Status: Closed
Resolution: Done
Fix Version/s: 2021
Component/s: FIWARE-LAB-HELP
External Participants:
Dear Sirs,
I assume I should send info about VM for migrations to you.
Hera are necessery data:
User name:
Tenant name: digmap cloud
Tenant id: 4cdb0acc99a64fafb7bcedf24db2b691
Region: Lannion2
Name: digmap
ID: 8998a5e1-0bfc-46fa-8d1a-37f0da03db35
Status: ACTIVE
Name: digmap-test
ID: 956918ba-00e9-4e6c-b09f-f916bb4c7907
Status: ACTIVE
Name: digmap-wirecloud
ID: 6a630547-71bf-46ea-8a63-8fd94a0a5ea3
Please let me know about migration date so I could update DNS entry if
original IP will be lost.
Srdačno, Krunoslav
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: 31 August 2016 at 11:58
Subject: Lannion FIWARE Lab-Migration Lannion2 to Lannion3
[image: FIWARE-Lab]
Dear FIWARE Lab user,
Dear Lannion FIWARE Lab user,
As you are aware, during theese last months, Lannion FIWARE Lab node has
undergone significant maintenance, in order to perform an upgrade to the
Openstack Kilo version.
In this moment we have two nodes active: Lannion2 (in Juno version) and
Lannion3 (in Kilo version).
During the month of september, we will proceed to migrate all VMs from
Lannion2 to Lannion3 node, in order to clear Lannion2 node.
So, we kindly ask users that want to continue to use their ressouces, to
demand us the migration of their VMs till 30 Septembre 2016.
In order to schedule the migration, you will need to inform us about (
please fill the lines bellow):
- Your project ID (tenant):
- VMs id's or names to migrate:
- Volume(s) to migrate and their Ids (if you have) :
- A date to schedule this migration (or multiple dates in the case we
are not available):
- After 30 Septembre we will shutdown Lannion2 Node and all your data
will be errased on this node. To avoid this, please be so kind to schedule
the migration of your ressources in time. - Your public IP addresses will be changed durring this process. So
please make the necessary changes before migration (DNS, etc).
If you are not concerned or you don't want to continue on Lannion nodes
after 30 Septembre, please ignore this message.
Best regards,
Fiware-Lab/ Lannion Region
ImaginLab Support
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you need to follow four simple steps:
1. Log on FIWARE Lab user <>
2. Click on the dropdown menu next to your user name (upper right corner)
3. Select "Settings"
4. Click on "Cancel account" and confirm.
2015 © FIWARE <>.
Since January 1st, old domains won't be supported and messages sent to any domain different to will be lost.
Please, send your messages using the new domain ( instead of the old one.
Fiware-lab-help mailing list
[Created via e-mail received from: Krunoslav Hrnjak <>]
Your request has been forwarded to Lannion support
Comment by :
Renamed attached file: '[FIWARE-JIRA] (
HELP-7207) [Fiware-lab-help] Fwd: Lannion FIWARE Lab-Migration Lannion2 to Lannion3 - Digmap' to '[FIWARE-JIRA] (HELP-7207) [Fiware-lab-help] Fwd_ Lannion FIWARE Lab-Migration Lannion2 to Lannion3 - Digmap' because it contained invalid character(s).