On 6 Feb 2015, at 11:45, stefano de panfilis <stefano.depanfilis@eng.it> wrote:
dear chris,
i do confirm what said by miguel about the incorporation of new ge in the catalogue.we in few months this issue to be sorted out.
btw, in the meantime in cc you have thierry nagellan who is the fiware iot chapter leader with whom you can talk about your gei to understand the roadmap in pace for the iot chapter.
you may also talk about a possible incorporation or at least a possible set of your proposal as an incubated gei, those are the gei under experimentation and test.
2015-02-06 10:45 GMT+01:00 MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO <miguel.carrillopacheco@telefonica.com>:
Dear Chris,
A very quick answer.
One of the pointers provided by Davide is the preferred one. If you go to http://catalogue.fiware.org/enablers and choose the Gei of your interest, you'll see direct pointers to the sections of the architecture and open specs that concern the concrete GEis. This may be easier than going to the wiki and searching for the GE in the architecture and open spec pages.
As regards incorporating GEs, this is a hot issue internally. So far all the GE specs and the GE implementations have been provided by members of the FIWARE consortium. We plan to open it up in the future to external contributions (it is, in fact, the only way to make this sustainable) but this is not in place yet. We need to define governance rules, etc. (this is also a commitment of the project with the European Commission)
Best regards,
El 06/02/2015 a las 9:54, Chris Thompson escribió:
Thanks Davide,
We have a developed a production ready version of HAT (see http://hubofallthings.com). It is a free open-source Generic Enabler for IoT Services Enablement. Could we get it approved and listed as a FIware GE here http://catalogue.fiware.org/enablers?chapter_tid=5?
I look forward to your thoughts.
Chris ThompsonCo-Founder & Chief Strategy Officer, Enable iDT: +44(0)208 133 8744 | S: christhompsonenable
Enable iD Ltd, 10-12 The Courtyard, Timothys Bridge Road, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 9NPRegistered in England. Company No: 09329352
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On 5 Feb 2015, at 22:13, Davide Dalle Carbonare <davide.dallecarbonare@eng.it> wrote:
Dear Chris,here are a couple of links that can suit your needs:
in addition to those, you can take a look at:
Kind Regards,Davide
2015-02-05 23:02 GMT+01:00 Chris Thompson <chris.thompson@enableid.com>:
Please can you advise where I can access technical documentation on the FIware platform and API’s.
Chris ThompsonCo-Founder & Chief Strategy Officer, Enable iDT: +44(0)208 133 8744 | S: christhompsonenable
Enable iD Ltd, 10-12 The Courtyard, Timothys Bridge Road, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 9NPRegistered in England. Company No: 09329352
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