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[fiware-stackoverflow] FIWARE Wilma PEP Proxy bug: x-organisations header value contains rubbish



      Created question in FIWARE Q/A platform on 29-04-2016 at 01:04
      Please, ANSWER this question AT https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36927066/fiware-wilma-pep-proxy-bug-x-organisations-header-value-contains-rubbish

      FIWARE Wilma PEP Proxy bug: x-organisations header value contains rubbish

      I want to restrict data that is retrieved from a back-end server to organisations to which the authenticated user is a member.

      From the documentation (https://github.com/ging/fiware-pep-proxy) this should be possible using Wilma's inbuilt function for populating a number of http headers:

      Once authenticated, the forwarded request will include additional HTTP >headers with user info:

      X-Nick-Name: nickname of the user in IdM
      X-Display-Name: display name of user in IdM
      X-Roles: roles of the user in IdM
      X-Organizations: organizations in IdM

      However the actual values of the last two headers as forwarded are:

      'x-roles': '[object Object]',
      'x-organizations': '[object Object]',

      The headers literally contain a string value "[object Object]" rendering them completely useless. It looks like the author forgot to serialize the roles and organisations data.

      Please tell me i am overlooking something here?
      If not, any chance of a timely fix? I am not a javascript guru, but a quick google search tells me "JSON.stringify" should do the trick.


        Transition Time In Source Status Execution Times Last Executer Last Execution Date
        Open Open Closed Closed
        8d 19h 49m 1 Alvaro Alonso 31/May/17 10:53 AM


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