That's it Federico. -- There is a fiber cut and we are waiting for it to be solved. Hopefully this afternoon.

Best regards,
José Ignacio.

El 16/12/14 a las 00:25, Federico Lopez escribió:
Thank you Federico

2014-12-15 22:59 GMT+01:00 Federico Michele Facca <>:
(not sure this is related) but there was a fiber can in the spanish node and this disconnected some servers from the lab. jose will be able to reply you tomorrow.


On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 10:50 PM, Federico Lopez <> wrote:
Jose Ignacio,

Las peticiones a:  con estos headers: 

('Content-type', 'application/json')
('Accept', 'application/json')
('X-auth-token', u'fyZwKtdGL786-gj1sPEkeVq4js_g5d44b3diXXXXXGgtScNTHRzc6AB0YWon6Zu-wKGpjteddTrbe4q_7q20LQ')
devuelveN el siguiente error desde hace horas: 
urllib2.URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 113] No route to host>

¿puedes ayudarnos?


2014-12-14 13:48 GMT+01:00 JOSE IGNACIO CARRETERO GUARDE <>:
Dear Jerónimo,

Sorry for the delay in our answer. Your VM was indeed shutdown and I've rebooted it.

Best regards,
José Ignacio.

El 13/12/14 a las 18:11, Jerónimo Tocado escribió:
Hello, we are still waiting for a solution or at least a response, we have to show our product at a demo and if this does not work we won't be able to.

On 10 December 2014 at 15:49, adria <> wrote:
Do you know anything about my colleague question??


Josep Adrià Sansaloni Melis
Software Developer and Server Manager

2014-12-04 14:06 GMT+01:00 Jerónimo Tocado <>:

Hello, I am Jeronimo from Smartaxi, we have a problem with a virtual machine instance, it was working two days ago but since yesterday it is in SHUT OFF state and we can't switch it on. We tried rebooting and now it is stuck in REBOOTING

Data about the instance:

Private IP
Public IP
FILAB Account


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Dr. Federico M. Facca

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