environment for working on the development of applications based on FIWARE technologies.

      2. Trial users will be provided with a limited set of resources and for a limited period of time (14 days) within a single node part of FIWARE Lab. Trial users who wish to have a longer term environment will need to apply (and obtain) and Community account (see point 3). After the expiration of their trial period, the account assigned to a Trial user is disabled and the associated resources released - any backup is up to the user. FIWARE Lab providers will not be responsible for the loss of any data. Reminders are sent one week before the expiration and the day before. However, the amount of resources assigned to Trial Users may vary depending on availability of new nodes and change of internal policies. Here it is a summary of limitations applicable to Trial users:

      a. Trial users cannot create volumes

      b. Trial users cannot create private networks

      c. Trial users can create up to 2 VM - flavour m1.small (see [3])

      d. Trial users cannot create new organizations beyond the organization linked to their account

      1. Community users will be selected through an application process. The application process, which may result with a negative answer, will be handled with the eventual support of FIWARE Accelerator projects (see [1], [2]) who will identify users that are part of their acceleration programme. Users beyond the FIWARE Accelerator programme are also admitted. Users willing to become Community users will need to describe the application they are developing and the planned usage of FIWARE resources. Community users will be assigned a default FIWARE Lab node and will have access to it for a 9 month period unless the application process is renewed. This node is selected according to their preference and/or ascription to a given FIWARE accelerator project, each of which is linked to a default node. By issuing a request for additional resources, Community users may be able to access additional nodes if well motivated.

      2. If the total quota assigned to Trial users gets exhausted, requests to create a Trial user account that require management of cloud resources will be queued and notified once resources are available on a �first arrived, first served� basis.

      3. Users requesting a Public IP may need to provide a verifiable identity information that will be handled by FIWARE infrastructure providers to ensure the possibility to track liable actions within the FIWARE Lab.

      4. Users will not be able to create new �Organizations� anymore beyond the organization linked to their account. FIWARE Lab allows to share access to the cloud environment set up by a given user by adding users to the organization linked to that user. As a consequence, existing organizations will be blocked from accessing cloud resources.

      [1] http://www.fiware.org/accelerators/

      [2] http://www.fiware.org/fiware-accelerator-programme/

      [3] http://docs.openstack.org/openstack-ops/content/flavors.html


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      This e-mail and the documents attached are confidential and intended solely for the addressee; it may also be privileged. If you receive this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and destroy it.
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      Este mensaje y los ficheros adjuntos pueden contener informaci�n confidencial destinada solamente a la(s) persona(s) mencionadas anteriormente y pueden estar protegidos por secreto profesional.
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      Aunque se esfuerza al m�ximo por mantener su red libre de virus, el emisor no puede garantizar nada al respecto y no ser� responsable de cualesquiera da�os que puedan resultar de una transmisi�n de virus.
      Bu mesaj ve ekleri g�nderilen ki?iye �zeldir ve gizli bilgiler i�erebilir. E?er mesaj?n g�nderilmek istendi?i ki?i de?ilseniz l�tfen kopyalamay?n?z, ba?kalar?na g�ndermeyiniz ve g�ndericiyi bilgilendiriniz. Internet �zerinden g�nderilen mesajlar?n g�venli ve hatas?z oldu?unun garantisi olmad???ndan Atos grubu mesaj?n i�eri?inden sorumlu tutulamaz. G�ndericinin bilgisayar? anti-vir�s sistemleri taraf?ndan taranmaktad?r, ancak yine de mesaj?n vir�s i�ermedi?i garanti edilemez ve g�nderici, meydana gelebilecek zararlardan sorumlu tutulamaz.

      This e-mail and the documents attached are confidential and intended solely for the addressee; it may also be privileged. If you receive this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and destroy it. As its integrity cannot be secured on the Internet, the Atos group liability cannot be triggered for the message content. Although the sender endeavors to maintain a computer virus-free network, the sender does not warrant that this transmission is virus-free and will not be liable for any damages resulting from any virus transmitted.

      Fiware-smartagrifood-coaching mailing list


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