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  1. Help-Desk
  2. HELP-3548

FIWARE.Request.Tech.Data.CEP.Issue with CEP instance on Fi-Lab


    • Type: extRequest
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Done
    • Fix Version/s: 2021
    • Component/s: FIWARE-TECH-HELP
    • Labels:


      The issue was closed as per user's email:
      "Regarding the error mentioned.

      On the response message I recieved from sending the previous email, checking stackoverflow.com was sugested. I should have done that earlier, but turns out it was one of the few places I checked.

      The issue is revealed as DoSAttack2 definition's output consumers needing to have the file path stated in an absolute form and not relative.

      I assumed it was an working example, or perhaps someother uptdate or issue made a relative path reference not work.
      For reference: '/opt/tomcat10/sample/DoSAttack_TrafficReport.txt' works as the value for Filename parameter of the consumer and './sample/DoSAttack_TrafficReport.txt' doesnt work.

      So CEP now writes to output files as desired. There will be no need to proceed with the help ticket."

      In the past days I've been trying to make an instance of cep-r3.3.3-img work as expected in Fi-Lab. The issue I'm having is that the proton server is not writing to the output files in '/opt/tomcat10/sample/' as demonstrated in the tutorial in Topic 3 of CEP's course in edu.fiware.org, when trying the DoSAttak2 definition.

      As an endgoal application, I will want to have CEP send a rest report to an email service, that will use the values to send a template mail to a given email, and recieving values through a rest push from another application. So reading and writing from server files is just an intermediate test stage.
      To describe and recreate this issue I created a new instance of this image in my fi-lab account and, with no changes to the instance, I use Postman service to http the following verbs to the server:

      GET http://

      {ip}:{port}/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/instances/ProtonOnWebServer - Response: 200 OK, with the url for the definition as DoSAttack, not the desired DoSAttack2
      PUT http://{ip}


      {port}/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/instances/ProtonOnWebServer > Body: {"action": "ChangeDefinitions","definitions-url": "/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/definitions/DoSAttack2"} To change the definition being used to the one that is tested in the tutorial.
      GET http://{ip}:{port}

      /ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/instances/ProtonOnWebServer - Response: 200 OK, with the url for the definition as DoSAttack2. (to check the instance is using the correct definition)
      At this point I ssh into the instance and check the report file on '/opt/tomcat10/sample/DoSAttack_TrafficReport.txt' with vi command. It contains the three example entries, as shown in the attached file. I also check '/opt/tomcat10/sample/DoSAttack_PredictedCrash.txt'. It contains the example report riggered by the three example values. Then, I send some values myself, with post verb:POST http://

      {ip}:{port}/ProtonOnWebServer/rest/events > Body: {"Name": "TrafficReport", "volume":"10"} (All POSTs and PUTs take a header with Content-Type:application/json) I check again the report file and find no entries with the value of "volume":"10". Only the tree example entries.
      To test it even further I send 4 more POSTs with values of 11, 25, 55, 115. This should trigger the Predicted cCrash event and write to the file DoSAttack_PredictedCrash.txt as well. I check both files and no new entries are visible. I made more tries, but no deal. By checking catalina.out I can see that the Expected Crash event was indeed triggered in the run of the 4 eventes above and passed to proton runtime, but not on next tests.____
      After several tries and also checking catalina.out log file (all seems normal) I sent an email to Tali Haham (below),contact person given in the CEPs catalogue.fiware page, with a brief description of the issue. She sugested stopping and starting tomact.
      To do this, on the same instance as above, I check the server is ok with Postman:GET http://{ip}


      {port}/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/instances/ProtonOnWebServerEverything is ok, so I access the folder '/opt/tomcat10/bin' through ssh and try to use the command '# sh shutdown.sh' to stop tomcat. I get a message that this can't be done because nor JAVA_HOME nor JRE_HOME environment valiables are defined. So I execute the following commands as root:
      # export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.6.0_33 # export PATH="$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin"
      I don't know if this is the correct/best way to do it, but shutdown of tomcat is successful. I restart it with # sh startup.sh.
      Then I tried to perform the same GET on the server to see if the application is ok and now it responds: 500 with body: 'Could not read instance state, message: null/webapps/ProtonOnWebServer/Proton.properties (No such file or directory), stack trace: [Ljava.lang.StackTraceElement;@247510e7'

      Because of that, I log in to the tomcat at 8080 port, into the manager, with the credentials available in the file '/opt/tomcat10/conf/tomcat-users.xml '. I stop and start all 4 applications pertaining proton, 2 authoring tool and 2 of the server.
      After this, I still can't get a 200 OK from the the Server, because it can't read the instance state.
      Some other verbs work, like GET http://{ip}:{port}

      /ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/definitions, to check the definitions available. I'm also able do POST more values with OK response, but no new entry shows up on the files. But, because I can't check what definition is beeing used, I can't tell if the restart did work.

      ____I also tried to just stop and start the 4 applications in tomcat in another instance, but it didn't work. It still didn't wrote to the files.
      I still have some other things to try, including stopping the 4 applications before shuting down and starting tomcat.
      If that doesn't work I will also try to install a VM on my computer with tomcat and proton and work locally, which I would eventually do. Because catalina.out contains all actions performed on tomcat since the original image was created and configured, including the execution of the examples, I will try and study it to se if I'm missing something as well.

      Perhaps it's something very simple that I'm missing.

      Thank you,

      Arthur Vieira

      To: arthurmvieira@hotmail.com
      CC: FABIANA@il.ibm.com
      Subject: Re: Issue with CEP instance on Fi-Lab
      From: TALI@il.ibm.com
      Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2015 11:51:08 -0500

      Hello Arthur,

      Usually this is a problem with the file
      path. Please stop and start tomcat (directly, not through the rest api).

      You can also take a look at the tomcat
      log file (catalina.out under <tomcat installation dir>/logs ) and
      see if there are error there.

      If you still have a problem, please
      write it with all the details, and with the log file attachment to fiware-tech-help@lists.fi-ware.org
      this way, FIWARE will open a ticket to handle it, and it will be assigned
      to my colleague that is replacing me during those months as a contact point
      for the CEP in FIWARE.

      Best regards,


      Tali Yatzkar Haham

      Smart Decision Solutions

      IBM Haifa Research Lab, Israel

      tali@il.ibm.com 972-4-8296320

      Arthur Vieira <arthurmvieira@hotmail.com>

      Tali Yatzkar-Haham/Haifa/IBM@IBMIL

      08/07/2015 11:34 AM

      Issue with CEP
      instance on Fi-Lab


      Recently I've been trying to work with CEP, using Fi-Lab's image cep-r3.3.3-img.
      After configuring the Cloud's instance (details below), I get good ssh
      access and am able to use Postman to test DoSAttack2. What I find is that
      I can't get the example DoSAttack2 to write to the files in the /sample
      directory, when trying to recreate what is done in the example given in
      the CEP tutorial, in Topic 3 of edu.fiware.org.

      By using Postman I send the verbs:

      -GET, url: <ip>/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/instances/ProtonOnWebServer,
      and get OK 200 with state "started" and definitions-url "/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/definitions/DoSAttack2"

      -GET, url: <ip>/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/definitions, and
      get the 'name' and 'url' for DoSAttack and DoSAttack2 (currently the only
      2 projects in the repository).

      -POST, url <ip>/ProtonOnWebServer/rest/events,
      with the body content:


      to test the DoSAttack2. I get OK 200.

      So it should have worked. To check, I access the server through ssh and
      check the file '/opt/tomcat10/sample/DoSAttack_TrafficReport.txt' for a
      new input. What I get is that the file doesn't get altered. No new entry.

      Sending several POSTs in a row with increasing values of 10,100,1000, doesn't
      alter neither files DoSAttack_TrafficReport.txt nor DoSAttack_PredictedCrash.txt.

      So maybe I'm missing something.


      Fi-Lab's Cloud Configuration:- node: Spain

      • Security group with ports 22, 80, 8080 and 8686.
      • Flavour: Medium - 4096 RAM | 2 VCPU | 40GB Disk


      If you need more information, please let
      me know.

      Thank you,


      Fiware-tech-help mailing list

      [Created via e-mail received from: Arthur Vieira <arthurmvieira@hotmail.com>]

      1. catalina.out
        155 kB
        FW External User


        fw.ext.user FW External User created issue -
        fw.ext.user FW External User added a comment -

        Regarding the error mentioned.

        On the response message I recieved from sending the previous email, checking stackoverflow.com was sugested. I should have done that earlier, but turns out it was one of the few places I checked.

        The issue is revealed as DoSAttack2 definition's output consumers needing to have the file path stated in an absolute form and not relative.

        I assumed it was an working example, or perhaps someother uptdate or issue made a relative path reference not work.For reference: '/opt/tomcat10/sample/DoSAttack_TrafficReport.txt' works as the value for Filename parameter of the consumer and './sample/DoSAttack_TrafficReport.txt' doesnt work.
        So CEP now writes to output files as desired. There will be no need to proceed with the help ticket.

        Thank you,


        From: arthurmvieira@hotmail.com
        To: fiware-tech-help@lists.fi-ware.org
        Subject: Issue with CEP instance on Fi-Lab
        Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2015 14:15:26 +0000

        In the past days I've been trying to make an instance of cep-r3.3.3-img work as expected in Fi-Lab. The issue I'm having is that the proton server is not writing to the output files in '/opt/tomcat10/sample/' as demonstrated in the tutorial in Topic 3 of CEP's course in edu.fiware.org, when trying the DoSAttak2 definition.

        As an endgoal application, I will want to have CEP send a rest report to an email service, that will use the values to send a template mail to a given email, and recieving values through a rest push from another application. So reading and writing from server files is just an intermediate test stage.
        To describe and recreate this issue I created a new instance of this image in my fi-lab account and, with no changes to the instance, I use Postman service to http the following verbs to the server:

        GET http://

        {ip}:{port}/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/instances/ProtonOnWebServer - Response: 200 OK, with the url for the definition as DoSAttack, not the desired DoSAttack2
        PUT http://{ip}


        {port}/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/instances/ProtonOnWebServer > Body: {"action": "ChangeDefinitions","definitions-url": "/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/definitions/DoSAttack2"} To change the definition being used to the one that is tested in the tutorial.
        GET http://{ip}:{port}

        /ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/instances/ProtonOnWebServer - Response: 200 OK, with the url for the definition as DoSAttack2. (to check the instance is using the correct definition)
        At this point I ssh into the instance and check the report file on '/opt/tomcat10/sample/DoSAttack_TrafficReport.txt' with vi command. It contains the three example entries, as shown in the attached file. I also check '/opt/tomcat10/sample/DoSAttack_PredictedCrash.txt'. It contains the example report riggered by the three example values. Then, I send some values myself, with post verb:POST http://

        {ip}:{port}/ProtonOnWebServer/rest/events > Body: {"Name": "TrafficReport", "volume":"10"} (All POSTs and PUTs take a header with Content-Type:application/json) I check again the report file and find no entries with the value of "volume":"10". Only the tree example entries.
        To test it even further I send 4 more POSTs with values of 11, 25, 55, 115. This should trigger the Predicted cCrash event and write to the file DoSAttack_PredictedCrash.txt as well. I check both files and no new entries are visible. I made more tries, but no deal. By checking catalina.out I can see that the Expected Crash event was indeed triggered in the run of the 4 eventes above and passed to proton runtime, but not on next tests.____
        After several tries and also checking catalina.out log file (all seems normal) I sent an email to Tali Haham (below),contact person given in the CEPs catalogue.fiware page, with a brief description of the issue. She sugested stopping and starting tomact.
        To do this, on the same instance as above, I check the server is ok with Postman:GET http://{ip}


        {port}/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/instances/ProtonOnWebServerEverything is ok, so I access the folder '/opt/tomcat10/bin' through ssh and try to use the command '# sh shutdown.sh' to stop tomcat. I get a message that this can't be done because nor JAVA_HOME nor JRE_HOME environment valiables are defined. So I execute the following commands as root:
        # export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.6.0_33 # export PATH="$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin"
        I don't know if this is the correct/best way to do it, but shutdown of tomcat is successful. I restart it with # sh startup.sh.
        Then I tried to perform the same GET on the server to see if the application is ok and now it responds: 500 with body: 'Could not read instance state, message: null/webapps/ProtonOnWebServer/Proton.properties (No such file or directory), stack trace: [Ljava.lang.StackTraceElement;@247510e7'

        Because of that, I log in to the tomcat at 8080 port, into the manager, with the credentials available in the file '/opt/tomcat10/conf/tomcat-users.xml '. I stop and start all 4 applications pertaining proton, 2 authoring tool and 2 of the server.
        After this, I still can't get a 200 OK from the the Server, because it can't read the instance state.
        Some other verbs work, like GET http://{ip}:{port}

        /ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/definitions, to check the definitions available. I'm also able do POST more values with OK response, but no new entry shows up on the files. But, because I can't check what definition is beeing used, I can't tell if the restart did work.

        ____I also tried to just stop and start the 4 applications in tomcat in another instance, but it didn't work. It still didn't wrote to the files.
        I still have some other things to try, including stopping the 4 applications before shuting down and starting tomcat.
        If that doesn't work I will also try to install a VM on my computer with tomcat and proton and work locally, which I would eventually do. Because catalina.out contains all actions performed on tomcat since the original image was created and configured, including the execution of the examples, I will try and study it to se if I'm missing something as well.

        Perhaps it's something very simple that I'm missing.

        Thank you,

        Arthur Vieira

        To: arthurmvieira@hotmail.com
        CC: FABIANA@il.ibm.com
        Subject: Re: Issue with CEP instance on Fi-Lab
        From: TALI@il.ibm.com
        Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2015 11:51:08 -0500

        Hello Arthur,

        Usually this is a problem with the file
        path. Please stop and start tomcat (directly, not through the rest api).

        You can also take a look at the tomcat
        log file (catalina.out under <tomcat installation dir>/logs ) and
        see if there are error there.

        If you still have a problem, please
        write it with all the details, and with the log file attachment to fiware-tech-help@lists.fi-ware.org
        this way, FIWARE will open a ticket to handle it, and it will be assigned
        to my colleague that is replacing me during those months as a contact point
        for the CEP in FIWARE.

        Best regards,


        Tali Yatzkar Haham

        Smart Decision Solutions

        IBM Haifa Research Lab, Israel

        tali@il.ibm.com 972-4-8296320

        Arthur Vieira <arthurmvieira@hotmail.com>

        Tali Yatzkar-Haham/Haifa/IBM@IBMIL

        08/07/2015 11:34 AM

        Issue with CEP
        instance on Fi-Lab


        Recently I've been trying to work with CEP, using Fi-Lab's image cep-r3.3.3-img.
        After configuring the Cloud's instance (details below), I get good ssh
        access and am able to use Postman to test DoSAttack2. What I find is that
        I can't get the example DoSAttack2 to write to the files in the /sample
        directory, when trying to recreate what is done in the example given in
        the CEP tutorial, in Topic 3 of edu.fiware.org.

        By using Postman I send the verbs:

        -GET, url: <ip>/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/instances/ProtonOnWebServer,
        and get OK 200 with state "started" and definitions-url "/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/definitions/DoSAttack2"

        -GET, url: <ip>/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/definitions, and
        get the 'name' and 'url' for DoSAttack and DoSAttack2 (currently the only
        2 projects in the repository).

        -POST, url <ip>/ProtonOnWebServer/rest/events,
        with the body content:


        to test the DoSAttack2. I get OK 200.

        So it should have worked. To check, I access the server through ssh and
        check the file '/opt/tomcat10/sample/DoSAttack_TrafficReport.txt' for a
        new input. What I get is that the file doesn't get altered. No new entry.

        Sending several POSTs in a row with increasing values of 10,100,1000, doesn't
        alter neither files DoSAttack_TrafficReport.txt nor DoSAttack_PredictedCrash.txt.

        So maybe I'm missing something.


        Fi-Lab's Cloud Configuration:- node: Spain

        • Security group with ports 22, 80, 8080 and 8686.
        • Flavour: Medium - 4096 RAM | 2 VCPU | 40GB Disk


        If you need more information, please let
        me know.

        Thank you,


        fw.ext.user FW External User added a comment - Regarding the error mentioned. On the response message I recieved from sending the previous email, checking stackoverflow.com was sugested. I should have done that earlier, but turns out it was one of the few places I checked. The issue is revealed as DoSAttack2 definition's output consumers needing to have the file path stated in an absolute form and not relative. I assumed it was an working example, or perhaps someother uptdate or issue made a relative path reference not work.For reference: '/opt/tomcat10/sample/DoSAttack_TrafficReport.txt' works as the value for Filename parameter of the consumer and './sample/DoSAttack_TrafficReport.txt' doesnt work. So CEP now writes to output files as desired. There will be no need to proceed with the help ticket. Thank you, Arthur From: arthurmvieira@hotmail.com To: fiware-tech-help@lists.fi-ware.org Subject: Issue with CEP instance on Fi-Lab Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2015 14:15:26 +0000 Hello, In the past days I've been trying to make an instance of cep-r3.3.3-img work as expected in Fi-Lab. The issue I'm having is that the proton server is not writing to the output files in '/opt/tomcat10/sample/' as demonstrated in the tutorial in Topic 3 of CEP's course in edu.fiware.org, when trying the DoSAttak2 definition. As an endgoal application, I will want to have CEP send a rest report to an email service, that will use the values to send a template mail to a given email, and recieving values through a rest push from another application. So reading and writing from server files is just an intermediate test stage. To describe and recreate this issue I created a new instance of this image in my fi-lab account and, with no changes to the instance, I use Postman service to http the following verbs to the server: GET http:// {ip}:{port}/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/instances/ProtonOnWebServer - Response: 200 OK, with the url for the definition as DoSAttack, not the desired DoSAttack2 PUT http://{ip} : {port}/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/instances/ProtonOnWebServer > Body: {"action": "ChangeDefinitions","definitions-url": "/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/definitions/DoSAttack2"} To change the definition being used to the one that is tested in the tutorial. GET http://{ip}: {port} /ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/instances/ProtonOnWebServer - Response: 200 OK, with the url for the definition as DoSAttack2. (to check the instance is using the correct definition) At this point I ssh into the instance and check the report file on '/opt/tomcat10/sample/DoSAttack_TrafficReport.txt' with vi command. It contains the three example entries, as shown in the attached file. I also check '/opt/tomcat10/sample/DoSAttack_PredictedCrash.txt'. It contains the example report riggered by the three example values. Then, I send some values myself, with post verb:POST http:// {ip}:{port}/ProtonOnWebServer/rest/events > Body: {"Name": "TrafficReport", "volume":"10"} (All POSTs and PUTs take a header with Content-Type:application/json) I check again the report file and find no entries with the value of "volume":"10". Only the tree example entries. To test it even further I send 4 more POSTs with values of 11, 25, 55, 115. This should trigger the Predicted cCrash event and write to the file DoSAttack_PredictedCrash.txt as well. I check both files and no new entries are visible. I made more tries, but no deal. By checking catalina.out I can see that the Expected Crash event was indeed triggered in the run of the 4 eventes above and passed to proton runtime, but not on next tests.____ After several tries and also checking catalina.out log file (all seems normal) I sent an email to Tali Haham (below),contact person given in the CEPs catalogue.fiware page, with a brief description of the issue. She sugested stopping and starting tomact. To do this, on the same instance as above, I check the server is ok with Postman:GET http://{ip} : {port}/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/instances/ProtonOnWebServerEverything is ok, so I access the folder '/opt/tomcat10/bin' through ssh and try to use the command '# sh shutdown.sh' to stop tomcat. I get a message that this can't be done because nor JAVA_HOME nor JRE_HOME environment valiables are defined. So I execute the following commands as root: # export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.6.0_33 # export PATH="$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin" I don't know if this is the correct/best way to do it, but shutdown of tomcat is successful. I restart it with # sh startup.sh. Then I tried to perform the same GET on the server to see if the application is ok and now it responds: 500 with body: 'Could not read instance state, message: null/webapps/ProtonOnWebServer/Proton.properties (No such file or directory), stack trace: [Ljava.lang.StackTraceElement;@247510e7' Because of that, I log in to the tomcat at 8080 port, into the manager, with the credentials available in the file '/opt/tomcat10/conf/tomcat-users.xml '. I stop and start all 4 applications pertaining proton, 2 authoring tool and 2 of the server. After this, I still can't get a 200 OK from the the Server, because it can't read the instance state. Some other verbs work, like GET http://{ip}: {port} /ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/definitions, to check the definitions available. I'm also able do POST more values with OK response, but no new entry shows up on the files. But, because I can't check what definition is beeing used, I can't tell if the restart did work. ____I also tried to just stop and start the 4 applications in tomcat in another instance, but it didn't work. It still didn't wrote to the files. I still have some other things to try, including stopping the 4 applications before shuting down and starting tomcat. If that doesn't work I will also try to install a VM on my computer with tomcat and proton and work locally, which I would eventually do. Because catalina.out contains all actions performed on tomcat since the original image was created and configured, including the execution of the examples, I will try and study it to se if I'm missing something as well. Perhaps it's something very simple that I'm missing. Thank you, Arthur Vieira To: arthurmvieira@hotmail.com CC: FABIANA@il.ibm.com Subject: Re: Issue with CEP instance on Fi-Lab From: TALI@il.ibm.com Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2015 11:51:08 -0500 Hello Arthur, Usually this is a problem with the file path. Please stop and start tomcat (directly, not through the rest api). You can also take a look at the tomcat log file (catalina.out under <tomcat installation dir>/logs ) and see if there are error there. If you still have a problem, please write it with all the details, and with the log file attachment to fiware-tech-help@lists.fi-ware.org this way, FIWARE will open a ticket to handle it, and it will be assigned to my colleague that is replacing me during those months as a contact point for the CEP in FIWARE. Best regards, Tali Tali Yatzkar Haham Smart Decision Solutions IBM Haifa Research Lab, Israel tali@il.ibm.com 972-4-8296320 From: Arthur Vieira <arthurmvieira@hotmail.com> To: Tali Yatzkar-Haham/Haifa/IBM@IBMIL Date: 08/07/2015 11:34 AM Subject: Issue with CEP instance on Fi-Lab Hello, Recently I've been trying to work with CEP, using Fi-Lab's image cep-r3.3.3-img. After configuring the Cloud's instance (details below), I get good ssh access and am able to use Postman to test DoSAttack2. What I find is that I can't get the example DoSAttack2 to write to the files in the /sample directory, when trying to recreate what is done in the example given in the CEP tutorial, in Topic 3 of edu.fiware.org. By using Postman I send the verbs: -GET, url: <ip>/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/instances/ProtonOnWebServer, and get OK 200 with state "started" and definitions-url "/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/definitions/DoSAttack2" -GET, url: <ip>/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/definitions, and get the 'name' and 'url' for DoSAttack and DoSAttack2 (currently the only 2 projects in the repository). -POST, url <ip>/ProtonOnWebServer/rest/events, with the body content: {"Name":"TrafficReport","volume":"10"} , to test the DoSAttack2. I get OK 200. So it should have worked. To check, I access the server through ssh and check the file '/opt/tomcat10/sample/DoSAttack_TrafficReport.txt' for a new input. What I get is that the file doesn't get altered. No new entry. Sending several POSTs in a row with increasing values of 10,100,1000, doesn't alter neither files DoSAttack_TrafficReport.txt nor DoSAttack_PredictedCrash.txt. So maybe I'm missing something. --------------------- Fi-Lab's Cloud Configuration:- node: Spain Security group with ports 22, 80, 8080 and 8686. Flavour: Medium - 4096 RAM | 2 VCPU | 40GB Disk --------------------- If you need more information, please let me know. Thank you, Arthur
        mev Manuel Escriche made changes -
        Field Original Value New Value
        Component/s FIWARE-TECH-HELP [ 10278 ]
        mev Manuel Escriche made changes -
        Assignee Tali Yatzkar Haham [ tali ]
        TALI Fabiana Fournier made changes -
        Description Hello,
        In the past days I've been trying to make an instance of cep-r3.3.3-img work as expected in Fi-Lab. The issue I'm having is that the proton server is not writing to the output files in '/opt/tomcat10/sample/' as demonstrated in the tutorial in Topic 3 of CEP's course in edu.fiware.org, when trying the DoSAttak2 definition.

        As an endgoal application, I will want to have CEP send a rest report to an email service, that will use the values to send a template mail to a given email, and recieving values through a rest push from another application. So reading and writing from server files is just an intermediate test stage.
        To describe and recreate this issue I created a new instance of this image in my fi-lab account and, with no changes to the instance, I use Postman service to http the following verbs to the server:

        GET http://{ip}:{port}/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/instances/ProtonOnWebServer - Response: 200 OK, with the url for the definition as DoSAttack, not the desired DoSAttack2
        PUT http://{ip}:{port}/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/instances/ProtonOnWebServer > Body: {"action": "ChangeDefinitions","definitions-url": "/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/definitions/DoSAttack2"} To change the definition being used to the one that is tested in the tutorial.
        GET http://{ip}:{port}/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/instances/ProtonOnWebServer - Response: 200 OK, with the url for the definition as DoSAttack2. (to check the instance is using the correct definition)
             At this point I ssh into the instance and check the report file on '/opt/tomcat10/sample/DoSAttack_TrafficReport.txt' with vi command. It contains the three example entries, as shown in the attached file. I also check '/opt/tomcat10/sample/DoSAttack_PredictedCrash.txt'. It contains the example report riggered by the three example values. Then, I send some values myself, with post verb:POST http://{ip}:{port}/ProtonOnWebServer/rest/events > Body: {"Name": "TrafficReport", "volume":"10"} (All POSTs and PUTs take a header with Content-Type:application/json) I check again the report file and find no entries with the value of "volume":"10". Only the tree example entries.
             To test it even further I send 4 more POSTs with values of 11, 25, 55, 115. This should trigger the Predicted cCrash event and write to the file DoSAttack_PredictedCrash.txt as well. I check both files and no new entries are visible. I made more tries, but no deal. By checking catalina.out I can see that the Expected Crash event was indeed triggered in the run of the 4 eventes above and passed to proton runtime, but not on next tests.____
             After several tries and also checking catalina.out log file (all seems normal) I sent an email to Tali Haham (below),contact person given in the CEPs catalogue.fiware page, with a brief description of the issue. She sugested stopping and starting tomact.
        To do this, on the same instance as above, I check the server is ok with Postman:GET http://{ip}:{port}/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/instances/ProtonOnWebServerEverything is ok, so I access the folder '/opt/tomcat10/bin' through ssh and try to use the command '# sh shutdown.sh' to stop tomcat. I get a message that this can't be done because nor JAVA_HOME nor JRE_HOME environment valiables are defined. So I execute the following commands as root:
         # export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.6.0_33 # export PATH="$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin"
        I don't know if this is the correct/best way to do it, but shutdown of tomcat is successful. I restart it with # sh startup.sh.
        Then I tried to perform the same GET on the server to see if the application is ok and now it responds: 500 with body: 'Could not read instance state, message: null/webapps/ProtonOnWebServer/Proton.properties (No such file or directory), stack trace: [Ljava.lang.StackTraceElement;@247510e7'

        Because of that, I log in to the tomcat at 8080 port, into the manager, with the credentials available in the file '/opt/tomcat10/conf/tomcat-users.xml '. I stop and start all 4 applications pertaining proton, 2 authoring tool and 2 of the server.
        After this, I still can't get a 200 OK from the the Server, because it can't read the instance state.
        Some other verbs work, like GET http://{ip}:{port}/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/definitions, to check the definitions available. I'm also able do POST more values with OK response, but no new entry shows up on the files. But, because I can't check what definition is beeing used, I can't tell if the restart did work.

        ____I also tried to just stop and start the 4 applications in tomcat in another instance, but it didn't work. It still didn't wrote to the files.
        I still have some other things to try, including stopping the 4 applications before shuting down and starting tomcat.
        If that doesn't work I will also try to install a VM on my computer with tomcat and proton and work locally, which I would eventually do. Because catalina.out contains all actions performed on tomcat since the original image was created and configured, including the execution of the examples, I will try and study it to se if I'm missing something as well.

        Perhaps it's something very simple that I'm missing.

        Thank you,

        Arthur Vieira

        To: arthurmvieira@hotmail.com
        CC: FABIANA@il.ibm.com
        Subject: Re: Issue with CEP instance on Fi-Lab
        From: TALI@il.ibm.com
        Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2015 11:51:08 -0500

        Hello Arthur,

        Usually this is a problem with the file
        path. Please stop and start tomcat (directly, not through the rest api).

        You can also take a look at the tomcat
        log file (catalina.out under <tomcat installation dir>/logs ) and
        see if there are error there.

        If you still have a problem, please
        write it with all the details, and with the log file attachment to fiware-tech-help@lists.fi-ware.org
        this way, FIWARE will open a ticket to handle it, and it will be assigned
        to my colleague that is replacing me during those months as a contact point
        for the CEP in FIWARE.

        Best regards,


        Tali Yatzkar Haham

        Smart Decision Solutions

        IBM Haifa Research Lab, Israel

        tali@il.ibm.com 972-4-8296320


         Arthur Vieira <arthurmvieira@hotmail.com>

         Tali Yatzkar-Haham/Haifa/IBM@IBMIL

         08/07/2015 11:34 AM

           Issue with CEP
        instance on Fi-Lab


        Recently I've been trying to work with CEP, using Fi-Lab's image cep-r3.3.3-img.
        After configuring the Cloud's instance (details below), I get good ssh
        access and am able to use Postman to test DoSAttack2. What I find is that
        I can't get the example DoSAttack2 to write to the files in the /sample
        directory, when trying to recreate what is done in the example given in
        the CEP tutorial, in Topic 3 of edu.fiware.org.

        By using Postman I send the verbs:

        -GET, url: <ip>/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/instances/ProtonOnWebServer,
        and get OK 200 with state "started" and definitions-url "/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/definitions/DoSAttack2"

        -GET, url: <ip>/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/definitions, and
        get the 'name' and 'url' for DoSAttack and DoSAttack2 (currently the only
        2 projects in the repository).

        -POST, url <ip>/ProtonOnWebServer/rest/events,
        with the body content: {"Name":"TrafficReport","volume":"10"},
        to test the DoSAttack2. I get OK 200.

        So it should have worked. To check, I access the server through ssh and
        check the file '/opt/tomcat10/sample/DoSAttack_TrafficReport.txt' for a
        new input. What I get is that the file doesn't get altered. No new entry.

        Sending several POSTs in a row with increasing values of 10,100,1000, doesn't
        alter neither files DoSAttack_TrafficReport.txt nor DoSAttack_PredictedCrash.txt.

        So maybe I'm missing something.


        Fi-Lab's Cloud Configuration:- node: Spain

        - Security group with ports 22, 80, 8080 and 8686.

        - Flavour: Medium - 4096 RAM | 2 VCPU | 40GB Disk


        If you need more information, please let
        me know.

        Thank you,


        Fiware-tech-help mailing list

        [Created via e-mail received from: Arthur Vieira <arthurmvieira@hotmail.com>]
        The issue was closed as per user's email:
        "Regarding the error mentioned.

        On the response message I recieved from sending the previous email, checking stackoverflow.com was sugested. I should have done that earlier, but turns out it was one of the few places I checked.

        The issue is revealed as DoSAttack2 definition's output consumers needing to have the file path stated in an absolute form and not relative.

        I assumed it was an working example, or perhaps someother uptdate or issue made a relative path reference not work.
        For reference: '/opt/tomcat10/sample/DoSAttack_TrafficReport.txt' works as the value for Filename parameter of the consumer and './sample/DoSAttack_TrafficReport.txt' doesnt work.

        So CEP now writes to output files as desired. There will be no need to proceed with the help ticket."

        In the past days I've been trying to make an instance of cep-r3.3.3-img work as expected in Fi-Lab. The issue I'm having is that the proton server is not writing to the output files in '/opt/tomcat10/sample/' as demonstrated in the tutorial in Topic 3 of CEP's course in edu.fiware.org, when trying the DoSAttak2 definition.

        As an endgoal application, I will want to have CEP send a rest report to an email service, that will use the values to send a template mail to a given email, and recieving values through a rest push from another application. So reading and writing from server files is just an intermediate test stage.
        To describe and recreate this issue I created a new instance of this image in my fi-lab account and, with no changes to the instance, I use Postman service to http the following verbs to the server:

        GET http://{ip}:{port}/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/instances/ProtonOnWebServer - Response: 200 OK, with the url for the definition as DoSAttack, not the desired DoSAttack2
        PUT http://{ip}:{port}/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/instances/ProtonOnWebServer > Body: {"action": "ChangeDefinitions","definitions-url": "/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/definitions/DoSAttack2"} To change the definition being used to the one that is tested in the tutorial.
        GET http://{ip}:{port}/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/instances/ProtonOnWebServer - Response: 200 OK, with the url for the definition as DoSAttack2. (to check the instance is using the correct definition)
             At this point I ssh into the instance and check the report file on '/opt/tomcat10/sample/DoSAttack_TrafficReport.txt' with vi command. It contains the three example entries, as shown in the attached file. I also check '/opt/tomcat10/sample/DoSAttack_PredictedCrash.txt'. It contains the example report riggered by the three example values. Then, I send some values myself, with post verb:POST http://{ip}:{port}/ProtonOnWebServer/rest/events > Body: {"Name": "TrafficReport", "volume":"10"} (All POSTs and PUTs take a header with Content-Type:application/json) I check again the report file and find no entries with the value of "volume":"10". Only the tree example entries.
             To test it even further I send 4 more POSTs with values of 11, 25, 55, 115. This should trigger the Predicted cCrash event and write to the file DoSAttack_PredictedCrash.txt as well. I check both files and no new entries are visible. I made more tries, but no deal. By checking catalina.out I can see that the Expected Crash event was indeed triggered in the run of the 4 eventes above and passed to proton runtime, but not on next tests.____
             After several tries and also checking catalina.out log file (all seems normal) I sent an email to Tali Haham (below),contact person given in the CEPs catalogue.fiware page, with a brief description of the issue. She sugested stopping and starting tomact.
        To do this, on the same instance as above, I check the server is ok with Postman:GET http://{ip}:{port}/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/instances/ProtonOnWebServerEverything is ok, so I access the folder '/opt/tomcat10/bin' through ssh and try to use the command '# sh shutdown.sh' to stop tomcat. I get a message that this can't be done because nor JAVA_HOME nor JRE_HOME environment valiables are defined. So I execute the following commands as root:
         # export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.6.0_33 # export PATH="$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin"
        I don't know if this is the correct/best way to do it, but shutdown of tomcat is successful. I restart it with # sh startup.sh.
        Then I tried to perform the same GET on the server to see if the application is ok and now it responds: 500 with body: 'Could not read instance state, message: null/webapps/ProtonOnWebServer/Proton.properties (No such file or directory), stack trace: [Ljava.lang.StackTraceElement;@247510e7'

        Because of that, I log in to the tomcat at 8080 port, into the manager, with the credentials available in the file '/opt/tomcat10/conf/tomcat-users.xml '. I stop and start all 4 applications pertaining proton, 2 authoring tool and 2 of the server.
        After this, I still can't get a 200 OK from the the Server, because it can't read the instance state.
        Some other verbs work, like GET http://{ip}:{port}/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/definitions, to check the definitions available. I'm also able do POST more values with OK response, but no new entry shows up on the files. But, because I can't check what definition is beeing used, I can't tell if the restart did work.

        ____I also tried to just stop and start the 4 applications in tomcat in another instance, but it didn't work. It still didn't wrote to the files.
        I still have some other things to try, including stopping the 4 applications before shuting down and starting tomcat.
        If that doesn't work I will also try to install a VM on my computer with tomcat and proton and work locally, which I would eventually do. Because catalina.out contains all actions performed on tomcat since the original image was created and configured, including the execution of the examples, I will try and study it to se if I'm missing something as well.

        Perhaps it's something very simple that I'm missing.

        Thank you,

        Arthur Vieira

        To: arthurmvieira@hotmail.com
        CC: FABIANA@il.ibm.com
        Subject: Re: Issue with CEP instance on Fi-Lab
        From: TALI@il.ibm.com
        Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2015 11:51:08 -0500

        Hello Arthur,

        Usually this is a problem with the file
        path. Please stop and start tomcat (directly, not through the rest api).

        You can also take a look at the tomcat
        log file (catalina.out under <tomcat installation dir>/logs ) and
        see if there are error there.

        If you still have a problem, please
        write it with all the details, and with the log file attachment to fiware-tech-help@lists.fi-ware.org
        this way, FIWARE will open a ticket to handle it, and it will be assigned
        to my colleague that is replacing me during those months as a contact point
        for the CEP in FIWARE.

        Best regards,


        Tali Yatzkar Haham

        Smart Decision Solutions

        IBM Haifa Research Lab, Israel

        tali@il.ibm.com 972-4-8296320


         Arthur Vieira <arthurmvieira@hotmail.com>

         Tali Yatzkar-Haham/Haifa/IBM@IBMIL

         08/07/2015 11:34 AM

           Issue with CEP
        instance on Fi-Lab


        Recently I've been trying to work with CEP, using Fi-Lab's image cep-r3.3.3-img.
        After configuring the Cloud's instance (details below), I get good ssh
        access and am able to use Postman to test DoSAttack2. What I find is that
        I can't get the example DoSAttack2 to write to the files in the /sample
        directory, when trying to recreate what is done in the example given in
        the CEP tutorial, in Topic 3 of edu.fiware.org.

        By using Postman I send the verbs:

        -GET, url: <ip>/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/instances/ProtonOnWebServer,
        and get OK 200 with state "started" and definitions-url "/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/definitions/DoSAttack2"

        -GET, url: <ip>/ProtonOnWebServerAdmin/resources/definitions, and
        get the 'name' and 'url' for DoSAttack and DoSAttack2 (currently the only
        2 projects in the repository).

        -POST, url <ip>/ProtonOnWebServer/rest/events,
        with the body content: {"Name":"TrafficReport","volume":"10"},
        to test the DoSAttack2. I get OK 200.

        So it should have worked. To check, I access the server through ssh and
        check the file '/opt/tomcat10/sample/DoSAttack_TrafficReport.txt' for a
        new input. What I get is that the file doesn't get altered. No new entry.

        Sending several POSTs in a row with increasing values of 10,100,1000, doesn't
        alter neither files DoSAttack_TrafficReport.txt nor DoSAttack_PredictedCrash.txt.

        So maybe I'm missing something.


        Fi-Lab's Cloud Configuration:- node: Spain

        - Security group with ports 22, 80, 8080 and 8686.

        - Flavour: Medium - 4096 RAM | 2 VCPU | 40GB Disk


        If you need more information, please let
        me know.

        Thank you,


        Fiware-tech-help mailing list

        [Created via e-mail received from: Arthur Vieira <arthurmvieira@hotmail.com>]
        TALI Fabiana Fournier made changes -
        Status Open [ 1 ] In Progress [ 3 ]
        TALI Fabiana Fournier added a comment -

        the user found the error by himself

        TALI Fabiana Fournier added a comment - the user found the error by himself
        TALI Fabiana Fournier made changes -
        Status In Progress [ 3 ] Closed [ 6 ]
        Resolution Done [ 10000 ]
        TALI Fabiana Fournier made changes -
        Summary [Fiware-tech-help] Issue with CEP instance on Fi-Lab FIWARE.Request.Lab.Data.CEP.Issue with CEP instance on Fi-Lab
        mev Manuel Escriche made changes -
        Summary FIWARE.Request.Lab.Data.CEP.Issue with CEP instance on Fi-Lab FIWARE.Request.Tech.Data.CEP.Issue with CEP instance on Fi-Lab
        mev Manuel Escriche made changes -
        mev Manuel Escriche made changes -
        HD-Enabler CEP [ 10869 ]
        HD-Chapter Data [ 10838 ]
        fla Fernando Lopez made changes -
        Fix Version/s 2021 [ 12600 ]
        Transition Time In Source Status Execution Times Last Executer Last Execution Date
        Open Open In Progress In Progress
        22h 5m 1 Fabiana Fournier 13/Jul/15 2:21 PM
        In Progress In Progress Closed Closed
        31s 1 Fabiana Fournier 13/Jul/15 2:21 PM


          • Assignee:
            TALI Fabiana Fournier
            fw.ext.user FW External User
          • Votes:
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue


            • Created: