Status: Closed
Resolution: Done
Fix Version/s: 2021
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Dear Pasquale,
Thank you for your answer. Our project is named NaviParking (FINODEX_093).
Writting about the "production environment" I mean the instance of our system which is used by real users. We have also a seperate system instance that is used by developers and testers ("test environment").
I am not sure if we can assume that we will be always able to use FI-LAB instance of Cosmos. A problem can appear in the further future if we have to create our own instance of Cosmos because FI-LAB does not allow us to use the global instance any longer. In such case we will have to migrate data from the global Cosmos instance to our own Cosmos instance.
Orion has no built-in authentication and authorization mechanisms and probably the best way for performing users authentication and authorization is placing PEP Proxy between frontend applications and Orion. PEP Proxy collaborates with an external identity management component (e.g. we can use KeyRock or FI-LAB identity management).
It seems that we will have to install our own instance of KeyRock to avoid problems in the future. Do you know some other (simpler) options?
Best regards,
Rafal Morawiec
Ekinno Lab Sp. z o.o.
ul. Toszecka 101
44-100 Gliwice
Phone: +48 690317369
E-mail: <>
W dniu 29 października 2015 12:00:01 +01:00 napisał(-a):
> Send Fiware-finodex-coaching mailing list submissions to
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> Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: FI-LAB (Pasquale Vitale)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2015 10:27:45 +0100
> From: Pasquale Vitale <<>>
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: [Fiware-finodex-coaching] FI-LAB
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"; Format="flowed"
> Dear Rafal,
> yes, you can use the global instance of Cosmos and FIWARE account.
> But I want to understand the "production environments",
> you can use them in the FIWARE and you can still use them after the end
> of acceletator (other 9 months).
> Please could you tell me your project in FINODEX?
> Thank you and regards,
> Pasquale
> Il 26/10/2015 18:45, Rafal Morawiec ha scritto:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have two questions related to FI-LAB. Generally, FI-LAB allows for
> > testing and evaluation of FiWare components. I am not sure if some
> > services offered by FI-LAB can be used in "production environments".
> >
> > Could we use the global instance of Cosmos in the final version of our
> > system? At the beginning Cosmos will not play a key role in our system
> > so we could use the existing Cosmos instance. This instance is
> > described on the page pointed below.
> >
> > <>
> >
> > Could we use FI-LAB accounts for authentication of admins and mobile
> > apps? Initially, we planned to create our own instance of KeyRock for
> > identity management. However, it seems that usage of FI-LAB accounts
> > will be more convenient for us (we would like to use FI-LAB accounts
> > with PEP Proxy).
> >
> > Thank you in advance for your answer.
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Rafal Morawiec
> > Ekinno Lab Sp. z o.o.
> > ul. Toszecka 101
> > 44-100 Gliwice
> > Poland
> > Phone: +48 690317369
> > E-mail:<mailto:<>>
> >
> >
> >
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> >
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> End of Fiware-finodex-coaching Digest, Vol 8, Issue 9
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HELC-1118 FIWARE.Request.Coach.FINODEX.Re: Fiware-finodex-coaching Digest, Vol 8, Issue 9
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if you want to base the authentication/authorization in other IdPs identity (Google, Facebook, etc) you have to study the possibilities they offer to do so. You should be able to use the same idea than in FIWARE, create oauth2 tokens with those IdPs and then put a kind of PEP Proxy (perhaps you can use even Wilma) on top of your orion to validate the tokens with such IdPs.
So the architecture is the same but the tokens provider (IdP) is different.