
In the Spanish node you only have one VM (as far as I can see with your user) -- Its name is "auth-test" and there's no reason why you can't access that VM using your Keypair.

Maybe, you can have another VM in another region (if so, please tell us which one), but the key-pairs do only work in the region they were created at this moment.

Best regards,
José Ignacio.

El 15/12/14 a las 11:49, Mirsad Bulbulusic escribió:
Hi, i have problem with login to instance using SSH client.
Instance is running image : accesscontrol-gei-tha-3.3.3-1
After i try to login with putty ssh client i got in response : 

Using username "root".
Authenticating with public key "imported-openssh-key"
Server refused public-key signature despite accepting key!

I tried other image with same key and logged in without problems.

Kind regards,

Mirsad Bulbulušić | Android developer
DevLogic | Sarajevo | Bosnia and Herzegovina

Office : +387 33 942 123 
Mobile: +387 61 692 271

Website: www.devlogic.eu 
E-mail   : @devlogic.eu

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