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  1. Help-Desk
  2. HELP-4107

Re: [Fiware-lab-help] FIWARE Lab Assistance


    • Type: extRequest
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Done
    • Fix Version/s: 2021
    • Component/s: FIWARE-LAB-HELP
    • Labels:
    • HD-Chapter:
    • HD-Enabler:
      Ops - Deploy



      You could try to setup a cloud-init script with specific configuration for your instance. Here you have an example: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux_OpenStack_Platform/4/html/End_User_Guide/user-data.html on how to write it.

      You should be able to inject the configuration to your instance from the section under tab “4. Post-Creation” in the instance launch window.


      > On 14 Sep 2015, at 22:06, Oscar Castro <oscar.castro@itech.expert> wrote:
      > FI-WARE Lab Identification data:
      > User full name
      > Jon Murcia
      > User account
      > artiamob@gmail.com
      > Accelerator submission name
      > Artiamob
      > FIWARE Lab Node
      > Spain
      > Help request about changing the hostname of the VM instances/nodes launched on the Lab.
      > I built the node without blueprint, template or any other assistance; just launched an instance of a CentOS 6.5 based image. It seems that when you do it in this way, the cloud environment sets the hostname automatically with a name based on the image name itself. Later, when I try to modify the hostname following the CentOS typical procedures (hostnames file, hostname command, etc) the image seems to do it correctly but if I reboot the machine the hostname is reverted to the original one. ¿How could I prevent this to happen?.
      > Regards,
      > - Oscar Castro
      > _______________________________________________
      > Fiware-lab-help mailing list
      > Fiware-lab-help@lists.fiware.org
      > https://lists.fiware.org/listinfo/fiware-lab-help-new

      Fiware-lab-help mailing list

      1. signature.asc
        0.2 kB
        Daniele Santoro
      2. signature.asc
        0.2 kB
        Daniele Santoro


        danieles Daniele Santoro created issue -
        danieles Daniele Santoro made changes -
        Field Original Value New Value
        Assignee Daniele Santoro [ danieles ]
        danieles Daniele Santoro made changes -
        Component/s FIWARE-LAB-HELP [ 10279 ]
        danieles Daniele Santoro made changes -
        Status Open [ 1 ] In Progress [ 3 ]
        danieles Daniele Santoro made changes -
        Status In Progress [ 3 ] Answered [ 10104 ]
        danieles Daniele Santoro made changes -
        Resolution Done [ 10000 ]
        Status Answered [ 10104 ] Closed [ 6 ]
        danieles Daniele Santoro made changes -
        Attachment signature.asc [ 18039 ]
        fla Fernando Lopez made changes -
        HD-Enabler Ops - Deploy [ 10907 ]
        HD-Chapter Ops [ 10843 ]
        fla Fernando Lopez made changes -
        Fix Version/s 2021 [ 12600 ]


          • Assignee:
            danieles Daniele Santoro
            danieles Daniele Santoro
          • Votes:
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue


            • Created: