It is nice to see that we are making progress.
The problem does not seem to related to docker-machine.
There is must be a free floating IP to for the VM.
Do you have another VM running that can be terminated to free up their IP?
If there are no other VMs running then try creating a VM and then associating a floating IP to it.
> From: René Smit <>
> To: Kenneth Nagin/Haifa/IBM@IBMIL
> Cc:, Marc Palau <>
> Date: 15/03/2016 11:54 AM
> Subject: Re: [FIWARE-JIRA] (HELP-6060) [Fiware-creatifi-coaching]
> [CreatiFi Brussels Hub] General Support #434: Docker hosting access
> Hello Kenneth,
> The tenant name was already specified through "export
> OS_TENANT_NAME=displaydirect cloud" (this was in the file that could
> be downloaded from our account). However, as per your direction, I
> specified this on the commandline instead, and this helped get rid
> of the earlier error message. So I decided to change all environment
> variables to commandline parameters, and ended up with the following command:
> $ docker-machine create -d openstack --openstack-flavor-id="2" –
> openstack-image-id="3a39252a-ec91-4b7e-a33c-a49f9791712c" –
> openstack-net-name="node-int-net-01" -openstack-floatingip
> pool="federation-ext-net-01" --openstack-sec-groups="dd" –
> openstack-keypair-name="dd" --openstack-private-key-file="dd.pem" –
> openstack-ssh-user="ubuntu" --openstack-tenant-name="displaydirect
> cloud" --openstack-region="Spain2" --openstack-auth-url="http://130.
> 206.84.8:4730/v3/" -openstack-domain-name="default" --openstack
> username="" --openstack-password="fiware21"
> backoffice-fiware
> Running pre-create checks...
> Creating machine...
> (backoffice-fiware) Creating machine...
> Error creating machine: Error in driver during machine creation:
> Expected HTTP response code [200] when accessing [PUT http://130.
> 206.112.3:9696/v2.0/floatingips/3adffd72-6f39-4602-9839-5ce64c2f1a3b
> ], but got 404 instead
> {"NeutronError": {"message": "External network 38a6b9b6-0ab8-4461-
> bd03-061f3a861090 is not reachable from subnet 69c950ea-5ca6-462e-
> a023-8c022507266c. Therefore, cannot associate Port
> 0eaa0894-3b9d-441e-8b01-9e388f8ec55a with a Floating IP.", "type":
> "ExternalGatewayForFloatingIPNotFound", "detail": ""}}
> Creating the machine now took a lot longer, and I can also see the
> created instance running and active on the dashboard.
> However, as you can see above, I still got an error message, and the
> instance does not have an associated floating IP. When I try to do
> that from the dashboard, I get a similar error:
> {"badRequest": {"message": "Unable to associate floating ip 10.1.65.
> 209 to fixed ip for instance d4a48f05-4aac-44f0-
> afa0-69a6347d0d53. Error: External network 38a6b9b6-0ab8-4461-
> bd03-061f3a861090 is not reachable from subnet 69c950ea-5ca6-462e-
> a023-8c022507266c. Therefore, cannot associate Port
> 0eaa0894-3b9d-441e-8b01-9e388f8ec55a with a Floating IP.", "code": 400}}
> René Smit
given that the issue is related to sensitive data, I suggest you to forward the issue to the Docker owner, Kenneth Nagin, in order to contact in a private way the CreatiFI accelerator. Contact point is Marc Palau: