Status: Closed
Resolution: Done
Fix Version/s: 2021
Component/s: FIWARE-LAB-HELP
Sender Email:
Hello again,
As an update to the prior email, I realized the keypair was not specified for the blueprint instance launch, and I suspected that maybe that caused the obscure nondescript error. So I assigned a keypair to a new blueprint, but then got a different error:
Info: Connected to project philipsfiware cloud (ID 8ca9e20c9197468da44cfc5c7b4dfe58)
Success: Blueprint Instance abc001 status.
Description: Create environment abc001
Status: ERROR
Error: Infrastructure error Error interacting with OpenStack Error in parse response after deploy the VM 43ba38c5-7ac3-4f88-b815-582a8cb5c035 {"server": {"status": "ERROR", "updated": "2016-02-18T20:29:44Z", "hostId": "2485dc15a94a35f4bc0af79b3a1575355ee505e4f79a3b4b1f1aa606", "addresses": {}, "links": [
{"href": "", "rel": "self"},
{"href": "", "rel": "bookmark"}], "key_name": "keypair20160218", "image": {"id": "3a39252a-ec91-4b7e-a33c-a49f9791712c", "links": [
{"href": "", "rel": "bookmark"}]}, "OS-EXT-STS:task_state": "spawning", "OS-EXT-STS:vm_state": "error", "OS-SRV-USG:launched_at": null, "flavor": {"id": "1", "links": [{"href": "", "rel"
From: Ziembienski, Dan
Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2016 2:39 PM
To: '' <>
Subject: FIWARE Lab Assistance
I'm a researcher at Philips Lighting in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, evaluating the FIWARE platform for potential use in our products. I've watched many of the videos from the FIWARE summit last year that you have posted on; and I understand the architecture; and I have created a FIWARE Labs account of username "philipsfiware" under my email<>. I've tried following some of your video tutorials for creating blueprints and launching blueprint instances. However, I always get a nondescript error when I try to launch any instance:
Error: undefined. Cause: 400 Error info<>
Success: Blueprint Instance test20160218B status.
Description: Create environment test20160218B
Status: ERROR
Error: Infrastructure error Error interacting with OpenStack Error creating server: String index out of range: -10
Also, I tried launching computer instances of an ubuntu14 image, and specified a keypair that I generated, and supposedly it launched. But then I get the following nondescript error when I try to assign a floating IP to the computer instance so that I can try to access it from SSH externally:
undefined. Cause: 400 Error
{"badRequest": {"message": "No nw_info cache associated with instance", "code": 400}}
Any help would be appreciated.
Dan Ziembienski
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[Created via e-mail received from: "Ziembienski, Dan" <>]
Yesterday there was a problem with the Spain region and the VMs were in ERROR status. You could try it again.