Status: Closed
Resolution: Done
Fix Version/s: 2021
Sender Email:
Hi there!
We are implementig a on2many videoconference using Kurento. The
procedure is like this:
- The transmitter opens the videoconference and emits video and audio
using Firefox or Chrome - A receiver joins the conference and gets de video and audio on his
Chrome or Firefox - 18 minutes approx. after initiating the conference, Kurento crashes
And syslog shows:
kernel: [136447.115593] traps: KmsLoop[20422] general protection
ip:7f6c9ed66d36 sp:7f6c3bffeb90 error:0 in[7f6c9ed0e000+10a000]
kernel: [158988.522731] KmsLoop[9007]: segfault at 43 ip
00007ffb8d669ec8 sp 00007ffb6277dbb0 error 4 in[7ffb8d65f000+3a000]
Why Kurento crashes in a so predictably way? Any clue?
Our environment:
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
Release: 14.04
Codename: trusty
Version: 6.1.1
Found modules:
Module: 'backgroundextractor' version '6.1.1'
Module: 'chroma' version '6.1.1'
Module: 'core' version '6.1.2'
Module: 'crowddetector' version '6.1.1'
Module: 'elements' version '6.1.1'
Module: 'facesegmentator' version '6.1.1'
Module: 'filters' version '6.1.1'
Module: 'markerdetector' version '6.1.1'
Module: 'platedetector' version '6.1.1'
Module: 'pointerdetector' version '6.1.1'
ii gstreamer1.5-libav:amd64
amd64 libav plugin for GStreamer
ii gstreamer1.5-nice:amd64
amd64 ICE library (GStreamer plugin)
ii gstreamer1.5-plugins-bad:amd64
1.5.91~20151001151316.36.gdaf52b5.trusty amd64 GStreamer plugins
from the "bad" set
ii gstreamer1.5-plugins-base:amd64
1.5.91~20151001151055.18.g79a42eb.trusty amd64 GStreamer plugins
from the "base" set
ii gstreamer1.5-plugins-good:amd64
1.5.91~20151001151133.27.g3b1cc74.trusty amd64 GStreamer plugins
from the "good" set
ii gstreamer1.5-plugins-ugly:amd64
1.5.91~20151001151113.10.g1b92d89.trusty amd64 GStreamer plugins
from the "ugly" set
ii gstreamer1.5-pulseaudio:amd64
1.5.91~20151001151133.27.g3b1cc74.trusty amd64 GStreamer plugin
for PulseAudio
ii gstreamer1.5-x:amd64 1.5.91~20151001151055.18.g79a42eb.trusty
amd64 GStreamer plugins for X11 and Pango
ii kms-background-extractor-6.0
6.1.1.trusty amd64 Kurento
Background Extractor Filter
ii kms-chroma-6.0 6.1.1.trusty
amd64 Kurento Chroma Filter
ii kms-core-6.0 6.1.2.trusty amd64
Kurento core module
ii kms-crowddetector-6.0 6.1.1.trusty
amd64 Kurento Crowd Detector Filter
ii kms-elements-6.0 6.1.1.trusty
amd64 Kurento elements module
ii kms-face-segmentator-6.0 6.1.1.trusty
amd64 Kurento Face Segmentator Filter
ii kms-filters-6.0 6.1.1.trusty
amd64 Kurento filters module
ii kms-jsonrpc-1.0 1.0.0.trusty
amd64 Kurento jsonrpc library
ii kms-markerdetector-6.0 6.1.1.trusty
amd64 AR Marker detector for Kurento
ii kms-platedetector-6.0 6.1.1.trusty
amd64 Kurento Plate Detector Filter
ii kms-pointerdetector-6.0 6.1.1.trusty
amd64 Kurento Pointer Detector Filter
ii kmsjsoncpp 1.6.3~20151001151058.38.g263929e.trusty amd64
Kurento jsoncpp library
ii kurento-media-server-6.0 6.1.1.trusty
amd64 Kurento Media Server
ii libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.5-0:amd64
1.5.91~20151001151316.36.gdaf52b5.trusty amd64 GStreamer
development files for libraries from the "bad" set
ii libgstreamer-plugins-base1.5-0:amd64
1.5.91~20151001151055.18.g79a42eb.trusty amd64 GStreamer
libraries from the "base" set
ii libgstreamer1.5-0:amd64 1.5.91~20151001151012.86.g29e3bbd.trusty
amd64 Core GStreamer libraries and elements
ii libnice10:amd64
amd64 ICE library (shared library)
ii openwebrtc-gst-plugins 0.10.0~20151001151244.100.g61cc54b.trusty
amd64 OpenWebRTC specific GStreamer plugins
- Additional options that are passed to the Daemon.
#enable core dump
ulimit -c unlimited
#unlimit open files
ulimit -n $((($(cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max) * 50) / 100 ))
- Next line enables debug for some kurento classes it can be modified to
change - log level and logged tags
#export GST_DEBUG=1,Kurento*:5
export GST_DEBUG=2,Kurento*:5
- whom the daemons should run as
"mediaServer" : {
"net" : {
// Uncomment just one of them
"websocket": {
"port": 8888,
"path": "kurento",
// "threads": 10
"threads": 20
Any comment is more than welcome.
Thanks in advance,
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Please, send your messages using the new domain ( instead of the old one.
Fiware-tech-help mailing list
[Created via e-mail received from: Alberto Bambala Arbea <>]
We cannot reproduce the issue in our facilities. For being able to track the problem we need this information:
1. Where are you deploying Kurento? Is it in the FILAB? In which flavour? If it is out of FILAB, please, provide detailed information on the type of machine where you are deploying including type of CPU, available memory and available HD.
2. Are you using a STUN or TURN server for Kurento? You can find this information in the /etc/kurento/webrtcendpoint configuration files. Please, share them with us.
3. Which browser are you using for both presenter and the viewer? Are you using a STUN / TURN server at the browser-side?