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[fiware-stackoverflow] how to download ssh keypair from fi-lab cloud more than once?



      Created question in FIWARE Q/A platform on 30-09-2014 at 05:09
      Please, ANSWER this question AT https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26112297/how-to-download-ssh-keypair-from-fi-lab-cloud-more-than-once

      how to download ssh keypair from fi-lab cloud more than once?

      I am starting with fi-lab Cloud at at http://lab.fi-ware.org, then I created security key pair before start to create an instance. Associating the floating ip address to an instance and using this key pair under a ssh session is the only way to have terminal access to the created instance:
      1 - tab security > key pairs > create
      2 - given a name to keypair "kpname"
      3- resulting in: The keypair "kpname" should download automatically. If not use the link below.
      Download Keypair

      Well, the "automatically download" doesn't started on google chrome browser (windows 7 and mac os 10.8.5)
      No problem, I clicked on the provided link (blob:https%3A//cloud.lab.fi-ware.org/850xxxsnipedxxxxecd4), get the "kpname.pem" file, changed the file mode permission (chmod 600) and used with ssh command.

      The problem is when I need to use another computer and not keep the key file stored on my hands (pendrive, dropbox, email...). This way I cannot access my virtual machine, neither creating a new keypair from fi-lab cloud site, because there is no function to associate a new key pair in a created instance. The only place to associate the keypair is on the creation instance workflow. That is, creating a new instance.

      I dont know where to click to download again the same keypair. If not exists I believe the platform could offer download keypair in the context menu (action) from each created key pair.

      The only "action" from each keypair is to delete a selected keypair.

      thanks for help.



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