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  1. Help-Desk
  2. HELP-4017

FIWARE.Request.Lab.Trento.Assistance for (FI-Adopt) FAIRVILLAGE


    • Type: extRequest
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Done
    • Fix Version/s: 2021
    • Component/s: FIWARE-LAB-HELP
    • Labels:
    • HD-Node:


      Questions from Fairvillage project (Fi-adopt SME)

      After getting an error in trying to launch a Blueprint template, I realized that I hadn't set the minimum and maximum number of instances of Tiers.
      But I get an error if I try to change the number of instances of a Tier when updating it; I can set them only when creating a new Tier.
      Error updating tier ResourceMapPoi. Cause: 403 Error

      {"message":"The environment is being used by an instance#1nlz1onm9cqme1tld7netwcc74","code":40}

      However, I get an error even if I try to delete a Tier to create it anew.
      Error deleting Tier.. Cause: 403 Error

      {"message":"The environment is being used by an instance#9u3y638btjfp1exja5enmnta1","code":40}

      ANSWER5: This question is better asked to the Fiware Lab help team. I will create a ticket, but next time you can send these type of questions directly to fiware-lab-help@lists.fi-ware.org to get faster response.

      I added Python 2.7.5 to "Software in instance" to an instace based on base_ubuntu_14.04; while it was installing, I realized that release
      2.7.6 was already present.
      Now in the left pane (installed software) I read "Python 2.7.5 UNINSTALLED", and cant drag it to completely remove it. Is this OK?
      ANSWER6. Again, this is best asked to fiware-lab-help. Iw ill add it to the ticket.

      PS - at this moment our VM is not reachable from the Internet (; yesterday or Saturday it was OK.


      1. blueprint_instance_2.png
        55 kB
      2. blueprint_instance.png
        105 kB
      3. Installed_software.png
        68 kB
      4. template_creation.png
        94 kB

        Issue Links


          ichulani ilknur chulani created issue -
          ichulani ilknur chulani made changes -
          Field Original Value New Value
          Link This issue clones HELC-994 [ HELC-994 ]
          ichulani ilknur chulani made changes -
          Project Help-Coaches-Desk [ 10926 ] Help-Desk [ 10841 ]
          Key HELC-995 HELP-4017
          Issue Type extRequest [ 10104 ] eRequest [ 10101 ]
          Workflow FW extRequest Workflow-II [ 35285 ] FW eRequest Workflow [ 35285 ]
          Component/s FIWARE-LAB-HELP [ 10279 ]
          Component/s FI-ADOPT [ 10361 ]
          FI-WARE Environment FI-LAB [ 10100 ]
          ichulani ilknur chulani made changes -
          Assignee ilknur chulani [ ilknur.chulani ] Pietropaolo Alfonso [ alfopietro ]
          ichulani ilknur chulani added a comment -

          Dear lab team, could you kindly help Giovanni and his team with these questions? Thanks..

          ichulani ilknur chulani added a comment - Dear lab team, could you kindly help Giovanni and his team with these questions? Thanks..
          ichulani ilknur chulani made changes -
          Description Dear Giovanni,

          Sorry for the late response, I just had the chance to go through your questions. I am hoping you heard back from the node team in the meanwhile. In case you didn't, below are some answers.

          Btw, for future requests, we recommend you to contact the following support channels to get a more timely response:

          - for fiware lab questions: fiware-lab-help@lists.fi-ware.org
          - for general questions : fiware-general-help@lists.fi-ware.org
          - for GE related questions: fiware-tech-help@lists.fi-ware.org

          - if you have other inquiries or need help escalating an issue: fiware-fiadopt-coaching@lists.fi-ware.org (this is the support channel our team is monitoring)

          Hope this helps. Kind regards,


          -----Original Message-----
          From: Giovanni Toffoli - LINK [mailto:toffoli@linkroma.it]
          Sent: Monday, August 31, 2015 2:16 PM
          To: Trento Node Team
          Cc: Chulani, Ilknur; Mariarosaria Manco - LINK
          Subject: Problems and questions from the FI-Adopt FAIRVILLAGE sub-project

          after using our FI-Lab account a few days during this month, we have a miscellaneous list of problems and questions.
          Could you please tell me which aren't of your competence, so that I can send them to the fiware-lab@lists.fi-ware.org mailing list? Thanks.

          Coming from a relatively trivial use of individual VMs at AWS and DigitalOcean, we are still trying to understand how different are the VMs of FI-Lab and which opportunities the use of Blueprint templates e software Tiers can offer.
          On the FI-Ware websites we found many slide-style presentations on the FI-Lab (how to do), but no systematic and detailed documentation of its features (what they precisely are); it doesn't exist or it is hidden somewhere?

          ANSWER1: Maybe you already saw these, but here are some info on Fiware Lab that could help you:
          Fiware academy courses on cloud hosting: https://edu.fiware.org/course/category.php?id=4
          Main lab help page: http://help.lab.fiware.org/
          Architecture of cloud hosting chapter: http://forge.fiware.org/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/Cloud_Hosting_Architecture
          infographic on Fiware Lab: http://infographic.lab.fiware.org/
          quick starting guide: https://www.fiware.org/devguides/hosting-your-application-on-a-fiware-cloud/
          Webinar on fiware lab: http://stream.global.dit.upm.es/videos/fi-ware/Webinar_31_3_2014-02.mp4

          2. LEARNING HANDS-ON
          We are trying to learn hands-on, by creating and destroying VMs, Blueprints and Tiers.
          Is this OK? You confirm that the only constraints are those concerning the amount of resources (# of cores, memory and disk size, 1 floating
          IP) ? ?
          ANSWER2: Yes, this is ok. Btw, there are also constraints with the number of VMs. You can see all constraints here: http://forge.fiware.org/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/FIWARE_Lab:_Upgrade_to_Community_Account#What_are_the_default_quotas.3F

          3. OBJECT MEMORY
          We know that the Object Memory GE isn't available yet at the Trento node; for which date it is planned?
          ANSWER3: Trento node team can answer this better, but I will also inquire.

          4. NO FI-WARE GEs IN THE SOFTWARE CATALOG I've read on a forum post that some GEs cannot be added to a Tier in a Blueprint template, but only to a plain VM; do you confirm?
          However, if I currently edit the "Software in instance" (Installed software), in the software catalog I find only 9 common OS packages (python, php, node, git ..), no FI-Ware GEs.
          What is the difference between getting software from the FI-Lab software catalog and getting it from GitHub or installing it with apt-get, python pip, aso ?
          ANSWER4: In theory, all GEs should be available in all forms over the FIWARE Lab. But this is not yet the case for all GEs. You need to check the info in the "instances" & "creating instances" tabs in the pages for the GEs you are interested in , in the FIWARE catalogue:
          The difference is, on fiware lab, you have the options of :
          1-using the global instances of GEs
          2-creating dedicated instances of GEs through VM images or blueprint templates
          3-creating VMs from scratch with the OS, etc flabors you like plus adding GEs on top easily
          If you just download the GEs from github, you need to build, deploy etc. everything from scratch without the help of VMs, templates, etc..
          Btw, soon enough we will also add support for "Docker", i.e. for deploying GEs easily in Fiware Lab, or on your own machines. This is something currently being worked on by the FIWARE team.

          After getting an error in trying to launch a Blueprint template, I realized that I hadn't set the minimum and maximum number of instances of Tiers.
          But I get an error if I try to change the number of instances of a Tier when updating it; I can set them only when creating a new Tier.
             Error updating tier ResourceMapPoi. Cause: 403 Error
             {"message":"The environment is being used by an instance#1nlz1onm9cqme1tld7netwcc74","code":40}
          However, I get an error even if I try to delete a Tier to create it anew.
             Error deleting Tier.. Cause: 403 Error
             {"message":"The environment is being used by an instance#9u3y638btjfp1exja5enmnta1","code":40}
          ANSWER5: This question is better asked to the Fiware Lab help team. I will create a ticket, but next time you can send these type of questions directly to fiware-lab-help@lists.fi-ware.org to get faster response.

          I added Python 2.7.5 to "Software in instance" to an instace based on base_ubuntu_14.04; while it was installing, I realized that release
          2.7.6 was already present.
          Now in the left pane (installed software) I read "Python 2.7.5 UNINSTALLED", and cant drag it to completely remove it. Is this OK?
          ANSWER6. Again, this is best asked to fiware-lab-help. Iw ill add it to the ticket.

          Thank you very much in advance!
          Best regards, Giovanni

          PS - at this moment our VM is not reachable from the Internet (; yesterday or Saturday it was OK.
          ANSWER7: do you still have this issue? If you do, please send a request to fiware-lab-help@lists.fi-ware.org to get support.
          Giovanni Toffoli, FI-Adopt FAIRVILLAGE sub-project CEO, LINK srl - Via Udine 30, 00161 Roma
          +39 06 44231115, +39 340 0727780

          Thanks again for your interest in FIWARE.

          Kind regards,


          Bu mesaj ve ekleri gönderilen kişiye özeldir ve gizli bilgiler içerebilir. Eğer mesajın gönderilmek istendiği kişi değilseniz lütfen kopyalamayınız, başkalarına göndermeyiniz ve göndericiyi bilgilendiriniz. Internet üzerinden gönderilen mesajların güvenli ve hatasız olduğunun garantisi olmadığından Atos grubu mesajın içeriğinden sorumlu tutulamaz. Göndericinin bilgisayarı anti-virüs sistemleri tarafından taranmaktadır, ancak yine de mesajın virüs içermediği garanti edilemez ve gönderici, meydana gelebilecek zararlardan sorumlu tutulamaz.

          This e-mail and the documents attached are confidential and intended solely for the addressee; it may also be privileged. If you receive this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and destroy it. As its integrity cannot be secured on the Internet, the Atos group liability cannot be triggered for the message content. Although the sender endeavors to maintain a computer virus-free network, the sender does not warrant that this transmission is virus-free and will not be liable for any damages resulting from any virus transmitted.
          Fiware-fiadopt-coaching mailing list
          Questions from Fairvillage project (Fi-adopt SME)

          After getting an error in trying to launch a Blueprint template, I realized that I hadn't set the minimum and maximum number of instances of Tiers.
          But I get an error if I try to change the number of instances of a Tier when updating it; I can set them only when creating a new Tier.
             Error updating tier ResourceMapPoi. Cause: 403 Error
             {"message":"The environment is being used by an instance#1nlz1onm9cqme1tld7netwcc74","code":40}
          However, I get an error even if I try to delete a Tier to create it anew.
             Error deleting Tier.. Cause: 403 Error
             {"message":"The environment is being used by an instance#9u3y638btjfp1exja5enmnta1","code":40}
          ANSWER5: This question is better asked to the Fiware Lab help team. I will create a ticket, but next time you can send these type of questions directly to fiware-lab-help@lists.fi-ware.org to get faster response.

          I added Python 2.7.5 to "Software in instance" to an instace based on base_ubuntu_14.04; while it was installing, I realized that release
          2.7.6 was already present.
          Now in the left pane (installed software) I read "Python 2.7.5 UNINSTALLED", and cant drag it to completely remove it. Is this OK?
          ANSWER6. Again, this is best asked to fiware-lab-help. Iw ill add it to the ticket.

          PS - at this moment our VM is not reachable from the Internet (; yesterday or Saturday it was OK.

          ichulani ilknur chulani added a comment -

          The original user this request originated from is:
          'Giovanni Toffoli - LINK' <toffoli@linkroma.it>

          Could you kindly include him in your reply? thanks,


          ichulani ilknur chulani added a comment - The original user this request originated from is: 'Giovanni Toffoli - LINK' <toffoli@linkroma.it> Could you kindly include him in your reply? thanks, ilknur
          alfopietro Pietropaolo Alfonso added a comment -

          The issue has been emailed:

          • Time sent: 08/Sep/15 3:12 PM
          • To: toffoli@linkroma.it
          • with subject: *(HELP-4017) Assistance for (FI-Adopt) FAIRVILLAGE *

          Dear user,
          which is the node you are working on?

          alfopietro Pietropaolo Alfonso added a comment - The issue has been emailed: Time sent: 08/Sep/15 3:12 PM To: toffoli@linkroma.it with subject: *( HELP-4017 ) Assistance for (FI-Adopt) FAIRVILLAGE * Dear user, which is the node you are working on?
          alfopietro Pietropaolo Alfonso made changes -
          Status Open [ 1 ] Answered [ 10104 ]
          ichulani ilknur chulani added a comment -

          Dear Alfonso,

          They are on the Trento node.

          Best regards,


          ichulani ilknur chulani added a comment - Dear Alfonso, They are on the Trento node. Best regards, ilknur
          alfopietro Pietropaolo Alfonso added a comment -

          Dear Trento Node could you help this user?

          alfopietro Pietropaolo Alfonso added a comment - Dear Trento Node could you help this user?
          alfopietro Pietropaolo Alfonso made changes -
          Assignee Pietropaolo Alfonso [ alfopietro ] Trento Node Team [ trentonodeteam ]
          fw.ext.user FW External User added a comment -

          As Ilknur already wrote, we are on the Trento node.
          The connectivity problem mentioned in my original message was a
          temporary one.
          Best regards, Giovanni

          Giovanni Toffoli, CEO
          LINK srl - Via Udine 30, 00161 Roma
          +39 06 44231115, +39 340 0727780

          fw.ext.user FW External User added a comment - As Ilknur already wrote, we are on the Trento node. The connectivity problem mentioned in my original message was a temporary one. Best regards, Giovanni – Giovanni Toffoli, CEO LINK srl - Via Udine 30, 00161 Roma +39 06 44231115, +39 340 0727780
          TrentoNodeTeam Trento Node Team added a comment -

          Hi all,

          We can ping the VM
          Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
          Reply from bytes=32 time=6ms TTL=58
          Reply from bytes=32 time=3ms TTL=58

          and it is also reachable by keypair created by the user,

          $ ssh root@
          Permission denied (publickey).


          TrentoNodeTeam Trento Node Team added a comment - Hi all, We can ping the VM Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=6ms TTL=58 Reply from bytes=32 time=3ms TTL=58 and it is also reachable by keypair created by the user, $ ssh root@ Permission denied (publickey). BR TrentoNodeTeam
          TrentoNodeTeam Trento Node Team added a comment -

          Hi all,

          We are investigating about the creation/use of blueprints. We are in contact with Spain node responsible people to fix the issue.

          Anyway, from the error message seems that you are trying to update or cancel a tier from a blueprint that is already launched. it is not possible if there is an instance of that blueprint template launched.

          Trento Node Team

          TrentoNodeTeam Trento Node Team added a comment - Hi all, We are investigating about the creation/use of blueprints. We are in contact with Spain node responsible people to fix the issue. Anyway, from the error message seems that you are trying to update or cancel a tier from a blueprint that is already launched. it is not possible if there is an instance of that blueprint template launched. BR Trento Node Team
          henar Henar Muñoz added a comment -

          If a blueprint instance has been created from a blueprint template, it is not possible to update or delete the template or any tier. You need firstly to delete the blueprint instance and after that you could edit or delete the template.

          Yes. It shows the sofware status, which is uninstalled.

          henar Henar Muñoz added a comment - Hi 1. UPDATING AND DELETING TIERS If a blueprint instance has been created from a blueprint template, it is not possible to update or delete the template or any tier. You need firstly to delete the blueprint instance and after that you could edit or delete the template. 2. UNINSTALLING SOFTWARE IN INSTANCE Yes. It shows the sofware status, which is uninstalled.
          TrentoNodeTeam Trento Node Team added a comment -

          Hi all,

          I have just created a blueprint template, and then launch an instance of this template.
          In the template I just added in the Tier the following software:
          *StreamOriented 4.4.2
          *cep 3.2.0

          The deploy terminated with success also the launch of the instance ( attached the screenshots of the result ).

          Could you please retry and provide us feedback on how it goes.

          Trento Node Team

          TrentoNodeTeam Trento Node Team added a comment - Hi all, I have just created a blueprint template, and then launch an instance of this template. In the template I just added in the Tier the following software: *StreamOriented 4.4.2 *cep 3.2.0 The deploy terminated with success also the launch of the instance ( attached the screenshots of the result ). Could you please retry and provide us feedback on how it goes. BR Genci Trento Node Team
          TrentoNodeTeam Trento Node Team made changes -
          Attachment template_creation.png [ 18061 ]
          Attachment Installed_software.png [ 18062 ]
          Attachment blueprint_instance_2.png [ 18063 ]
          Attachment blueprint_instance.png [ 18064 ]
          TrentoNodeTeam Trento Node Team added a comment -

          Hi all,
          User provided positive feedback, ticket will be closed.

          Trento Node Team

          TrentoNodeTeam Trento Node Team added a comment - Hi all, User provided positive feedback, ticket will be closed. BR Trento Node Team
          TrentoNodeTeam Trento Node Team made changes -
          Resolution Done [ 10000 ]
          Status Answered [ 10104 ] Done [ 10000 ]
          mev Manuel Escriche made changes -
          Workflow FW eRequest Workflow [ 35286 ] FW extRequest Workflow-II [ 41046 ]
          Status Done [ 10000 ] Closed [ 6 ]
          Issue Type eRequest [ 10101 ] extRequest [ 10104 ]
          mev Manuel Escriche made changes -
          HD-Node Trento [ 10923 ]
          backlogmanager Backlog Manager made changes -
          Summary Assistance for (FI-Adopt) FAIRVILLAGE FIWARE.Request.Lab.Trento.Assistance for (FI-Adopt) FAIRVILLAGE
          fla Fernando Lopez made changes -
          Fix Version/s 2021 [ 12600 ]
          Transition Time In Source Status Execution Times Last Executer Last Execution Date
          Open Open Answered Answered
          3d 22h 31m 1 Pietropaolo Alfonso 08/Sep/15 3:12 PM
          Answered Answered Done Done
          8d 54m 1 Trento Node Team 16/Sep/15 4:07 PM
          Done Done Closed Closed
          117d 18h 3m 1 Manuel Escriche 12/Jan/16 9:10 AM


            • Assignee:
              TrentoNodeTeam Trento Node Team
              ichulani ilknur chulani
            • Votes:
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue


              • Created: