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  1. Help-Coaches-Desk
  2. HELC-1298

FIWARE.Request.Coach.CreatiFI.Screencast stream not being recorded in Kurento GE


    • Type: extRequest
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Done
    • Component/s: CreatiFI
    • Labels:


      Dear FIWARE coach,
      we forward you a support request received from a CreatiFI applicant we are
      not able to solve.
      Please let us know if you need direct contact with the submitter.



      We are trying to record a screencast.

      The screencast is sent to Kurento that is able to send it back to the
      But the stream is not recorded, the file is created but stays at zero bytes.

      Actually, we have been recording files on v5.1.0 without any problems.
      Now we moved to v6.4.0 we changed the code accordingly but now the
      screencast stream is not recorded any more.

      Project is blocked because of this, we need help urgently!

      This is the code we use to stream and record:

      var screencastConstraints = {
      audio: false,
      video: {

      { maxWidth: 640, maxHeight: 480, maxFrameRate: 15, minFrameRate: 1 }


      this.startScreencast = function () {
      var screencastInput = document.getElementById('screencastInput')
      var options = {
      localVideo: null,
      remoteVideo: screencastInput,
      mediaConstraints: screencastConstraints,
      configuration : { iceServers : [

      {"url":"turn:numb.viagenie.ca:3478", "username":"<username>", "credential":"<credential>"}

      ] }
      var pipeline = self.pipeline;

      if (pipeline != null) {
      // self.webRtcPeerScreencast =
      kurentoUtils.WebRtcPeer.startSendOnly(null, onOffer, onError,
      self.webRtcPeerScreencast =
      kurentoUtils.WebRtcPeer.WebRtcPeerSendrecv(options, function(error)

      { if(error) return onError(error); this.generateOffer(onOffer); }


      } else

      { $log.debug('Pipeline == null'); }

      function onError(error)

      { $log.log(error); }

      function onOffer(error, offer) {
      var elements =
      {type: 'RecorderEndpoint', params: {uri :
      file_uri_path + file_uri_screencast + sessionID + file_uri_format}},
      {type: 'WebRtcEndpoint', params: {}}

      kurentoClient(ws_uri, function (error, client) {
      if (error) return onError(error);
      client.create('MediaPipeline', function (error,
      mypipeline) {
      if (error) return onError(error);
      $log.log("Got MediaPipeline");

      mypipeline.create(elements, function(error, elements){
      if (error) return onError(error);

      var recorder = elements[0];
      var webRtc = elements[1];

      setIceCandidateCallbacks(self.webRtcPeerScreencast, webRtc, onError);

      webRtc.processOffer(offer, function(error, answer)

      { if (error) return onError(error); console.log("offer"); webRtc.gatherCandidates(onError); self.webRtcPeerScreencast.processAnswer(answer); }


      client.connect(webRtc, webRtc, recorder,
      function(error) {
      if (error) return onError(error);
      self.screencastRecorder = recorder;



      { if (error) return onError(error); console.log("record"); }




      Since January 1st, old domains won't be supported and messages sent to any domain different to @lists.fiware.org will be lost.
      Please, send your messages using the new domain (Fiware-creatifi-coaching@lists.fiware.org) instead of the old one.
      Fiware-creatifi-coaching mailing list
      [Created via e-mail received from: Andrea Maestrini <amaestrini@create-net.org>]

        Issue Links


          silviocretti Silvio Cretti added a comment -

          The issue has been emailed:

          • Time sent: 07/Mar/16 1:27 PM
          • To: fiware-creatifi-coaching@lists.fi-ware.org
          • with subject: *(HELC-1298) [Fiware-creatifi-coaching] [CreatiFI Benelux Hub] Screencast stream not being recorded in Kurento GE *

          Dear CreatiFI accelerator,
          following the Kurento owner reply:

          this issue has been also asked in kurento mailing list:
          We need the logs of kurento mediaserver to see is there is an error that is not reported to the application.
          Additionally, it seems that only video is being recorded but the profile selected is the default one that expects audio and video to be recorded that could be the reason of the file stay with a 0 size. Try setting mediaProfile constructor parameter to WEBM_VIDEO_ONLY. This way recorder only expects video and does not wait for audio to arrive.
          It is also very recommendable to stop recorder before releasing it. Most probably it can work without calling stop, but it's safer to always call stop.

          The problem is already solved, as you can see in Kurento mailing list:


          silviocretti Silvio Cretti added a comment - The issue has been emailed: Time sent: 07/Mar/16 1:27 PM To: fiware-creatifi-coaching@lists.fi-ware.org with subject: *( HELC-1298 ) [Fiware-creatifi-coaching] [CreatiFI Benelux Hub] Screencast stream not being recorded in Kurento GE * Dear CreatiFI accelerator, following the Kurento owner reply: ********************************** Hi, this issue has been also asked in kurento mailing list: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/kurento/SsuFWCXX0EY We need the logs of kurento mediaserver to see is there is an error that is not reported to the application. Additionally, it seems that only video is being recorded but the profile selected is the default one that expects audio and video to be recorded that could be the reason of the file stay with a 0 size. Try setting mediaProfile constructor parameter to WEBM_VIDEO_ONLY. This way recorder only expects video and does not wait for audio to arrive. It is also very recommendable to stop recorder before releasing it. Most probably it can work without calling stop, but it's safer to always call stop. The problem is already solved, as you can see in Kurento mailing list: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/kurento/SsuFWCXX0EY **********************************


            • Assignee:
              silviocretti Silvio Cretti
              fw.ext.user FW External User
            • Votes:
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue


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