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  2. HELP-5921




      Created question in FIWARE Q/A platform on 18-02-2016 at 12:02
      Please, ANSWER this question AT http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35479610/cannot-see-poi-on-wirecloud-map-viewer

      Cannot see POI on Wirecloud Map Viewer

      We are using the Map Viewer of the fiware-wirecloud mashup to show as POIs in a world map the location of the 3D printers registered in our Fiware project. The instance of GE implementation used is the "FIWARE Lab Mashup Portal" and the POIs are are created and retrieved from the "FIWARE Lab Global Instance" of the "Orion Context Broker" (NGSI server URL--> https://orion.lab.fiware.org:1026/)

      The application was working fine but several months ago the POIs suddenly disappeared from the map.
      After looking over all the related questions in stackoverflow and other resources about this problem, we did the following:

      Update the version of the NGSI source operator from v3.0.3 to v3.0.5,
      Change the NGSI proxy URL from http://ngsiproxy.lab.fiware.org to https://ngsiproxy.lab.fiware.org, and also
      Select the option "Use the FIWARE credentials of the workspace owner" to make public the mashup for all user in the web where it is

      The mashup started to work perfectly.

      But last week we note that the mashup again failed to show points of interest.
      We've made some checking:

      There isn't a new version available of the NGSI source operator in the Marketplace. We are using the last version v3.0.5. Same with the
      "NGSI Entity to PoI" operator or the "Map viewer" widget.
      There are no changes about the NGSI server URL-> https://orion.lab.fiware.org:1026/ or the NGSI proxy URL->
      And finally we have checked the data in the public instance of the Orion Context Broker throught a curl request and the conexion to Orion and the returned json seem right.

      What it might be happening?

      We have looked over all the previous similar questions in stackoverflow and other sources, but this time the answers don't help us.

      Thank you in advanced for your help.



          • Assignee:
            aarranz Álvaro Arranz
            backlogmanager Backlog Manager
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