Dear Adelheid,

Can you try if you are able to access now?
It should be work fine.

Please let me know if this problem happens again.
Best Regards

On 13 Nov 2014, at 13:37, Weinert, Adelheid <> wrote:

Dear all,

we are a partner in the Finesce project and for the implementation
I have launched a CEP instance in the Region Spain with a keypair integrated and a public IP-address associated to it.

Until around 12:00 h today I could login via ssh into to VM with the keyfile.
Now if I try to login I am asked to present a password.
Nothing has changed, not the keyfile, my known_hosts file etc.

This is the second time this happens (that is why I launched a new instance yesterday) and I don’t know how I can rectify the situation.

It would be very much appreciated if you could help with this situation.

As I said the region is Spain, the instance CEP, the IP-addresses are, and the name is VPP-Spain-2014112.

Thanks in advance and kind regards,

Adelheid Weinert

Talbotstr. 25
52068 Aachen
Telefon: 0221 669-8308
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Köln - Amtsgericht Köln HRB-Nummer 28281
Vorstand: Jürgen Hermann (Vorsitzender), Barbara Stolz, Henning Reinecke
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Dr. Bernd Schlobohm

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