Status: Closed
Resolution: Done
Component/s: FRACTALS
Dear coachers
We have received the following issue from MyFarm project:
Today our two instances in Berlin2 node has been shut down.We cannot power them on again.The instances are with IP addresses:
We know that FIWARE Lab is in a reorganization process and Berlin2 node is planned to be closedand we expected something like that to happen.
But we have some questions regarding that:
- Is that shutdown of our instances planned or incidental?
- Will Berlin2 continue to work and does it worth launching and configuring new instances in that node?
- When our instances will be moved to another node?
Please note that we are now currently at stage of interim reporting of our FRACTALS project - MyFarm and we have planned to
demonstrate our prototype to our technical mentor on 20.10.2015. So the questions above are very important for us in order to
ensure that we won't experience any technical problems during our reporting process.
Thank you in advance and please give us feedback as soon as possible.
Thanks in advance
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Fiware-fractals-coaching mailing list
[Created via e-mail received from: "Romero, Javier" <>]
Issue Links
- relates to
HELP-4888 FIWARE.Request.Lab.Berlin.Berlin2 node instances shut down.
- Closed
Closing the ticket as finally this issue is resolved in
HELP-4888and FLUA-2028...