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  1. Help-Desk
  2. HELP-7124

[Fiware-lab-help] FIWARE Lab Assistance Tourguide


    • Type: extRequest
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Done
    • Fix Version/s: 2021
    • Component/s: FIWARE-TECH-HELP
    • Labels:
    • HD-Chapter:
    • HD-Enabler:
    • HD-Node:


      I tried out the latest tour guide's docker-compose.yml. It's mongodb
      entry is fiware/tutorials.tourguide-app.restaurant-data:20160608. However,
      it appears that the db is empty or there is an incompatibility with orion.
      After bringing up the tour guide I tried using curl to get an entity from
      the DB, but returns an error. I retried with an older version,
      fiware/tutorials.tourguide-app.restaurant-data:20160201, and it works as

      These are the results.

      nagin@rcc-hrl-kvg-558:~/tourguide/tutorials.TourGuide-App$ sudo
      docker-compose up -d
      Creating mongodb
      Creating authzforce
      Creating orion
      Creating idas
      Creating ul20client
      Creating mysql
      Creating cygnus
      Creating keyrock
      Creating tourguide
      nagin@rcc-hrl-kvg-558:~/tourguide/tutorials.TourGuide-App$ sudo
      docker-compose ps
      Name Command State Ports
      authzforce catalina.sh run Up 8080/tcp
      cygnus /cygnus-entrypoint.sh Up 5050/tcp, 8081/tcp

      idas /bin/sh c bin/iotagent-ul ... Up>4041/tcp,>7896/tcp
      keyrock /docker-entrypoint.sh Up 443/tcp, 5000/tcp

      mongodb /entrypoint.sh --smallfiles Up 27017/tcp
      mysql docker-entrypoint.sh mysqld Up 3306/tcp
      orion /usr/bin/contextBroker fg ... Up>1026/tcp

      tourguide /docker-entrypoint.sh Up>80/tcp

      ul20client /docker-entrypoint.sh --fa ... Up
      nagin@rcc-hrl-kvg-558:~/tourguide/tutorials.TourGuide-App$ curl -s -X GET
      -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Fiware-Service: tourguide" -H
      "Content-Type: application/json"
      '' | python -m json.tool
      "description": "The requested entity has not been found. Check type
      and id",
      "error": "NotFound"

      nagin@rcc-hrl-kvg-558:~/tourguide/tutorials.TourGuide-App$ sudo
      docker-compose logs | grep -i error
      tourguide | ==> /var/log/apache2/error.log <==
      tourguide | ==> /var/log/apache2/tourguide-app-error.log <==
      keyrock | ==> /var/log/apache2/error.log <==
      cygnus | time=2016-08-21T11:41:40.244Z | lvl=WARN | corr= | trans= |
      srv= | subsrv= | comp=cygnus-ngsi | op=<init> |
      msg=com.telefonica.iot.cygnus.interceptors.CygnusGroupingRules[61] :
      Grouping rules syntax has errors. Details: null
      cygnus | time=2016-08-21T11:41:40.279Z | lvl=WARN | corr= | trans= |
      srv= | subsrv= | comp=cygnus-ngsi | op=<init> |
      msg=com.telefonica.iot.cygnus.interceptors.CygnusGroupingRules[61] :
      Grouping rules syntax has errors. Details: null
      keyrock | ==> /var/log/apache2/error.log <==
      orion | ERROR@11:41:36 mongoConnectionPool.cpp[140]: Database
      Startup Error (cannot connect to mongo - doing 100 retries with a 1000
      microsecond interval)

      Best Regards,

      Kenneth Nagin
      Ph: +972-4-8296227
      Cell: 054-6976227
      Fx: +972-4- 8296114

      Since January 1st, old domains won't be supported and messages sent to any domain different to @lists.fiware.org will be lost.
      Please, send your messages using the new domain (Fiware-lab-help@lists.fiware.org) instead of the old one.
      Fiware-lab-help mailing list


        knagin Kenneth Nagin created issue -
        backlogmanager Backlog Manager made changes -
        Field Original Value New Value
        Component/s FIWARE-LAB-HELP [ 10279 ]
        backlogmanager Backlog Manager made changes -
        HD-Enabler Unknown [ 10910 ]
        HD-Node Unknown [ 10852 ]
        marcocipriani Marco Cipriani made changes -
        Assignee Marco Cipriani [ marco ]
        mev Manuel Escriche made changes -
        Component/s FIWARE-TECH-HELP [ 10278 ]
        Component/s FIWARE-LAB-HELP [ 10279 ]
        mev Manuel Escriche added a comment -

        Marco, are you fixing this item?

        mev Manuel Escriche added a comment - Marco, are you fixing this item?
        marcocipriani Marco Cipriani added a comment -

        Hi Manuel,
        this morning I sent an email to Kenneth in order to know to whom I should assign this ticket or what is the affected component (I guess it is not Docker because Kenneth is the responsible of that component). I have not yet received an answer.
        Do you know to who this ticket can be assigned?


        marcocipriani Marco Cipriani added a comment - Hi Manuel, this morning I sent an email to Kenneth in order to know to whom I should assign this ticket or what is the affected component (I guess it is not Docker because Kenneth is the responsible of that component). I have not yet received an answer. Do you know to who this ticket can be assigned? BR Marco
        marcocipriani Marco Cipriani added a comment -

        Hi Kenneth,
        can you tell me who should be the assignee of this ticket or what is the affected component ?
        Thank you in advance


        marcocipriani Marco Cipriani added a comment - Hi Kenneth, can you tell me who should be the assignee of this ticket or what is the affected component ? Thank you in advance BR Marco
        marcocipriani Marco Cipriani made changes -
        Status Open [ 1 ] In Progress [ 3 ]
        mev Manuel Escriche made changes -
        Assignee Marco Cipriani [ marco ] Jose Manuel Cantera [ jmcantera ]
        mev Manuel Escriche made changes -
        HD-Chapter Others [ 11001 ]
        jmcantera Jose Manuel Cantera added a comment -

        is this issue still alive? If so, Please could you get in touch with Bitergia to solve it? thanks

        jmcantera Jose Manuel Cantera added a comment - is this issue still alive? If so, Please could you get in touch with Bitergia to solve it? thanks
        knagin Kenneth Nagin added a comment -

        As you see they have not answered. The issue points out a problem in the Tourguide. I had assumed that they would appreciate the feedback. I do not intend to chase them around for an answer.

        knagin Kenneth Nagin added a comment - As you see they have not answered. The issue points out a problem in the Tourguide. I had assumed that they would appreciate the feedback. I do not intend to chase them around for an answer.
        alberto.martin Alberto Martín added a comment - - edited

        Hi Kenneth! I haven't seen this ticket before, sorry for the late reply.

        A couple of months ago we've modified the entities structure to send in to Orion, so now the restaurants, reviews and reservations have their own id based on a `sha1` hash, so the `id` is not the restaurant name anymore. So if you go against Orion, you will need to query that `id`.

        Still, you can query Orion in a different way and filter by the name of the restaurant, for example:

        curl -X GET -H "fiware-service: tourguide" "http://localhost:1026/v2/entities?type=Restaurant&q=name==Elizalde"

        And you will get the desired restaurant.

        Hope it's clear.


        Alberto Martín

        alberto.martin Alberto Martín added a comment - - edited Hi Kenneth! I haven't seen this ticket before, sorry for the late reply. A couple of months ago we've modified the entities structure to send in to Orion, so now the restaurants, reviews and reservations have their own id based on a `sha1` hash, so the `id` is not the restaurant name anymore. So if you go against Orion, you will need to query that `id`. Still, you can query Orion in a different way and filter by the name of the restaurant, for example: curl -X GET -H "fiware-service: tourguide" "http://localhost:1026/v2/entities?type=Restaurant&q=name==Elizalde" And you will get the desired restaurant. Hope it's clear. Best! Alberto Martín
        jmcantera Jose Manuel Cantera made changes -
        Status In Progress [ 3 ] Answered [ 10104 ]
        jmcantera Jose Manuel Cantera made changes -
        Resolution Done [ 10000 ]
        Status Answered [ 10104 ] Closed [ 6 ]
        fla Fernando Lopez made changes -
        Fix Version/s 2021 [ 12600 ]
        Transition Time In Source Status Execution Times Last Executer Last Execution Date
        Open Open In Progress In Progress
        7h 17m 1 Marco Cipriani 22/Aug/16 6:17 PM
        In Progress In Progress Answered Answered
        178d 18h 44m 1 Jose Manuel Cantera 17/Feb/17 12:02 PM
        Answered Answered Closed Closed
        4s 1 Jose Manuel Cantera 17/Feb/17 12:02 PM


          • Assignee:
            jmcantera Jose Manuel Cantera
            knagin Kenneth Nagin
          • Votes:
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue


            • Created: