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  1. Help-Desk
  2. HELP-3093

FIWARE.Request.Lab.Budapest.CLONE - Problem with Budapest instance authentication


    • Type: extRequest
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Done
    • Fix Version/s: 2021
    • Component/s: FIWARE-LAB-HELP
    • Labels:
    • HD-Node:


      Reporting a question from CEED Tech team:

      _I'm not able to manage them [VMs] using the command line open stack tools. I found a pdf (FIWARE Lab for developers) and followed the instructions (setting up the environment variables according to it), but I'm getting a 401 "The request you have made requires authentication.".

      I've even tried just using the keystoneclient, also as a library, plainly for doing an authentication request and nothing else. The credentials are sent to the server, but the response I get is as above. I suspect it's a configuration error or a documentation bug and indeed by following the documentation I end up using the wrong parameters. Here's what I'm trying:

      • the OS_ variables are set to:
      • the actual json content that goes out (when trying from the python shell):
        Unknown macro: {'tenantName'}


      • the response I get (the content of the http response):
        {u'error': {u'message': u'The request you have made requires authentication.', u'code': 401, u'title': u'Unauthorized'}}_

        Issue Links


          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni created issue -
          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni made changes -
          Field Original Value New Value
          Link This issue clones HELC-729 [ HELC-729 ]
          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni made changes -
          Project Help-Coaches-Desk [ 10926 ] Help-Desk [ 10841 ]
          Key HELC-773 HELP-3093
          Component/s FIWARE-LAB-HELP [ 10279 ]
          Component/s CEED Tech [ 10356 ]
          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni added a comment -

          Can you please handle this question?
          Please refer to HELC-729 for the original ticket.
          Thank you very much for your attention.

          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni added a comment - Hello, Can you please handle this question? Please refer to HELC-729 for the original ticket. Thank you very much for your attention. BR, Marco
          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni made changes -
          Assignee Marco Terrinoni [ consoft_coach ] Budapest Node Helpdesk [ wigner ]
          sandor Sándor Laki added a comment -

          Hi Marco,

          I've just checked our site with the command line tools and worked with my account.
          I would kindly ask you to execute the CLI tools with --debug option and send me the output (after removing the password from it). And please send us which nova/neutron commands are not working.
          I tried the following commands:
          nova list
          neutron net-list


          sandor Sándor Laki added a comment - Hi Marco, I've just checked our site with the command line tools and worked with my account. I would kindly ask you to execute the CLI tools with --debug option and send me the output (after removing the password from it). And please send us which nova/neutron commands are not working. I tried the following commands: nova list neutron net-list Best, Sandor
          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni added a comment -

          Thank you Sandor.
          I'm going to forward your answer to the requesting user.

          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni added a comment - Thank you Sandor. I'm going to forward your answer to the requesting user. BR, Marco
          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni added a comment -

          Hello Sandor,
          The following is the output of the command you requested in your last message, just provided by the user:

          $ nova --debug list
          DEBUG (session:195) REQ: curl -g -i -X GET http://cloud.lab.fi-ware.org:4730/v2.0 -H "Accept: application/json" -H "User-Agent: python-keystoneclient"
          INFO (connectionpool:203) Starting new HTTP connection (1): cloud.lab.fi-ware.org
          DEBUG (connectionpool:383) "GET /v2.0 HTTP/1.1" 200 431
          DEBUG (session:224) RESP: [200] date: Wed, 03 Jun 2015 18:36:16 GMT vary: X-Auth-Token content-length: 431 content-type: application/json connection: close
          RESP BODY: {"version": {"status": "stable", "updated": "2014-04-17T00:00:00Z", "media-types": [

          {"base": "application/json", "type": "application/vnd.openstack.identity-v2.0+json"}


          {"base": "application/xml", "type": "application/vnd.openstack.identity-v2.0+xml"}

          ], "id": "v2.0", "links": [

          {"href": "http://cloud.lab.fi-ware.org:4730/v2.0/", "rel": "self"}


          {"href": "http://docs.openstack.org/", "type": "text/html", "rel": "describedby"}


          DEBUG (v2:76) Making authentication request to http://cloud.lab.fi-ware.org:4730/v2.0/tokens
          INFO (connectionpool:238) Resetting dropped connection: cloud.lab.fi-ware.org
          DEBUG (connectionpool:383) "POST /v2.0/tokens HTTP/1.1" 401 114
          DEBUG (session:400) Request returned failure status: 401
          DEBUG (shell:819) The request you have made requires authentication. (HTTP 401)
          Traceback (most recent call last):
          File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/novaclient/shell.py", line 816, in main
          File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/novaclient/shell.py", line 743, in main
          args.func(self.cs, args)
          File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/novaclient/v2/shell.py", line 1381, in do_list
          File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/novaclient/v2/servers.py", line 600, in list
          return self._list("/servers%s%s" % (detail, query_string), "servers")
          File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/novaclient/base.py", line 64, in _list
          _resp, body = self.api.client.get(url)
          File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/adapter.py", line 170, in get
          return self.request(url, 'GET', **kwargs)
          File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/novaclient/client.py", line 102, in request
          File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/adapter.py", line 206, in request
          resp = super(LegacyJsonAdapter, self).request(*args, **kwargs)
          File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/adapter.py", line 95, in request
          return self.session.request(url, method, **kwargs)
          File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/utils.py", line 318, in inner
          return func(*args, **kwargs)
          File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/session.py", line 313, in request
          auth_headers = self.get_auth_headers(auth)
          File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/session.py", line 604, in get_auth_headers
          return auth.get_headers(self, **kwargs)
          File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/auth/base.py", line 114, in get_headers
          token = self.get_token(session)
          File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/auth/identity/base.py", line 105, in get_token
          return self.get_access(session).auth_token
          File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/auth/identity/base.py", line 145, in get_access
          self.auth_ref = self.get_auth_ref(session)
          File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/auth/identity/generic/base.py", line 176, in get_auth_ref
          return self._plugin.get_auth_ref(session, **kwargs)
          File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/auth/identity/v2.py", line 78, in get_auth_ref
          authenticated=False, log=False)
          File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/session.py", line 503, in post
          return self.request(url, 'POST', **kwargs)
          File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/utils.py", line 318, in inner
          return func(*args, **kwargs)
          File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/session.py", line 401, in request
          raise exceptions.from_response(resp, method, url)
          Unauthorized: The request you have made requires authentication. (HTTP 401)
          ERROR (Unauthorized): The request you have made requires authentication. (HTTP 401)

          Thank you for your attention.


          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni added a comment - Hello Sandor, The following is the output of the command you requested in your last message, just provided by the user: $ nova --debug list DEBUG (session:195) REQ: curl -g -i -X GET http://cloud.lab.fi-ware.org:4730/v2.0 -H "Accept: application/json" -H "User-Agent: python-keystoneclient" INFO (connectionpool:203) Starting new HTTP connection (1): cloud.lab.fi-ware.org DEBUG (connectionpool:383) "GET /v2.0 HTTP/1.1" 200 431 DEBUG (session:224) RESP: [200] date: Wed, 03 Jun 2015 18:36:16 GMT vary: X-Auth-Token content-length: 431 content-type: application/json connection: close RESP BODY: {"version": {"status": "stable", "updated": "2014-04-17T00:00:00Z", "media-types": [ {"base": "application/json", "type": "application/vnd.openstack.identity-v2.0+json"} , {"base": "application/xml", "type": "application/vnd.openstack.identity-v2.0+xml"} ], "id": "v2.0", "links": [ {"href": "http://cloud.lab.fi-ware.org:4730/v2.0/", "rel": "self"} , {"href": "http://docs.openstack.org/", "type": "text/html", "rel": "describedby"} ]}} DEBUG (v2:76) Making authentication request to http://cloud.lab.fi-ware.org:4730/v2.0/tokens INFO (connectionpool:238) Resetting dropped connection: cloud.lab.fi-ware.org DEBUG (connectionpool:383) "POST /v2.0/tokens HTTP/1.1" 401 114 DEBUG (session:400) Request returned failure status: 401 DEBUG (shell:819) The request you have made requires authentication. (HTTP 401) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/novaclient/shell.py", line 816, in main OpenStackComputeShell().main(argv) File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/novaclient/shell.py", line 743, in main args.func(self.cs, args) File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/novaclient/v2/shell.py", line 1381, in do_list sort_dirs=sort_dirs) File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/novaclient/v2/servers.py", line 600, in list return self._list("/servers%s%s" % (detail, query_string), "servers") File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/novaclient/base.py", line 64, in _list _resp, body = self.api.client.get(url) File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/adapter.py", line 170, in get return self.request(url, 'GET', **kwargs) File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/novaclient/client.py", line 102, in request **kwargs) File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/adapter.py", line 206, in request resp = super(LegacyJsonAdapter, self).request(*args, **kwargs) File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/adapter.py", line 95, in request return self.session.request(url, method, **kwargs) File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/utils.py", line 318, in inner return func(*args, **kwargs) File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/session.py", line 313, in request auth_headers = self.get_auth_headers(auth) File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/session.py", line 604, in get_auth_headers return auth.get_headers(self, **kwargs) File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/auth/base.py", line 114, in get_headers token = self.get_token(session) File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/auth/identity/base.py", line 105, in get_token return self.get_access(session).auth_token File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/auth/identity/base.py", line 145, in get_access self.auth_ref = self.get_auth_ref(session) File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/auth/identity/generic/base.py", line 176, in get_auth_ref return self._plugin.get_auth_ref(session, **kwargs) File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/auth/identity/v2.py", line 78, in get_auth_ref authenticated=False, log=False) File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/session.py", line 503, in post return self.request(url, 'POST', **kwargs) File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/utils.py", line 318, in inner return func(*args, **kwargs) File "/home/atleta/Work/PsychAsk/devel/tech-eval/fiware/filab/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/session.py", line 401, in request raise exceptions.from_response(resp, method, url) Unauthorized: The request you have made requires authentication. (HTTP 401) ERROR (Unauthorized): The request you have made requires authentication. (HTTP 401) Thank you for your attention. BR, Marco
          sandor Sándor Laki added a comment -

          Dear Marco,

          At the time of the issue, there were some instability with the central FIWARE authentication system that may have caused the issue. Is it still open or solved and we can close it?

          Many thanks,

          sandor Sándor Laki added a comment - Dear Marco, At the time of the issue, there were some instability with the central FIWARE authentication system that may have caused the issue. Is it still open or solved and we can close it? Many thanks, Best, Sandor
          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni added a comment -

          Good afternoon Sandor,

          Well, actually they are still waiting for a response...
          In my last comment I forwarded you the output of the command you sent, in order to identify the problem.
          Are you able to get the information you need from my previous comment?
          If not, I can establish a communication between you and the team, in order to speed-up the process.

          Thank you very much for your attention and cooperation.

          Best regards,

          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni added a comment - Good afternoon Sandor, Well, actually they are still waiting for a response... In my last comment I forwarded you the output of the command you sent, in order to identify the problem. Are you able to get the information you need from my previous comment? If not, I can establish a communication between you and the team, in order to speed-up the process. Thank you very much for your attention and cooperation. Best regards, Marco
          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni added a comment -

          I would like to add that since the Budapest node was facing some instabilities we decided to migrate to Spain2 node, but the Startup's team was still unable to access the command line.
          I just sent an email to the Startup, in order to understand if they are still stick with the authentication or if they already solved the problem by asking to the lab-help mailing list.
          Since their account should now be allocated in Spain2 node, I can suggest to close this ticket (or at least assign it to Spain node team), but for the moment, please, stand by; I will send a notification through this issue page.

          Again, thank you very much for your attention and cooperation.

          Best regards,

          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni added a comment - I would like to add that since the Budapest node was facing some instabilities we decided to migrate to Spain2 node, but the Startup's team was still unable to access the command line. I just sent an email to the Startup, in order to understand if they are still stick with the authentication or if they already solved the problem by asking to the lab-help mailing list. Since their account should now be allocated in Spain2 node, I can suggest to close this ticket (or at least assign it to Spain node team), but for the moment, please, stand by; I will send a notification through this issue page. Again, thank you very much for your attention and cooperation. Best regards, Marco
          WIGNER Budapest Node Helpdesk added a comment -

          looking at the ENV variables it seems to me OS_TENANT_NAME is used instead of OS_TENANT_ID

          for me cli work withe following set
          export OS_TENANT_NAME=jozsef-steger
          export OS_TENANT_ID=00000000000000000000000000003796
          export OS_USERNAME=steger.jozsef@wigner.mta.hu
          export OS_AUTH_URL=http://cloud.lab.fiware.org:4730/v2.0/
          export OS_AUTH_STRATEGY=keystone
          export OS_REGION_NAME=Budapest2

          hope it helps,

          WIGNER Budapest Node Helpdesk added a comment - looking at the ENV variables it seems to me OS_TENANT_NAME is used instead of OS_TENANT_ID for me cli work withe following set export OS_TENANT_NAME=jozsef-steger export OS_TENANT_ID=00000000000000000000000000003796 export OS_USERNAME=steger.jozsef@wigner.mta.hu export OS_PASSWORD=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX export OS_AUTH_URL= http://cloud.lab.fiware.org:4730/v2.0/ export OS_AUTH_STRATEGY=keystone export OS_REGION_NAME=Budapest2 hope it helps, Józsi
          sandor Sándor Laki added a comment -

          Can we close this issue?


          sandor Sándor Laki added a comment - Can we close this issue? Best, Sandor
          sandor Sándor Laki made changes -
          Status Open [ 1 ] In Progress [ 3 ]
          sandor Sándor Laki made changes -
          Status In Progress [ 3 ] Answered [ 10104 ]
          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni added a comment -

          I didn't get any answer from the Startup, so I assume they already solved their problem.
          Please, proceed.



          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni added a comment - I didn't get any answer from the Startup, so I assume they already solved their problem. Please, proceed. Thanks. BR, Marco
          sandor Sándor Laki made changes -
          Resolution Done [ 10000 ]
          Status Answered [ 10104 ] Closed [ 6 ]
          mev Manuel Escriche made changes -
          HD-Node Budapest [ 10911 ]
          backlogmanager Backlog Manager made changes -
          Summary CLONE - [Fiware-ceedtech-coaching] Problem with Budapest instance authentication FIWARE.Request.Lab.Budapest.CLONE - Problem with Budapest instance authentication
          fla Fernando Lopez made changes -
          Fix Version/s 2021 [ 12600 ]
          Transition Time In Source Status Execution Times Last Executer Last Execution Date
          Open Open In Progress In Progress
          112d 12h 1 Sándor Laki 15/Sep/15 10:31 AM
          In Progress In Progress Answered Answered
          3s 1 Sándor Laki 15/Sep/15 10:31 AM
          Answered Answered Closed Closed
          3h 16m 1 Sándor Laki 15/Sep/15 1:48 PM


            • Assignee:
              WIGNER Budapest Node Helpdesk
              consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni
            • Votes:
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue


              • Created: